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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Using a project forum is only a good thing - it helps keep people informed, and with updates/posts it helps generate excitement/interest. It needs everyone or enough people on the same page though.
  2. Sorry it hasn't been answered sooner - my original interpretation is correct. Dave ruled that he thought it was ok in this instance, although the line can get muddy if the game featured a bunch of songs in other media prior to the game. Long story short though, the TMNT tracks are in the clear.
  3. Personally, I thought CC was cheap/not too good. It reminds me of numerous other 3rd party action/RPGs with one controllable character, but with boring rehashes of dungeons. Excepting its tagging on of the FF7 plotline, it is worse than many other similar cheap games. I'm probably in the minority there though.
  4. And Hakstock won the race to claim Battle #2 with a pretty sweet (albeit rough) WIP!
  5. Nobody has Battle #2 currently. I'm waiting for a solid WIP before I hand the claim to anyone.
  6. Anyone who thinks they can do a good job on it and can get a WIP out, I'm all for it.
  7. To be a bit more fair, it sort of marketed itself here, so you could probably reducing marketing a lot more to maybe even $1 million or less. Console cost would probably be less than $100 if they are aiming at selling at that price - let's be generous and say $75. That's $75 million alone. There's a reason investors are wary about products involving manufacturing - that's a hefty price of entry, and the margin for profit probably isn't as well as I've painted it either.
  8. 5 more tracks to go amazingly! I'm excited with how this album is looking - larger than I anticipated, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised with the interest in Secret of Mana. Edit: I meant 5, I can't count.
  9. Looking for 1 or 2 more for artwork! And someone to tackle the amazing Battle #2!
  10. The volume is pretty low on this. It also sounds like much of the sounds are residing around the mid frequencies, causing the song to sound crowded at times.
  11. People were playing just last night! I don't think I'll be on tonight, but I'll try to get on tomorrow night.
  12. Damn, I kinda am tempted to start playing again, even if sporadically.
  13. That's a big task, Washudoll did a pretty kickass job on that track. It can be done, but damn.
  14. Sounds like is up your alley then.As for me, here's some stuff I like to see in music Songs based on a fully realized concept (the larger the better) Abstraction that is tangible from the music Creative lyrics Positive messages
  15. Word has it that he has been busy right now & hard to get a hold of. Just be patient.
  16. If someone else wants to direct such an album, I'd give my full blessings - such posts make it tempting to start such a project, but I think the allure of doing other game soundtracks grips me more.
  17. Hakstock was like about losing Vanishing Gungaroo heh.
  18. Just bumping this up, would love to have these entries added to the profile info section.
  19. Yay! Also, nice work on that project video there - that sounds like an impressive feat to create a song out of those limitations.
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