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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. add weight! I can do a single really ugly muscle up, and to train, you need to weight yourself up heavy and be explosive. you'll want to pull about 1.6 of your bodyweight (for me that's 90 extra lb), and then work the transition to the muscle up! Taucer could probably help you way more than I could though regarding badass gymnastic/parkour stuff.
  2. OMG OMG I want to eat at Nando Peri Peri so bad, I don't even care about all the other amazing things to see and do at MAGfest. ;_;
  3. This is great and you have made my afternoon that much better with this album! Thank you guys!
  4. I'm not saying the nutritionist is good or bad, but none of us have enough information to make a worthwhile assessment of their competence. We don't know the reasoning behind the instruction given. I know personally when I am trying to lose weight, I like having a macro-perfect diet that I eat on a schedule, because then I can plan for it and have a bunch of mini-goals. Also, for me, eating smaller meals throughout the day keeps me full and not thinking about food at all, especially if I am doing something more dramatic like a carb cycle, or eating a massive amount of paleo foods.
  5. what is the exact diet? Is the food no good or are you just bored? You said it was nutritionist approved, which seems fine, but what is it exactly?
  6. be safe, bro. I will do my best to be bulky and cut for the both of us. <3
  7. the wall was several Judges, including myself, stepping down. Just not enough qualified peeps to keep it up, though they are working very hard.
  8. woah, yeah totally a missed opportunity there. I am really disappointed in myself. You, however, get full credit for that awesomeness.
  9. I'm pretty dubious about that specific side effect. There has been one clinical study that has been peer reviewed (to my knowledge), and it only showed an increase from a 5% T > DHT conversion (that happens naturally) to a 7.6% conversion during the loading phase, and from there it dropped down to about a 6% conversion. Those actual numbers are similar to a DHT increase from having a lot of sex. I'm definitely not saying go out and take creatine, but make sure you are citing stuff before going all-in on the broscience.
  10. The point is some years are good, some years are not as good, but you always have to be hustling when you are self employed. The other point is that a salary is not the only form of compensation, though it is a decent metric, because eating and having a roof is pretty fulfilling. If your end goal is only to maximize personal revenue, writing music is probably not optimal, but if your end goal is to literally and figuratively ANNIHILATE A FAMOUS COMPOSER AT STREET FIGHTER 2, then you just need to imagine how good it is to be me. Welcome to the League of OA. I personally have had my OCR role diminished recently because of my career, a soon-to-be-kindergarterner, and *NEW* OCR roles, as well as the fact that Larry's opinions have been ridiculous of late.
  11. I wish there was a tier where the reward was Jimmy coming to MAGfest to hang out with us. ;_;
  12. Creatine basically forces your body to store more water in the muscle fibers themselves, meaning you won't get as sore post workouts, and may be able to push yourself a little harder. As Joe said, it is possible to get super dehydrated if you don't drink at least a gallon of water a day, and depending on your goals, it may or may not be decent. If you are going to be doing a ton of volume of high-intensity intervals like wrestling and you aren't prepared to drink even more than a gallon, then skip it. If you are just lifting weights, it's probably fine. Side effects are gaining some water weight. I've been taking it for about 2 months and at my level, gives me a few extra reps on heavier lifts. I am very dubious about any sort of supplements due to the unregulated nature of them, so I spent about 6 months reading up on it before trying it. There are a lot of good (and dry) articles here about it: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=creatine+supplementation+exercise
  13. Go to the gym! Lift heavy things! Actually, before you read any more posts in this thread, do 20 pushups! It's fun!
  14. yeah, as far as stats go, it's pretty sweet, no argument there. What devs need is a userbase to buy their games.
  15. It will never be cool ironically to own an N-gage. Ouya, sure. Andy and I talked briefly about it last night, and while we disagree about the games for the console, I am glad that he enjoys it.
  16. And im pretty sure it will be great; just stating facts on the timeline. It would have been done in 2007 if it had been 1 disc.
  17. Mega-huge projects are better left to the experienced directors, and even then, i'd personally argue that even half of those projects would have been better if way smaller. Personally, unless I absolutely cannot avoid it, I will not direct anything over 1 disc. With 5 Suikodens, there are literally hundreds of source tracks, which is basically insane. I recommend going 1 at a time, and build momentum as you go. Some projects start out way too ambitious and either take 7+ years and counting, or just straight up die. Even with just one Suikoden game at a time, you are looking at a few years of production. I think the sound tracks are incredible and I'd love to hear a Suikoden album, but you will need to get your expectations in line.
  18. Get some sort of squat in there and you are completely set; with a tabata, bodyweight jump lunges would be perfect and require zero gear, and compliment burpees really well. I've done some tabata stuff and it's pretty fun; definitely keeps me interested; other cardio stuff i like is kettlebell circuits, works the posterior chain something fierce!
  19. Training for me is going well, I'm about a month into volume training and seeing tons of gainzzz~~~~ Up to 177lb and 10.4%BF! Bring on the trash talk! Also, for those with small pec sensitivity, don't click this link: Moonlapse doesn't post here much, but he has been kicking ass now that he lives on a ranch and if lifting horses or something. I don't think he'll mind posting this insane shot of him. I will live vicariously through his greatness, and Opeth tattoo! Also him trying to look tough is hilarious. captain badass
  20. thanks everyone, today was awesome, i even got it off work! SCORE!
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