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Everything posted by avaris

  1. Hey joker I agree with what everyone said before, but I have an idea for the clashes/hats. Put some type of flange or LFO on them, but have the speed/rate very low and then automate the volume in accordance to the speed/rate of the flange and/or lfo. Also maybe throw some more verb on them to them to sit farther back in the soundscape. Give them a far away at a distance type of feel. IMO in styles like these subtle movements and a slowly changing soundscape are crucial.
  2. Holy shite thanks dude! I can't believe I didn't figure out the loop thing...shame on me. The logic in it seems perfectly fine so I'm sure it'll work. I was not looking forward to searching through the internet all day to day to figure out these two things. Oh cool first post, welcome to the community.
  3. Bwhahaha I got to him first Proph! Hey Abadoss when is the next CMC gonna start?
  4. Well i can def tell u've done some music before. Piano needs an echo in the first section. The counterpoint melody is too soft. Either pump up the volume or put a scream4 over it and only turn on the "body" to make it stand out more. That wood block sound in the break downs needs to go away. It's sitting there in the foreground and doesn't sound right. Use a bassline instead maybe. That wood block really doesn't fit well. Arrangement wise you've positioned it correctly but it just doesn't fit with the soundscape. Oh and change up the melody, explore the dynamic range up and down the scale. Get the melody moving faster from thought thought. Also think about introducing a new sound to play the melody in the later sections. Really good start though. Keep it up.
  5. Great compo. Thanks for all the comments on my piece. I literally just sat down one night on my midi keyboard pressed record and played. I had a general structure and chord progression then I went from there. Guess it was one of those good moments. Glad I could in this one. I had a real hard time picking honorable mentions bc every piece had a lot of strong points. Congrats to Proph for winning this ur song was the shiznite.
  6. Nice stuff Tweek. The best thing about this song is all the variation and give and take between each instrument. It makes an otherwise repetative melody not so repetative. Awesome drums and atmosphere. The drums even rip through the soundscape at low volumes.
  7. Hey a warning to everyone...Wii PLAY ...read a review before u buy it. I was an idiot and bought it before I read a review...lets say it was so not worth it I returned it and only got $30 back. It has 3 decent games...but they are not worth $50. Ping pong is exactly the same as the old pong for atari just with pattles. Oh yeah my bro's friend spilled saki all over one of the controllers, it's works fine but is a lil sticky.
  8. I'm doin an independant study in C++ this semester...well as my professor told me that literally means independant study. I got a program due tuesday and there are three small pieces of the program I can't figure out the syntax for. 1. I need to format a number to 4 decimal places. 2. I need to raise a number to a power. (do i need to write my own function for this?) 3. How to change a string to integer(variable[so many different names for it]) If anyone knows any of these it would be a great help. Although this is my first experience with C++ I do know Basic fairly well.
  9. Just take some samples or whatever and throw them onto the channels with the midi notes...whamo sound! The reason there is no sound is bc when u import a midi it is a Midi Out. There's nothing wrong, just replace the midi out with sample/synths/whatever you want to get the sound.
  10. Yeah i figured that'd be the one you knew. I heard an example a few months back the vagrance put up that was pretty friggin sweet. But they were BIG Pads and not the background sound type of pad. You could combine different intruments from ur song into a combi to make a pad[run]? Then map the controls to some knobs on a midi keyboard and then press record and have some fun. But you already gots tons of automation in the song already. Prob just go with the layering and simple automation in the layers? Hopefully someone else will chime in.
  11. The Vagrance knows how to do some really nast side-chaining in reason. Take the audio signal from your kick(and whatever else you want) using the spider and split the signal. So one goes to the mixer as usual and the other signal goes into the back of the M-Compressor. I'm pretty sure this is the way you already knew, as it is the most common. Someone should def know to do it though. You could always dome some layering and volume automation to add depth.
  12. Dude the intro is sweet. Hey guys we got three new WIPs up from AS, Jewbei, and ziwtra go check em out!
  13. I tend to forget how much the maximizer/compression can change songs in reason too. There is alot more space in this one now def. Something to fill the space could be to add in a pad sound as a thin layer behind everything else and then run multiple audio signals (or maybe just the signal of the kick) and side-chain that bitch. That could prob add a nice layer of sound?
  14. DAMN finally a source I really dig and this is not a good week time-wise. Hopefully I can come up with something. Kudos on the awesome source tune selection.
  15. Hey Foxhull 'Faraway Promise' is still on the open track list.
  16. The leads seem to be coming through just a lil too loud. This has def been a WIP to look out for, i hope i finish it soon. Bad ace melody and synth leads. I wish the percussion(kick/snare) was a lil punchier and fuller. Giving some rapid fire kicks and snare hits could def add some feel to this one. I def like the update, everything sounds a lil improved and the new ideas def are sweet.
  17. linkage http://swallace21.googlepages.com/FL3Skins.zip
  18. Post the .mp3 of the WIP at the private porject forums for feedback and all that fun stuff. I'll resend you the link for it in a PM. Yeah and when the song is finished just send it to me as a .wav file. Put it in a zip file or just send me a yousendit link, I check my PM's daily so it's no problem if it's yousendit.
  19. Today is you lucky day! I actually have all of FL3's skins...don't ask why. I gotta go to work but I should have em up here tonight.
  20. I'd say tack on one more section at the end that's alil climatic and submit. Prob go back over it for mastering/other details and see if you can't improve anything. Arrangement/Production wise it's pretty friggin solid. Still can't believe u made this in an hour. :confused:
  21. I already got a midi controller. But I did find where you could get an M-Audio Audiophile 192 for $180 and get a version of Live Lite with it. Too bad I already placed my order I was lookin into getting the sound card and then upgrading but I couldn't find what the upgrade price was on Ableton's site. It's all good though got a full version of Live6 for $279 which is a steal IMO. The thing that really got me in the end was reading different articles by tons of awesome electronic artists and how they use live. You really can't beat the automation capabilities and work flow/efficiency. Project5 you can get for $139 on an academic buy...that's a friggin steal. I watched videos on it and it looked pretty radical and def something if I was just starting out doin music for fun I would pick.
  22. good stuff, def a topic that needed to be made.
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