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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. For me, I can't beat Inferno Ghom after 1.0.3 - sure, Ghom used to be cake for range characters, but he became significantly more challenging - I lost incentive to play after then.
  2. Bumping this up after so long. The grace period for artists working loosely with claims is done. I want to change the project direction a bit - I want to encourage unusual mellow/vibrant arrangements, and so I will take all claims assuming a WIP can be shown indicating direction. Even tracks like Meridian Dance are fair game for changing the style drastically. I will post more/update the first post later tonight with more details, so PM me if interested. I also will start work soon with trying to build the site myself. I will probably need artwork assistance there. I want things to move briskly - I want to see everything finished a year from now, ideally sooner. From here on out everything is going to move fast.
  3. Added another possible item needed.
  4. Got some movement happening here, looking for progress to pick up a lot faster in the next couple of months. Stay tuned, hoping for a release by early next Spring or something like that .
  5. It would be a collab deal, looking for a tension/frantic orchestral rock/metal take for this source:
  6. So, we're getting a bunch of movement to have the album finished up hopefully in the next couple of months. There are a couple of things we need though. Someone to do ! Rock/Metal/crazy action please! Artwork! For the orchestration, we're looking for someone who has high quality and can work with collaborating for a hybrid track. There's a possible need for these things as well Electric Guitarist Drummer Synth/Synthesizer Anyone interested can just contact me or Gario
  7. Has work on this started? You should ask zyko & Jose the Bronx Rican to join in too.
  8. Oh hey, thread in the project forum! Looking forward to what everyone comes up with here!
  9. Gonna have to agree - read this article just now: http://www.theverge.com/gaming/2012/7/16/3162049/ouya-developer-to-look-for-funding-outside-of-kickstarter That statement at the bottom tells me they have no idea about the financial costs and no recognition that they need to fill in that void (or they're trying to hide a failure to market their company to VCs). It's pretty clear that they did not think big enough with regards to the whole business - ask anyone connected to tech startups, and it should raise a red flag to almost every single person involved. I highly suspect this will be shortlived if it comes to market, if not vaporware. Getting substantial funding via VCs or angel investors should be one of the highest priorities - without such funding, especially in a hardware driven business, there just won't be enough capital for develop a product & keep the company comfortably growing beyond the initial offering. I have nothing for or against the idea - such an idea could possibly be successful with a strong enough team, or at least successful enough to be attractive to Google or Apple to enter the foray, which I suspect will happen in the future. The linked article above gives me strong doubts that this is the team that would execute correctly though.
  10. I did a rough length comparison and the main album is not quite as long .
  11. Good lord this album is long...I wonder how it compares to Maverick Rising in length?
  12. So is this the mix that started Will's transition to utilizing the guitar more? The lead synth utilized has a definite lead guitar-like feel to the usage. The song really shows its shine around midway through, when it shifts to display another angle of progression to it. Great job by Will here!
  13. A Protodome mix! This mix has a nice light yet upbeat atmosphere to it. The little effects used in addition to the lead synth & piano add to the song, keeping things interesting with a subtle touch. It probably won't wow you, but it is a nice background listen for those looking for a light listen.
  14. I remember this song from DoD - I was personally disappointed with this coming on the heels of this incredible mix, but that's mainly due to the bar set there. Listening to this again, all I really could ask for here is a longer song - I feel like it leads you through a bunch of action, and then leaves you hanging. It just has a too short feel for me.
  15. Interesting style going on with the song - it doesn't rely as strongly on short catchy glitch effects like with most dubstep, and isn't as heavy on the low end overall (although there's a lot in the mid-lows). The arrangement sounds a bit on the static side, and personally, a bit stale/incomplete. Not a groundbreaking song, but not bad either.
  16. This mix is a perfect kickoff to Maverick Rising - it sports tension, and does so with Will's snazzy trademark sound. It builds up throughout, and then it leaves you hanging for what is to come. I love this song, it does its job perfectly!
  17. Hey jdgfgt, there's mixes that need some judging!
  18. Not quite an artist per say, but I'd be up for an interview if you'd like whenever.
  19. And this is one of several reasons why people need to make a stand against bad DRM - a good game isn't worth dealing with such crap.
  20. Pretty much the main reason I went for the bundle. Didn't really care that much about the rest.
  21. Is that some chiptunage I'm hearing in the background? A nice usage of it to help fill in the sound! I like ilp0's work in general since she adds to the feel of progress with her music, in addition to having a great western feel & being an overall well done package. I do have a gripe with the ending, but this song is enjoyable otherwise.
  22. The drums & beat make this a lighter song than the original, and maybe a bit of an ethnic feel to it even. A part of the melody itself reminds me of Sephiroth from FF7, strangely - perhaps Uematsu chose to reuse it or I could be imagining a similarity. Anyhow, the song is a tad on the repetitive side for me, but it is a nifty slightly less dark take on the original.
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