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Everything posted by avaris

  1. I'm on my out the door this morning but I though I'd give you a shout saying this is pretty darn good. You got some really good ideas goin here. Try to implement a lil more give and take between the melody/harmony/rythms. Go dig up sephfire's Shadow of the Colosuss remix for a good example. About the reverb, in my little experience here are two options: 1. Cut the low freq at 300hz. Turn your decay down on the reverb. I found these two things to really clean up the reverb while keeping a similar feel. 2. If you have any type of guitar amp simulator...use it! I have found this to be an awesome effect on natural instruments or sounds you want tons of reverb. It can yield a similar feel without creating any mud. Also using some overdrive(default preset) on the instruments you want to stand out is another good way to vary the soundscape and give some added clarity. Def work on this one and finish it off.
  2. 1. Yes it does work well. It is a fairly user friendly program. It's FX and mastering plugins are pretty darn good. Although it's instruments it comes with, except Sytrus, are not all that great. 2. I use 3 different programs, FL being one of them, Ableton Live and Reason being the others. I know alot of people around here use FL for various reasons... I have never used the stuff that comes with FL to make an entire song. 7. Well Reason itself is prob the most radically different program from all of the others. Each has their own ways of doing things. You can download demos of all of them except cubase (and maybe logic). My advice is try out all of the demos. And don't just try em for 30 mins, really try to get your hands dirty. To be honest I tried Live two times and hated it, the third was a charm. When you are using the programs whichever one gives you the most creative response and the one you have the most fun with is prob the one you should go with. You can only use Logic on a mac. You can only use FL on windows. 4. You can do this in basically all of the programs. You can't do it in Reason, although you could a free program like audacity and edit the mp3 and then change it into a wav file to import it into reason. 5. Unless you really cut up and rearrange a premade part of the song you'll get instantly rejected. All the programs should be able to do this, except Reason (that's what Recycle is for) 6. Honestly if you want something that isn't gonna leave you wanting more plugins/sounds right off the bat I'd def go with Reason. Also Reason on an academic discount is only $199. Reason is also the friendliest CPU wise bar none. Trust me trying to finish a song with ur cpu at 100% sucks major donkey balls. With Reason you wouldn't need any other plugins bc there are none. Seriously though watch videos and stuff for each program, all of them have their own little quirks. Also I'd recommend checking out Project5, it's another program that's fairly good right out of the box, and you can use vst's with it too. Some of zircon's and darkesword's early stuff was done entirely with basic stuff in fl I believe. Blue Magic uses basic free stuff in FL. SGX, Sephfire, Fatty Acid, and Malcos are some of the people who use reason in their songs. Again at the end of the day try out all the programs and pick the one that gives you the best response. Also check around kvraudio.com for more stuff on each program. And check each website for each individual program. Watch the videos they got on their site.
  3. I was a big fan of the original sub and have been listening to it for some time, but after giving this version a fresh listen I really noticed this version has a certain level of polish in the soundscape that wasn't present in the original version. Mad kudos directed towards sephfire for taking a rather repetitious source and breathing 5:38 of life into it with loads of variation to boot. The build-ups; and the relationship between the melodies/harmonies and the rythms are really what making this song good. There is also plenty of ridiculous variation within the forefront and in behind everything else that deserves multiple listens to get the most out of. All in all a damn good song.
  4. Oh "besides that jazz" means "besides my critiques/complaints" this is a damn good song.
  5. hmmm i def think this is a song that def fits your style. The sound quality def sounds off. IMO i think it's a lil bass heavy, I have to stuggle to hear the high notes. On headphones they through a lil better but on speakers the high notes seem to be more muddled. I think the high end needs some added clarity. With this source tune a boost 10khz and above would give this a nice airy feel. If you have any type of generic overdrive or dynamic tube type of plugin I'd try using that on the higher notes. That would give them some clarity while keeping the feel of the low notes intact. Hopefully an actual guitarist chimes in to give you some more specific advice. Besides that jazz this is a damn good song as usual, the melody is beautiful I hope you can find a way to make it stand out more.
  6. Holy crap whatta a tight race, when I voted it was a damn hard vote for the top 3. There were def lots of solid entries in this one.
  7. Even it'll cost ya a lil more after listening to the demo's i'd def go for the Quantum Leap RA. Now I really really wanna buy it...hmmm a 2nd job could only hurt me, but it might be worth it. Ethno World 5gb of samples QL RA 14gb of samples. Also I'd read more about the sample players included. FYI Kontakt2 is about 100x times better than Kompakt. Also for Quantum Leap the 'PLAY' sampler engine sounds like a damn good deal.
  8. Getting back in the mood for FFA for some reason I decided to revisit this remix. This seriously sounds like it came from the movie Blood Sport especially with those panning drums in the intro. Lots of variation and also this plays on alot of the themes from the game. The mix def keeps a good pace and feel the entire time. The build ups and breakdowns and thoughtfully done. Def good stuff.
  9. Holy shite that Visions one is friggin awesome! Wow i really like that one dude. It sounds like is from an anime, more specifically Yuki Kaijura songs. What are you using for the lead at 1:35? Sounds like a violin, but it just has a certain type of texture to it that seems different.
  10. what the music from NOIR was all loops? Kaijura just used loops that weren't her own... I love that soundtrack...who the hell made those loops then? Also mini erhu and dizi are awesome. With the correct manipulation of midi you can pull off some nasty stuff with those.
  11. oh crap i always forget fl doesn't run on macs:sleepdepriv:
  12. Well there is always fl keys for piano? Right click on a channel (if ur on windows...sorry i don't use macs) and go to replce or insert and select fl keys. Although I'd highly recommend 4front piano module. I believe you can download it for free. As for automating (having control) of the different types of sounds with a pad you got two options. 1. One if it's a single instrument like sytrus, you need to find the individual knobs that control the different sounds then right click and automate. Just start moving the different knobs around on sytrus and see how it affects the sound, you know the old guess and check method. EDIT: you can only automate the knobs on the instruments that come with fl studio. 3rd party plugins you can't. 2. If you are using multiple devices to create the pad sound, just right click on the volume knob and select automation clip and then you can control the volume on each of the sounds. If you are using a layer to organize various sounds then click the crossfade button on the layer and play around with those knobs. Also I highly recommend trying completely random shite all the time. You might not create the exact sound you are listening for, but you'll prob end up creating something pretty cool by mistake. Expmerimentation is always the best way to learn IMO.
  13. Good stuff. I think ur starting to develop a reconizable style with smooth beats and elaborate synth design. This is a very loopable mood setting song. It lacks some of the dynamic range in the melody to be an 'album' type of song. Although frankly I don't care as I really like music of this genre. There is something to be said of the subtlety and gradual variations this song possesses. Good stuff home slice.
  14. HOLY SHITE! dude ur not kidding. Are those presets or are you doing further processing?
  15. I should have another update sometime tomorrow.
  16. I completely agree. I usually do all my automation using the knobs on my midi keyboard and then go back and edit any discrepancies. Also with the midi keyboard when ur browsing through searching for sounds just hit a few notes on the keyboard and you can hear the sound. A lot of times I do this while the song is playing, it really helps me to pick out sounds that generall fit with the soundscape. Get something by M-Audio, I think they make the Oxygen ones, and you'll get a free copy of Live Lite (the slimmed down version of Ableton Live) most of the time.
  17. I don't own the strings refill but I've heard mixed things about em. If you know someone who is still a student or works at a school you can get Kontakt2 for $179. (normally $450) http://www.academicsuperstore.com/market/marketdisp.html?PartNo=743394&qk_srch=kontakt+2 You'll get the VSL sample library with Kontakt2. But then again the big samples use up a lot of ram and you'd have use Kontakt 2 in Live or Project5.
  18. Congragufuckinlations dude! Randomly dropping a wedding ring onto ur girl's hand prob def surprised her.
  19. Wow this thread kicks some serious assm thanks for posting all these kick ass fan art pics. Has anyone come across a fan art pic from ICO where it is the two them sitting on the couch together? I don't know if anyone has ever done a pic like that but it would def make for a good one. That mario one is crazy. I like the chrono cross one the best.
  20. The music in Tactics was done by the same guy who did the music in XII. I really enjoyed IV's and VII's soundtracks. Honestly though all of em are incredible. Also anyone hear the intro song for Lost Odyssey...which is done mr Nobou...it friggin owns.
  21. Haha yeah...right after I posted it was like wtf is this. Thanks
  22. I actually have to code it so the user can enter in negative #'s and decimals. For some reason I keep on getting 2 errors saying the 'else' in the smaller if statements don't match anything. I've been looking over the code bout 2 hours and can't solve it. Those are the only two errors I'm getting. if ( Base > 0 ) { if (Power < 0 ) { while (I > Power) { HoldPow = 1 / Power; Value = HoldPow * Base; I = I - 1; } else while (I < Power) { Value = Value * Base; I = I + 1; } } else if (Power < 0) { while (I > Power) { HoldPow = 1 / Power; Value = HoldPow * Base; I = I - 1; } else while (I < Power) { Value = Value * Base; I = I + 1; } } cout << (Value)<< " IT WORKS!!!" << endl << endl; double Value; cout << fixed << setprecision(4) << Value; } I know it has something to do with the {}, but it looks perfectly fine. Of course the computer only does what it tells you to do, so I'm def missing something. Logically it looks like I can account for negative numbers and decimals with this set-up. I am using Visual C++.
  23. I do. Go check out a website by the dude of S.S.H. for some guilty gear remixes. It's in japaneese though...but it's friggin worth it.
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