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Everything posted by avaris

  1. I can't thank you guys enough for the info, it takes forever sometimes reading and trying to understand how to put together the pieces of the puzzle.
  2. Oh nice I've been waiting for other people to integrate some ethnic flavor with electronic sounds. There is a song by Delerium called Remembrance that has a very middle eastern feel that's pretty bad ass. The entrance for lead at the very very beggining is just a lil loud in comparison to the pad. Some really good synth design in this. All the delays really add a lot of flava to the soundscape. The low to midrange feels a little lacking in movement. 1:30 is a lil better. Maybe get some saw waves with some small amounts of phase on em and get them sweeping across the spectrum. The kick could use a tad more compression IMO. Try to find some middle eastern drum sounds to really enhance the ethnic feel. You could some breakdowns goin with those. The sound of the bass could be a lil more present, that's more so just a personal taste of mine though.
  3. Thanks guys, Kanthos you are always a big help. All of my previous experience was in Basic...which is so different from C++ it's not even funny IMO. I could this program in Basic in an hour. In Basic I used subroutines for everything. The program is for an independant study in C++. I am the only person in the class, my professor assigns me programs and then I do them. Since it's an 'independant study' he refuses to teach/help me with anything. Since there isn't a standarized book or lesson plan the programs he assigns me follows, I have to come up with or figure out every function, header file, etc... for each program. He did not specify what type of excel file. All he said was there needed to be a random list of 10,000 numbers in an excel and that I would sort them using a quicksort. A CSV formatted document is def the way to go as I don't have office 2007. Thanks for the help guys I really appreciate. My uni does not offer any courses in C++ so no one there knows anything either. Well back to the grind stone.
  4. I got those same headphones. I've had em for about a month. They are the only monitor headphones I've had so I don't have much to compare to. I really do like them though. The big thing for me is the response from sounds that are near/far/left/right. In all the reviews I've read the only criticism I've heard is that the response is a lil greater for high and low freq. The quality for price they can't be beat IMO. I really like em.
  5. Hey dudes I've been lookin through the internet and two of my books and there are two things I can't figure out in c++(visual). 1. Subroutines. Before I would just do return main(); and it would redirect me to the beggining of the program. Since I am writing more involved code I actually need to set up subroutines to have direct control over where the code is being redirected. I just need to know the actual syntax/code. 2. I have to use an Excel file for input and output in a quicksort. Would I do #include then the file directory on my computer for the file? How would get and write information from the file? Again just the syntax/code is all I need. Thanks!
  6. That was friggin awesome! The part where sonic was playin with the piano one hand was hillarious.
  7. The general concept has a lil goin for it. The mallet that is playing throughout, get about 2 other instruments playing the same thing along with it. Have those three intruments feeding off of eachother. Throw different amounts of delay on them. That might yield some cool effects. If this is goin to be an ambient piece there needs to be a whole lot more sounds and lil FX throw in all over the place to enhance the feel. Some of the melodies/harmnonies sound pretty cool, so prob try to work on those and enhancing that part of the song. A nice flute type of sound playing a melody overhead would go really nice with this one.
  8. The basic ideas sound good. I'd go with some distorted guitar in the lower ranges and then let your orchestral goodness reign over the top. Then for a climax section you could have the guitar go into the upper ranges with some booming brass underneath. The build up sounds good, have to wait and see how it sounds once everything kicks in. Some dirty beats done in Reason would go really well in this once everything kicks in.
  9. No problemo. Just throw an EQ over the lo-fi stuff and start cutting out freq and just use your ears till they aren't piercing anymore. Try eliminating some from 1,000-5,000; that would be a good place to start.
  10. Newbie huh? I think the arrangement with what you have done with both themes sounds awesome. The chord proggressions have some power to em. In some places the melody like :59. It sounds good just a lil off. Varying some of the velocity levels on the piano lead to increase the emotive feel. Some of the harmony goin in the back ground with different synths could use a touch of verb and stereo seperation to help them sit back in the mix more. Some of those lo-fi sounds in the beggining are cool but are a lil grating on the ears IMO. Hit those up with some serious EQ to tone em down. The basic drums are good but try to get in sync a lil more with the melody. The need a lil more variation in places. Also your using the same snare hit the whole time that really wears out the listener's ears and detracts from the beautiful melodies you got goin on. Maybe throw in some bongos or some other stuff. Try to introduce another lead instrument some places during the first half. In general make sure to check your levels what parts do you want in the foreground and what parts do you want in the background? When memories of green comes in full force that swelling tends to be a lil much since your doin it so much. It overpowers everything. Tone it down. Dude I really like what you got goin on in this, it really reminds me of Fatty Acid. Go listen to his stuff for a good idea of how the percussion could sound. Def keep workin on this.
  11. I covered the mprime2 theme too so it's cool to hear a similar theme. I took a much ambient approach. A few things the judges might get you on: 1. Reinterpretation of the main melody. Sounds like your playing back the main melody exactly the same. 2. Structure, the song kinda just ends. Where is the climax. Trust me trying to add structure to an intro song ain't easy. 3. Lack of a bass, this should def have a booming bass with some presence. Currently it's lacking in that department. They'll easily reject the song for 1 and 2. Besides that I really like this, alot of the sounds very polished. Although there seems to be a lot of res on some of the leads. In some breakdowns it's ok to have them like that, but they are present throughout the song, and having so much res will degrade the listener's ears. Either tone down the res or the volume on them. Also make sure to go through and make sure all of your percussion has it's own sonic space, you have a lot of lil sounds goin on but they are not coming through as clear as the should in the main parts. Def liking what you have so far.
  12. This def different and refreshing to hear from a hear remix. All sounds pretty good to me, it would def be cool if this mix could get some live playin and vocals. Maybe get a more concrete arrangement out there to see how this further develops and to generate any interest maybe? This def could be awesome if played live w/vocals.
  13. ...some how red leather jackets and jerry curls come to mind after reading that. EDIT: In regards to G.A.N.G, I'm not a member but it sounds pretty cool though.
  14. I agree alot with what Leah said. I did give this a couple listens, it def has some listenability. It's pretty raw though, some elements show some good ideas. The general feel is pretty good although you need to kick it up a knotch. Work on transitions. The percussion is very overbearing sometimes. The volume on the hats needs to come down. Really work on getting the melody and rythms in sync feeding off of eachother. Develop the melody dynamically. 2:44 was good. Bc this source is kinda bland, albeit very good, atmosphere is key here. Also think about the structure of the song a lil bit. Why are you goin from one section to the next? What is the purpose, does it create a cohesive flow. Some people might kill me for saying this but try some more reverb. Just a small amount, but keep the decay below 1.0ms and make sure to have the filter set not to let any reverbed sound below 300hz to come through. In a mix like this really pay attention to what sounds are up front and what sounds are behind. Atmosphere is key here. All around see what you can do to give the synths some cooler sounds. Def keep on workin on this one, def has some potential. Edit: for explanations on a lot of the ways to build a song check out http://www.tweakheadz.com/guide.htm. It's a pretty funny, but very good read. It helped me out an assload, be warned there is a lot of content there so it will take you awhile.
  15. Def liking the update. Might I ask what that lil bell instrument is your using in Reason? Congrats on getting a song excepted, which one is it? I should pop in #ocrwip sometime next week as i got some time...finally. Liking the breakdown section with the bell instrument. A big thing they might get you on is structure. I really think the ending is the best part of the song. I heard that and went wow what a friggin melody. I almost think the ending should actually be the beggining. 2:50 and is so awesome! Have more of that developed melody throughout the song please. The section at 1:10 could def use some of that feeling you got goin in the outtro. The ending had the 'it' factor, as in I want to immediatly go back and listen to 'it' again. Another idea maybe throw a lil unison on the bass in places and see what happens. The new mastering levels def sound good. Everything sounds a lil clearer. Those are my opinions, I'm dead serious about the ending, it kicks ass.
  16. I listened to this when you first posted and the mastering def sounds much better. Alot of the composition in in this is pretty sweet. :59 I def think the bass is a lil loud here and starts to overpower things. 1:30 Would be a great place for a gated pad. That part with the guitar solo kicks ass. Maybe towards the end of it you could reintroduce a gated synth in the background, just an idea. Besides that this is one of those damn songs that's really catchy for some strange reason, prob has to do with all the lil things you've thrown in here.
  17. Yeah this is some crazy shite. Good inventive beats all around. The lead at 1:13 could use a lil work, it sounds lo-fi to me. If your goin for lo-fi then its cool. Maybe in some of the breakdown sections get another instrument to play off of the lead. The song could use some more harmony fillers in places. That bell sound (:27) you got behind everything is friggin sweet. Give that instrument a solo section it sounds beautiful in this context. Also just maybe, I had an idea for some of the rythmic elements. Take the audio signal for some of the harmonies/bass/melody and split it. Take one of the signals and route it into a Scream4. Then take cv out cable on the back of the scream4 and plug into the pitch for parts of the rythms. Set the knob to 127, and whammo you got parts of your crazy rythms the exact pitch as whatever harmony/bass/melody you run through the scream4. Could make for some really cool sections maybe...
  18. I kinda like the feeling you got goin on here. It seems like your levels are a lil off, sometimes I have to struggle to hear different elements. Did you EQ this yet to make sure each part has it's own sonic space. It sounds like the snare is masking the other sounds IMO. Also the basic melody of the piano is good, but it is way too repetative as is. Work on varying it up and giving the composition of it some dynamics. I think someone said before to have the piano and drums play off each other some more I totally agree. It would really add to the piece. A trance gated synth pad used sparingly to spruce up sections later in the song would be a really nice touch. Def keep on working on this one.
  19. find a soundfont player, if you have fl studio it has a soundfont player (need the XXL version for the non-demo soundfont player) Just open up the soundfont player, then there is another button in there that will allow to search through your folders for the soundfont (sf2) you want to use.
  20. Yeah either unistall quicktime or reinstall Windows Media Player. Either one will fix it.
  21. Yeah I def agree you should submit this. At least give this great piece of music a chance to be heard by lots of people. I really like this newest version, the melodies come through very clear and powerful.
  22. Vitrual Guitarist is bad ace but as with most things it costs a good amount of money. Search online for a dude named SSH he does music with virtual guitarist. Besides that you would have to get really good at sequencing specifically for guitar. As always though the real thing is always the best and there are plenty of guitarists on OCR who would be willing to help.
  23. This is def one my fav themes from the incredible edible ost from FFIV. The source tune is very repetative although very catchy and emotive. The mix has a good deal of variation in the textures and backing to really keep the piece feeling fresh. I really like how the percussion keeps a very deep and distant sound, really adds to the mood. For anyone who likes really ambient type of songs this is something to def check out. Also for back in 02 the production on this is awesome.
  24. Actually we got 13. And the people who aren't posted (or have a mix accepted) have improved drastically since then anyways.
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