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Everything posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. Sam: Well, that was a pleasantly understated credits sequence. Max: I enjoyed the cheesy retro ambience. Sam: What the hell are you talking about, Max?
  2. These have all been done with lyrics. Oil Ocean and Ice Cap remixes are on this site even. Just give it another look.
  3. Bleh, entering my lame OHC single Shifty Eyes into Experimental. Might enter something good later.
  4. Blech, one of my least favorite selections ended up winning.
  5. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=16291 Look a little harder next time.
  6. Rexy, Pongball and Hale-Bopp all have a decent amount of sequencing under their belt.
  7. So, is this thing over or did we get some sort of voting extension?
  8. Newer Sam and Max games are, fun clever and intuitive. All they really lack are good 'triggers'. Escape From Monkey Island's main flaw was the inclusion of WAY too many throwback jokes and not enough original humor. The ending was also fairly lame.
  9. I hereby nominate the 'flip' sound used in comedies when quickly changing from plot to plot.
  10. I've never been more touched by the Dr. Mario theme. The slight changes to the harmonies at the end were a great touch.
  11. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC107 PRC with some Descent material. Yeah, I know mine sounds terrible.
  12. It was put forward as a possible movie idea, but ultimately shoved to the side. Even the game had severe troubles being made, going through 3 different design teams before finally being released (which explains some of the non cohesion in art styles). Reasons The Dig wouldn't work as a movie in its game format is the lack of 'togetherness' on the part of the search team. It would be a movie based on ambience, and those type of films just don't do that well nowadays.
  13. Even though laziness seems to be the theme of this compo, don't be too much so to vote.
  14. This is because you boiled your recipe instead of the dance paper or the minutes you receive from the pirates. I have found almost every glitch in this game (including getting the monkey to the wrong side of the mountains and the 'Lemonhead Loop')
  15. This is such a typical Mazedude track: Large amounts of awesome spread over a layer of quirkiness. He very rarely fails to impress. This is worth at least two listens. If you're a fan of any type of fun synthwork, this should be a must listen.
  16. It's true, I can't write drum lines to save my life.
  17. I'm definitely interested in any of the most unwanted tracks. I do have some free time due to it being summertime.
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