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Everything posted by Chickenwarlord

  1. Pretty much every site that has sheet music is run by game fans, and not official anything. That said, I have found some good piano stuff at www.gamemusicthemes.com
  2. I lied earlier. Upon multiple listenthroughs, Burn Out is definitely #1 on this album.
  3. Crap... Sorry, I had an entry, and technically it exists in MIDI form at my parent's house. Maybe when I visit them I'll post it . I HAVE LET YOU DOWN ONEUP.
  4. I believe the Doom strings piece is one of Mazeudude's. Specifically "Countdown to Death". Hope this helps.
  5. Awesome to see this alive and kicking. I will most likely attend.
  6. Count me in. I love soccer/football in almost all forms.
  7. It's very sparse and empty. You have at most about 3 things going on at once, and for a this to become more polished you need to add atmosphere. Even some extremely low mixed bassline or drone would help flesh it out.
  8. The extreme panning on the synthkeys might be a little too much to one side. For the most part this is very well put together, but I would try centralizing the keys a bit more. And cut back on the mids a bit as it gets a bit muddy there. I like the stops, but I think that after each one there could be a bit more of a 'stop, build, stop build more' attitude to it. Eh, I'm just being picky there. This is fun to listen to and I sincerely hope you continue with it.
  9. I think that I might be the only one to label "This isn't Happening" as the favorite song on this release. Even above Burnout.
  10. The pads sound super swallowed in the beginning, I would suggest having a little something in the foreground. When the leads come in, it's a little heavy on the high end. After the synth organ solo, things plod a little bit. Try to have something to catch interest before things kick back into gear. The panpipish chord synth bleeds over a little more than I personally think is good. Otherwise, you have some good separation going. I'd put a little more attention to detail into the drums from a creative standpoint, but what you have is definitely serviceable. Good luck on your future stuff.
  11. Blah, I wish I could submit midis. I feel my stuff always sounds better with GM.
  12. Just posting to chime in that C minor is my favorite key to dink around in as well.
  13. Okay, I found a small part of the songs where they actually harmonize with each other, so I have to enter. Also: my hiatus is over.
  14. http://www.last.fm/music/mackintosh%20braun Free Chillout/Dance album by Mackintosh Braun available for free download on last.fm.
  15. Good separation between sound ranges all around. The drum hits sound kinda dry. Might want to do a little more fine tuning with the pitchbending, it occasionally gets a little wild. Ideas wise: Turn the background arp into a demi-melody and harmonize that. Original section based on a retrograde of the main melody. Play around with octave registers: place that arpeggio in the bass whilst the higher part gets the original bassline. Keep the harmonic structure but go completely nuts on new melody writing. Just a few ideas you might or might not want to use.
  16. So, I finally got to play some "With Anyone" online matches, and I literally saw nothing but Wolf, Fox and Toon Link. It was very sad. Also: sooner or later our house will get a stable internet connection, and I will want to play Arek.
  17. All the instruments sound incredibly mechanically sequenced. Try some velocities variation to give them a little more flow. Right now the texture is very thin and sparse, making all of your slightly sub-par instruments stick out a little more. Vocals are mixed decently, but when you get to words, I can't understand the majority of them. Arrangement could definitely use some beefing up, with some original material here and there. Not a bad start at all, keep working at it.
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