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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Ditto! On a related note, this KS is about $5000 short of it's goal with a few days to go - go spread the word people!
  2. Giving the good ol' thread a bump - I shall be on 10:00ish-10:30 to get the server going for the night!
  3. Yeah, I didn't mean sequenced necessarily. Notes ended up sounding too discrete at times, a quality not found earlier in the song.
  4. Ugh that font size! But yes, the album is making great progress towards release .
  5. So there are two unclaimed tracks currently! I love what has been done so far, and there's a good lineup. Artwork looks tantalizing as well! Anyone interested in contributing to the project, feel free to PM me!
  6. Random comments from moi: Theory of N - Stealth Chameleon (Sting Chameleon vs. Blaze Heatnix) Nice funky approach - the mid-low sample could use some work, it's too low in volume I think. Gario - Unfazed (Blaze Heatnix vs. Sting Chameleon) I'm under the impression that Gario picked Blaze Heatnix partly to confound people . This is interesting, quite creative. Like this quite a lot! Ivan Hakštok - I Am Terror (Storm Owl vs. Flame Mammoth) This is a nice entry - the dub elements could be a little more louder I think. Of course I wish the song was longer too, but good stuff here! Sir_NutS - Knowledge Representation (Chill Penguin vs. Wire Sponge) The song takes too long to develop IMO. Hit us with the meat earlier! jnWake - Superconductivity (Wire Sponge vs. Chill Penguin) Oh man, the mixing sounds nasty with the guitar synth & Chill Penguin lead synth, and not in a good way. Interesting idea though. The lead synth also sounds a bit rigid at times, moreso in the second half of the song. TheRexAsaurous - Seahorses, FOREVAH (Storm Eagle vs. Toxic Seahorse) Curious take on the themes here...not sure what else to really say. The song is incomplete, and has some mixing issues. ProjectSpam - Drifter (Toxic Seahorse vs. Storm Eagle) Interesting orchestral take here. Overall, quite unorthodox takes this round - thanks for the efforts everyone! Sorry for not having more productive comments to add here.
  7. This mix is more like it! Love the scale of the arrangement, it is simple, yet contains a lot of fresh variation to expand the depth of the song. A lot of artists out there could take some cues from this IMO. My only real critique here is that I'm not a fan of the ending - something seems to not work as nicely here. Not that a fadeout is a bad thing for the song, I just think the execution could be better. Given how much of a behemoth the song is at over 7 minutes, it's a minor complaint for sure.
  8. Definitely agree on some of the transitions - it has a medleyitis feel to it. Otherwise, this song is pretty good as a whole.
  9. So it's not hinging on the writeups? You've killed the moment!
  10. Alright, time for random comment time! Benjamin Briggs - Damn Nature, You Scary! (Magna Centipede vs. Volt Catfish) I like this, quite creative and different from Ben here. Wish it was longer though. It has this lo-fi sound to it that works really nicely here. Prophecy - Vector Point Volt Centipede (Volt Catfish vs. Magna Centipede) Was this name a random choice? Solid use of atmosphere going on here. Wish it was longer though as well. BlackPanther - Strange Place (Blast Hornet vs. Frost Walrus) Seems like a draft of some sorts here - good foundation & ideas showing up. The dub element could use some work. Mr. L - Snowman Sonata (Blizzard Wolfang vs. Shieldner Sheldon) Nice piece here. The strings need some work done - they sound extremely mechanical. Somewhere around 1:45 the song sounds weird with the strings & piano in the arrangement. Phonetic Hero - Arctic Odyssey (Shieldner Sheldon vs. Blizzard Wolfang) Clearly a good deal of effort has been spent here. The chiptunes have a similar feel to Ben's piece, lo-fi sound, but different approach to the arrangement. Mixing could use some work in some areas, such as near the end when that low mid instrument comes in for a brief couple of moments. Cash and Change - Ostriches and Snails Can't Fly (Overdrive Ostrich vs. Crystal Snail) That trance synth in the beginning sounds...a bit dissonant? Something sounds off towards the tail end of the extended sound. Mixing seems like it could use some work here too, the lower end seems to be underwhelming here. I'm too tired to really go in depth - ran 15-16 miles earlier, so my head isn't really in focus mode. As usual, thanks everyone for the efforts!
  11. I like how the first post still says Merry Christmas .
  12. That cake makes me hungry... Happy birthday to the unobrow! One brow to rule them all!
  13. Alright, here are my thoughts on the tracks this round! Yami - Air Cooled Magma Flow (Magma Dragoon vs. Storm Owl) Volume is on the low side - that lead mid-low synth sounds weird - feels like it needs some more treatment. When the Magma Dragoon synth comes in, it stands out. Honestly, it seems like this is a rough rough draft overall, so it's hard to really comment on it. Ivan Hakstok - Infrared Ultrasonic (Storm Owl vs. Magma Dragoon) Guitars sound a little rough here - could use a better take for the lead. Fattening up the sound with a wall with two guitar tracks for each one, panned hard to the left & right each, would help give them more power. Track is also rough overall. Zerothemaster - So Now Satan's Hiring Sponges as Demons What's Next Buckets (Infinity Mijinion vs. Wire Sponge) I remember Zerothemaster's first entry into the compo series - this is quite better, so great work keeping at it! Try to add more instrumentation to the songs you work on, especially to help capture the range of frequencies - it helps keeps the listener engage/hook them earlier with the amount of activity going on, and it can expand what you can do with the arrangement you come up with/give you more ideas for ammunition. jnWake - Forever a Sponge (Wire Sponge vs. Infinity Mijinion) Theory of N - Sting Chameleon Takes a Bubble Bath (Sting Chameleon vs. Bubble Crab) Nice and funky here! ectogemia - Nightmare Machinus (Bubble Crab vs. Sting Chameleon) Very strange/unorthodox arrangement, I like it! Trism - Reborn (Spike Rosered vs. Toxic Seahorse) Quite an interesting approach you got here...didn't expect that heh. Wish it was developed more though. ProjectSpam - Dreamhorse (Toxic Seahorse vs. Spike Rosered) Another interesting approach here - wish I saw more here too! Amphibious - Hot Slice of Beast (Slash Beast vs. Blaze Heatnix) Gario - Race the Phoenix (Blaze Heatnix vs. Slash Beast) My favorite song of this round - great job by Gario here! pixelwave - Breaking the Ice (Armored Armadillo vs. Chill Penguin) Raise that volume! Way too faint. Sir_NutS - Sense, Plan, and Act (Chill Penguin vs. Armored Armadillo) Metal Man - Dephased Dissonance (Flame Mammoth vs. Crush Crawfish) Volume is too low here too - gotta raise the overall volume! Kinda think that the two themes could have been melded better in the arrangement. Like the drum action, although they sound mechanical, especially that kick. SilvernixSP - MASS Production of Sharp Scissors (Crush Crawfish vs. Flame Mammoth) Drums need some work here. Soundscape is a little on the thin side too. Some areas sound too discrete with all of the instrumentation, needed some more humanization treatment. TheRexAsaurous - Electric Storm (Storm Eagle vs. Spark Mandrill)
  14. So for those on the project, check the project forums and give your input on the project site!
  15. I use Chipamp personally - it just makes things easy for me and I like Winamp. I'll listen to them every once in a while, but generally I prefer the flexibility that mp3s afford me for usage with various software/devices.
  16. My thoughts - I don't see how a site that fosters a community dedicated to 16-bit chiptunes can't coexist with SNESology. Just keep a level head about it though, and make sure your heart is in the right place - it isn't for glory, but just out of a love for it.
  17. I think if the production in your track was a little more polished, you would've trumped Ben in this round - I wanted to reward the longer arrangement as I tend to do. There has been a few matchups like this through the GRMRB & GMRB compos with similar situations. The one that comes to mind to me was WillRock vs. OA in the first GRMRB - WillRock had a pretty awesome 6-7 minute song, but it wasn't polished with the production, and OA had this pretty polished 3-4 minute song. OA won that battle I believe - it came down to <5 votes, I want to say around 1-3. Just use it as motivation to improve as WillRock has done!
  18. That's a shame. Then again, that's why I waited for years before I ever attempted running one - to forge connections & have more name value for hype. It may be helpful to find a visible contributor as a co-director, although that's a challenge too. I'd offer such assistance but my hands are tied.
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