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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. As always, I'm willing to offer any advice and my ears (which are not the greatest) for assistance.
  2. The $5k option is for new games, not remixes of currently existing soundtracks.
  3. Whoa, mixing here sounds pretty messy - song also sounds overcompressed. It hurts the song greatly for me since there's a bunch of stuff going on and it makes them that much more distracting since some of it sounds blurred for lack of a better term. The song is on the repetitive side too. The piano is nice, and the strings do their job, but the arrangement is static for the most part.
  4. I bumped off OCR00938 - Star Control II 'Hyperspace Electro Blast' Edit: And OCR00263 - Sonic CD 'Palmtree Panic'
  5. The Star Control mixes on the site by Mark are pretty nice, and still are decent listens today. The only thing that seems to have staled here is the production, but not to a terrible degree. The mix rolls on with its beats, and the piece takes a more distant upbeat ambient role. There's enough variation, although I think a little more would help it a lot. The track comes off as almost transitory here. I still enjoy this now, although I haven't heard this mix in quite a while until now, so this mix definitely has remained resilient against the sands of time.
  6. Wow, I remember this mix. It was nice for its time, but with the continual growing of the scene, I think it has been bypassed greatly in many respects. It is a relaxing listen, if a bit harsh due to the guitar.
  7. I just bumped off OCR00084 - Double Dragon 'Hammer's Garage'. Edit: And OCR00707 - Secret of Mana 'Wandering the Wild Forest'
  8. This sounds surprisingly well for being such an old mix - it's varied, moves along, and keeps things interesting. It's dated in some respects, but for such a song from back in 2002, I have to say solid work!
  9. I love his work on Tales of Eternia personally - it's different from a lot of Tales games, although the soundtrack is a bit aged since it was on the PS1.
  10. This track came out of left field for me - the first I saw of it was it in its completed state. Josh did a solid job as usual though. I should mention that there are more than that to be posted from the project . I wish some of the other contributing artists subbed their tracks, there's some good stuff there.
  11. I doubt it - almost all of the $50 slots are filled up.
  12. Sounds like there's a void in having someone just take charge and getting it done.
  13. Cliffside Clamber is unfortunately unlikely eligible. I should mention that the KS mentions that FF6 is being targeted for December 18th. Infer what you will from that *shrug* .
  14. I don't see the WIP there . Edit: Nevermind, I'm blind.
  15. I'll probably suck since I don't do pushups regularly anymore - no harm trying though!
  16. You're a bum Brandon. Those on the project, go ahead and check out the updated project site btw - comment on anything you think needs changing on it, every bit of feedback is helpful! Edit: Also finishing your tracks would be nice everyone .
  17. Random thoughts for this round: Cash and Change - Ostrich and Catfish Eggs (Overdrive Ostrich vs. Volt Catfish) Everything sounds too mechanical, and too thin. Interesting idea here though. Actually, the guitar, bass, and that lead synth kinda remind me of Mega Man Zero music. Prophecy - Vector Point Engineering Volt Ostrich (Volt Catfish vs. Overdrive Ostrich) Well, there are consistent song titles at least. For such an odd arrangement, this is pretty nice. BlackPanther - Stinging Peril (Blast Hornet vs. Shieldner Sheldon) Those drums could use some work! That lead synth could use some more snazz to it too, I think I could feel this more if the groove aspect was focused more I think. Phonetic Hero - A Hornet and a Clam (Shieldner Sheldon vs. Blast Hornet) There are some areas where the combination of instrumentation seems to clash in a minor fashion to me, most notably around the beginning. Nice song overall though. As usual, thanks to all of the participants!
  18. I get any posts from this thread sent to me by email . Also this project has been on my mind as of late - I just spent last night and today rehauling my WIP of the website...although nobody probably really cares about that. Pretty much waiting on the artwork and music though.
  19. Feel free to send me a WIP via PM!
  20. Well, this is certainly different! Song sounds a bit thin at times, but the song feels active for the most part, probably its most endearing trait. It's an enjoyable listen overall.
  21. I joined - it was pretty easy, just used my FB account. This seems pretty cool!
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