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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. This album will be done in a shorter span than Lufia 2, so be thankful!
  2. I should mention for the benefit of those doing the group pre-reg with me, you all will be able to pick up your badges normally without having to have me. Just note that the group it's under is "OverClocked ReMix".
  3. Also a note, I'll need the $30 for any pre-regs before the 26th - it all has to be a lump sum payment.
  4. Oh my upper body sucks, it always has. I'm probably going to hit up weight lifting after the marathon, so hopefully things go up a couple of months after then. Thin Crust - it's a combination of factors. If your body is used to 3-4 miles, then your body is not going to shed that extra weight - I've been doing runs of 10+ miles myself, and I've been stuck at 180 lbs for about a year now. You have to keep pushing yourself to go further gradually. Eating less in general (but still getting a good baseline of carbs, protein, and a bit of fat is important - make sure you intake a good amount of salt and nutrients like potassium), and smarter helps too. Do a mix of activities - for example for running, have some days where you do a lot of sprints, some days where you're running distance. Do some calisthenics (push ups, crunches, situps, burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, frog jumps, air squats, dips, pull ups, etc.), and vary up your sets, reps, and rest time in between sets. Same principles apply for weight lifting as well. Ideally you want to be able to do all of these things, but it is time consuming so it can be tough to compact it all in a reasonable time frame. The two most difficult barriers for weight loss for most people are motivation and dedication. You need both in order to be successful. Don't be so laser-focused on your weight when you do this - proper weight loss takes time, and your body weight varies with the time of the day. As you also lift weights, you are going to be gaining some weight in muscle. Also don't overdo it with the protein - your body can only handle roughly 30g every 3 hours, so if you eat more, it is far worse for you than overeating carbs. Don't neglect to eat a good amount of carbs that matches your physical activity - carbs are your body's primary natural energy source, and your body has to do more rough things to convert fat into energy. Excess carbs are stored as glycogen in your body for easy conversion into energy as needed (i.e. for more intense workouts) - many people neglect this basic bit of biology when trying to adopt a nutritional plan, and it can affect your workout if you're not careful. If you feel strange fatigue where your body feels it can't do more at a much lighter level than you're used to, it's probably because you're not eating enough carbs or getting proper nutrients (I've had it happen before). Two and a half years ago I was 220 lbs. I've whittled it down to 180 lbs, but at one point a year and a half ago I was at 160 lbs. I probably could shed 15 lbs of fat if I hit the gym hard in addition to my standard running routines, which I want to do.
  5. No need for reviews with this worthy matchup I think. I like what both of you bring to the table here, but Phonetic Hero's track is more polished. I really like the touches to PH's mix here.
  6. It seems that Brandon has been talking about doing a FF3 album too, so that's being done too .
  7. I like how everyone made a mad dash to the JP soundtrack haha
  8. Just letting people know, there's more claims to come - there's a bunch of artists who told me that they're going to wait until around the end of the year to claim songs, when their workload is more manageable. I won't let their names out now of course, but know that this project is trending up in a big way . There's going to be a need for artwork though, so if anyone has anyone in mind or would be interested themselves, contact me!
  9. I really should do more pushups . I've been a little too focused on making sure I'm good to go for the Marine Corps Marathon next Sunday.
  10. For those who have missed the $100 slot: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ocremix/an-epic-5-disc-ff6-fan-album-from-oc-remix-take-tw/posts/332052 Have fun this weekend!
  11. With the timeframe, I'm sure it's first come first serve in being able to complete a track - unlike regular album projects, tracks shouldn't be reserved here. Nothing is stopping you from going ahead and completing a track though & gathering feedback on the way though .
  12. Whoa, this mix is pretty sweet - sounds poppish, very easy to listen & enjoy. The song is built pretty well around Robbie's vocals. I dig this quite a bit!
  13. Yes you will! All of those bonuses applies to all levels below $5000 at $50 and above as mentioned!
  14. It contains songs up to #2500, which was released on October 1st. All of them have updated tagging, so if possible, I'd try to replace them all - I spent a few hours last night myself deleting the old files and copy/pasting the new ones. You can delete the files on Google Music btw.
  15. I should mention, Guifrog has claimed "Song and Dance" (BoF I) and "Fly Pudding" (BoF II). Edit: And Sixto has claimed "The Dragon Warrior", "Sorrow", "Sand Palace" (BoF I), and "Critical Moment" (BoF II). Edit #2: And Theory of N has claimed "We Are Rangers" (BoF II)!
  16. That piranha plant is cool! I think a lot of people could want stuff like this if they knew about it - are you planning on bringing stuff to MAGFest?
  17. Hey, as Larry said, no big deal - we definitely appreciate the effort though!
  18. Alright more details on the MAGFest group pre-reg! Paypal me $30 at wesley.cho@gmail.com, and PM me your names, email addresses, & zip codes before the 26th (next Friday). I plan on doing it that day.
  19. Nice mix, if dated. I don't think that silence in the middle of the song was utilized the best, and the song definitely sounds more empty than it should. Would have liked more to the song overall, especially in handling the orchestration. Then again, this is pretty old.
  20. If you really want, you could try partnering with someone else and do a $250 pledge, splitting the albums as you two would like.
  21. This is a nice listen - it's more atmospheric/minimal. I think it's a little too quiet at times, especially closer to the end before the monologue - I think it would have been better with more to it before it winded down. As it is, the effect is a little muted.
  22. This is a fun song, largely due to the vocals. A bit minimalistic & aged a bit poorly, but I can enjoy this.
  23. This is a quite beautiful mix - I had forgotten all about this one! The orchestration could use some more treatment in areas, the brass and strings at times seem a little mechanical or sound suboptimal. I love this as a whole though, it's a nice arrangement and carries a majestic and lush feel to it.
  24. I've always loved this song, and still do - I have a soft spot for The Guardian Legend, it's such a great game and had some great music. It was too hard for me as a kid, but I still loved it. This song is heavier on the bass side than I remember, but it's a great listen - nice and rolls along. I still listen to it every now and then because it's such an enjoyable rambling song, and one of many zyko songs I love .
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