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Everything posted by avaris

  1. I'll go ahead and take China after thinking about it. I'm already doing some other songs in the same style I would do team USA in. So as long as it's cool with the coordinators I'll sign up for team China.
  2. Why yes...yes I do want in. I didn't know vgmusic actually had midis of half the tracks. Walan wasn't kidding when he said the game had good music...this is not an april fool's joke! I'd like to take Team USA, there is a midi for it on vgmusic but it isn't on the list. I would be using mostly synths, the instruments most native to america would be guitar. Would it be cool if I used synths instead? If Team USA isn't an option I'll take Team China and I def got the instruments for that. If you need to hear some tunes of mine let me know and I'll PM the coordinators.
  3. I'd say go for it, this is awesome. The only I could is maybe a more climatic section added on to the one you alreadu got. But the whole serene feel to this might be ruined. Which, IMO, is the best part about this mix. 4:40 it feels like the jump in volume feeling is a lil too sudden. The judges might get you for over using the cymnals alot. I friggin love that opening cello and want to make sweet love to it.
  4. There could be a sticky in the Gen Disc (Community Thread) for compos. Where the compo leaders could post the current theme/source for their current competition. This would allow people who visit GenDisc to get a heads up on the current compos as well a main stream source of information to help garner participation and voting in the different compos. Just my idea on a method to the madness.
  5. Niiiice:nicework: This is now in the mail. EDIT: Been listening to the demos...I am totally redoing a song of mine now with only stuff from this.
  6. Hell Yeah! This is crazy...uh maybe some chip tunish arpeggios...this is some crazy shitte. When the voices go crazy is the highlight for me during this piece. I vote for the smrpg sad song to be finished next!
  7. Yeah dude some definate improvements. This mix is starting to come together. You got some great composition. Here are some things I'm feeling from it. Because you have piano going the entire time the song is just carrying the same sonic texture the entire time. While the composition is anything but redundant using the same basic sound over and over wears out the listener's interest. Try to find something to play some of the chords instead of the piano sometimes. You do introduce some new leads later on but the piano and snare are ever present. If you the piano in there a lot, then give it some sections where it expands dynamically. You know get it up to C7 range. Also try to really work on changing the velocity levels of the piano to match the changes in feeling of the composition. Cut out some of the low frequencies all around to give the kick and bass it's own space. Watch out you don't overload 200hz to 400hz with sounds. The soundscape feels a lil muddy. You have lots of little sounds goin on all over the place, try to pan more of them hard left and right. This will create more space and also let those individual elements shine more. Structure wise. Get some more climactic sections in here. It feels like your playing in the same range the entire time. I really like the rythms. Try to vary them up a lil more when your melodies complete their thoughts and start up again. Really nice update dude. I'm being really picky about a lot of stuff cause I really like alot of what you have here. Really try to work on mastering this, giving everything it's own sonic space. And also give the climactic sections more of a climactic feel. Def a wicked nice update, keep working on this one.
  8. I would like to welcome you to a whole new world of musical goodness with Live6...it's friggin awesome. I predict a healthy and long lasting relationship. Oh yeah racks def are the shiznite!
  9. Wolf's Rain (easily fits everything you are looking for) RahXephon Elfen Lied Black Lagoon Blood the Last Vampire (it's a short move, prequel to Blood+) Ghost in the Shell SAC Samurai X Trust and Betrayal (prequel to Rurouni Kenshin...usually ranked #1 on any anime website) Samurai X Reflection (ending to Kenshin) Both of the Samurai X ones are movies, although the first one is very long.
  10. Celtic Instruments:)!! About damn time someone is doin a celtic song. This is friggin sweet.
  11. Yeah overclocking is a very iffy thing to do unless you know what your doin. It also requires more power and a really good heatsink and fan.
  12. zomg the last day for the 2nd WIP deadline! We know some people are really busy with school right now and won't be able to update their songs till school calms down, but that's cool. For the WIP's that have came in they kick some serious ass. I'm really liking all the ideas people are coming up with, just keep on rolling with it dudes. When you dudes can, get to the WIP forums and give some feedback on some of the songs. We'll announce the 3rd WIP date in a bit and also give a much need update to the first page.
  13. Yeah I def agree about the sweat melodies, and that the res on the lead can get to a be a lil much later in the song. Still some really impressive composition using chip tunes. Rythms really give the song an xtra layer of sonic goodness. The bass is a lil thin compared to normal songs like RK said, but I def think it's fine the way it is.
  14. I really like what you've done with the piano it sounds awesome. Your piano work sounds pretty killer. The bass line leaves alil more to be desired, it sounds a lil weak. Strings need some work. Overall this is pretty minimalist. I'd say keep the whole minimalist vibe, but introduce some pads to play harmony and some lil FX clips all over the place to give this some extra flavor. I am really liking the piano in this. This is def something to work on and see it through.
  15. I actually think an organ with some delay would go much better than the opening synth. Or layer an organ in with it. Snare overshadows the melody. The melody as is is also too soft in comparison to the soundscape. I'd say turn down the snare and layer it with a brighter brush type snare. Also get another percworking with the snare. Throw a lil reverb on the snare to give it a distant feel. Def like the new breakdown...it's friggin sweet. Structure wise the breakdown carries on a lil too long. Although the ending doesn't feel like an ending. I'd say go for a big climatic ending with the melody trailing out on a higher octave. Overall this has some really good ideas, and everything feels more in sync than the last version. Stucture wise I'd say it's off a lil bit. I love that breakdown in the middle. Def improvements in percussions and overall sound quality. Good to see you back working on this one.
  16. There are the two EQ's and then there is also there is also the vocoder that acts as an EQ. If you want an lp filter just cut out all of the high freq using one of the EQ's. The Maltsrom has built in filters. Just turn the rack around and run the audio signal through the filters. If you are using a malstrom just press the little square boxes and that will route the signal internally through the filters.
  17. Yeah that sucks to go at such a young age. I think it says he was only 15. Some damn fine work on the 2D OOT game. His version of the game looked completely bad ass.
  18. The arguments in the labtop vs desktop are completely valid. If you are going to get a desktop with an idea to upgrade in the future make sure you get a kick ass motherboard. What I usually do is buy a kick ass motherboard and use it for 5 years, upgrading it as time goes by. And once the specs on my motherboard start to become outdated then I get a new motherboard which always entails getting new ram and most likely a new processor. With what you got running under the hood make sure you get at least a 500w power supply. If your goin to end up buying a whole new setup in 2-3 years anyways and are on the go a labtop might be the thing for you. It wouldn't hurt to look at AMD processors either. I was looking at some bench mark tests and an AMD X2 was beating the core2duo in lots of tests, and vice versa. Also I've found an AMD X2 chip that is a model above the AMD X2 chip they used in the bench mark tests that is cheaper than the core2duo. I'm an AMD fanboy so take my comments with a grain of salt, but those are some facts and numbers I came up with while searching the net. Also Vista 32-bit is a big piece of crap that uses up all of your resources for shiny menus, although the 64-bit edition is awesome. If you use Sonar go for the 64-bit edition otherwise just stay with XP. I would def go for something like AVAdirect if you can't build the computer yourself. Dell computers were awesome 5 years ago, but the past 2 years they have went down hill. The hard drives on their current labtops only last 2-3 years. Good luck dude!
  19. The lead at :50 comes in a lil too sharp it really cuts through everything at that point. The song before that point is really chill. Tone down that lead or replace it. You can use it later in the song when things pick up. Also your kick could use some compression and a boost in volume. Where's the bassline? Get a bassline that really moves in sync with the kick and that will really up the quality level of this song. You have some beautiful composition in this. Your sounds are good. Towards later in the song, the feel and momentum kind loose a little steam. Introduce something new in the 2nd half. Maybe a pad with some movement. Or automate some delay in and out on the piano or rythms.
  20. How many Reason 3.0 users do we got? I know there's me and almighty tallest, we could just pass the reason amongst ourselves. Everyone try to add something to it, or improve on different areas. We might collectively be able to finish the song.
  21. Yeah dude when your ready your welcome back anytime. I'll be posting 2 WIP updates sometime today.
  22. I do have something small for a WIP but it isn't worth showing. I've had 4 songs to update for projects in the last month let alone reinstalling my OS 3 times. As soon as some my NI stuff gets reactivated I can put in a lil more work on the WIP and post what I got.
  23. Haha this is awesome. I've recently been going through a lot of the old judge decisions from remixers lookin at the decisions. Some of your first few Phantasy Star mixes got rejected in like 8 word sentences. If your gonna redo any of these redo the lufia one for god sakes, it the song from the fortress of doom. Darangen has remixed it 3 times. My mix for the C2C proj is mainly that theme too, its an incredible source tune. Thanks for sharing these.
  24. Well damn Escariot hit all the points on the vocals. I just have something to add in general. This song really pushes the limits in terms of the octaves your voice can reach. Why don't you sing a full octave lower, and then take a copy of the vocals and transpose them up an octave. Then have both of them goin, you can automate between the two and apply different FX to get to some really cool variations. I don't if doubling the vocals with the higher vocals transposed up an octave will sound good or not but it's just an idea. Another way would be to sing a lower octave then have a synth playing an octave higher. EFields might have to switch up some of the octaves where the instruments but overall this might make for a more well balanced song. Overall I def like the lyrics the the embelishments and flow you put on them in different places.
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