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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Haha So let's go lurkers and RFB let's get those tickets bought! And Saturday, how many would be interested in going?
  2. Honestly, stuff like this combined with the quality of their titles like FFXII make me think that they company is in some trouble internally, so they're sticking with things that they know consumers will eat up like candy.
  3. I'm sure you were happy with the ending
  4. Puzzle Quest was for PSP I thought? I can't say I agree with having FFXII in a list like that - it's incredibly not fun starting at the 10 hour point for anyone not using some sort of guide. Also there were some aspects in the game design that just reek of poor, such as not being able to get a weapon simply for opening a chest out in the open. Also, I disagree with Metroid Prime 2 being in such a list - a good portion of time is spent in a pretty bland world, and as with MP 1, as you get closer to the final battle the game starts to slow down drastically. Both games are questionable as fine games. And while I haven't played it much, I've heard that Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops is an amazing game and well worth a play (PSP). Edit: Coop, you missed the Megaman X Collection! How could you?!
  5. Damn, no activity? I may just whip something up by next Friday.
  6. While you're at it, put a $500 down deposit for my well-being.
  7. Or better yet, organize a sort of OCR backstage meeting with some of the organizers? Btw, my question about Saturday stands - is there potentially enough interest for going to that concert as well?
  8. Hay, your site is broken Andy! It says I don't have the most updated Flash player, and the link it sends me to to get it is just www.zirconstudios.com again! Fix it or die!
  9. Well, I have had several sources confirm to me several of Blizzard's current projects, and I highly doubt any of them will be an MMO.
  10. So, has anyone else bought their ticket(s) and just hasn't posted yet? Counting the number of definites who haven't bought tickets yet, it seems we easily have more than 25. And are people going to the Saturday show? Is it possible to get a group of 20 interested for that or nah?
  11. What? Blizzard already has stated that their next game isn't going to be an MMORPG.
  12. Yeah, just be sure to give credit to the website it came from .
  13. Bump - any others in the area interested?
  14. We have a thread for that. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9173
  15. It seems some want to go to Saturday night's show as well. Looks like we're possibly going to have a barbeque, I'd say it'd be on that Saturday too. Dave (djpretzel) has offered his place, but I'm not sure how many people he can hold over there. The seating is all together if you commit and pay by May 22 - instructions are on the first post. As for people coming afar, I'll be coming from New York (probably going to hitch a train at Penn Station to Baltimore, then head on over with my friend there who's coming). It is still undecided whether I'll be having another friend coming with me from NY, but we'll see what happens. Also a note to those who haven't purchased yet: There are only 6 tickets left for seating with the group, and that's not counting the possibility of zircon/pixietricks and/or sephfire/wife coming and the 2-3 tickets to be purchased by RealFolkBlues, so any lurkers interested should get out the lurking mode and post interest & follow the instructions in the first post if they'd like to sit with the group - you would be able to hang out with us before/after even if you don't get to sit with the group, but it'd be vastly more entertaining being all together with us (and cheaper).
  16. Dave has a 360 actually - I could bring 360 related stuff though, like my GH2 controller for two player GH2 action, Gears of War, and other assorted 360 goodies & two controllers.
  17. What? That statement sounds like a slippery slope too
  18. Just luck - I have two cranidos from the underground heh.
  19. Xerol said it was pushed back to Fall 2009...mistake on his part? The issue was the budget though, EA put a cut to it so they have to slow their pace.
  20. Are you referring to the DRM? You CAN burn them to a CD and then rip the tracks into the format of your choice, but note you will degrade the song quality. Soon Apple is going to allow you to upgrade DRM tracks to non-DRM for 30 cents more though I think.
  21. He did say soon...although I probably shouldn't have digressed, as this is a Wii thread.
  22. There's Mass Effect (Bioware), Bioshock, Halo 3, GTA IV, Forza 2 (if you like those realistic racers ala GT)...and I think a few others I'm forgetting.
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