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Everything posted by PassivePretentiousness

  1. the postings from this project will alone bring ocr to 2000 right
  2. Time Time, time We see it tick It is a crime We see the time Are we fated or consummated to slowly die in time? My, eyes They see its death Our debt of crime We're taxed by time. With eyes jaded We're lacerated by the whims of time. My, sight I see my death By whims not mine, But rather time's. Satiated, life eviscerated Time will win in time. say it aloud in a very sing song way.
  3. well obviously it's not tested in court because thankfully no one in the community has been taken to court. the question is what OCR's response would be if taken to court instead of quickly taking the remixes down. if there isn't any you should really be getting explicit support of all copyright holders.
  4. I thought it was predicated on fair use.
  5. atma come back to offtopic we are nothing without you ok we weren't anything with you so whatever.
  6. so where are the pictures of your sister
  7. I meant more along the lines that if there's a minute of original material, the melody plays, another minute of original material, the melody plays again with a lot of interpretation, and a final minute of original material, the song would probably be rejected. Maybe my simplification is too facile, but that is recognizable and probably considered dominant if the original is acting as a refrain, but it isn't connected to the rest of the new material. I cited Rhodes to the Past because if memory serves correct there was concern that it was a sweet intro that had little to do with 600 A.D. acting as virtually the entirety of the arrangement.
  8. but victimizing yourself is so fun and easy. ask zircon I do it all the time. why does everything have to be so zomg.
  9. irc is for communists I don't understand its intricacies. and what I don't understand I hate. i told you before zircon let's be friends
  10. we don't break the rules that actually exist. i was warned once in ppr and that doesn't count. i was warned once after accidentally posting a thread in communism i meant for offtopic and it appeared to be a fad thread when it wasn't. if i wasn't posting in offtopic it would LITERALLY be just atomic dog. do you want that. if certain mods actually want to talk with me in general I am online nightly and always willing to CHAT but some of them are uptight and don't answer im's. :<:<
  11. don't listen to them I donated $2,000 and in return all the annoying people were banned so I could dominate a new forum.
  12. from reading the judge's decision threads it **seems** to me this guideline doesn't go far enough. that is different than "recognizable" or even "dominant". my perception is that a remix must demonstrate some semblance of a connection with the source at all times. instances where this has not been fulfilled entirely have resulted in needed revisions (club showdown), near-rejections (rhodes to the past), and being partially responsible for outright removals (strolling the mines).precise wording as to how you feel on the issue would be helpful above and beyond the clauses in the current draft.
  13. I'll think about it, especially if a dozen or so can make it out and turn it into a meetup
  14. discussing invasions/planning how best screw with people is a lot more trolling than posting nonsense is or making sarcastic remarks.
  15. oh so when there is the a REAL troll/invasion thread it is allowed and endorsed gg
  16. I found it briefly after ocr, much like coors bottles and pregnancy testing thingies, turned blue. I always actually liked it more that way, but that's probably nostalgia talking more than honest judgment.
  17. lolololololololololol
  18. I refuse to listen to them on account of the maker acting like a complete tool.
  19. all this project ever was was an excuse to steal creepy fan art from other sites and show it off. the talent level of offtopic is NOWHERE near that of general discussion even a few years back, and it needs at least that of the latter to do the concept justice. PS2 Emulator!?!?!
  20. I don't see any krono triggar is this eligible for ocr
  21. the wii menu "feels" like a title screen to a video game just as much as an os imo. the songs were indirectly made specifically made for video games. I'd be for letting those mixes through. whatever you choose is cool. those songs aren't anything special anyways.
  22. I forgot why aren't you banned.
  23. 1. new york is big. 2. bahamut is a nice guy irl BUT SCREW YOU MOD lol ok :3 3. walking more than five miles can make a grotesquely large blister even larger and more grotesque. 4. bud lite being $6 at a restaurant is par for the course. 5. there are irl gay animu stores. by that i mean asian entertainment doesn't become less weird just because it is live action. 6. ancient hero by darkesword plays sometimes at the nintendo store. 7. it is a good idea to know where you are going prior to walking a couple miles in any given direction. 8. the lirr sucks because i had to leave a good concert a quarter of the way through to make sure i get home before 2 am. 9. when i post in community while using my blackeberry djp himself pm's me. my pattern recognition skills tell me this will continue indefinitely. discuss. 10. vrit is an outgoing friendly guy irl who giggles like a school girl kinda. and tries to convince me to start remixing. 11. chiptunes do not necessarily suck simply because they are chiptunes. 12. jose the bronx rican vaguely looks like vin diesel 13. eleven hour meetups are exhausting. 14. there are no mudkips dolls at the nintendo store
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