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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. If anyone is looking for someone to do the project site for their album project, I'm more than willing to volunteer my services, whether it be from scratch or through templating. I have an example of work I can PM people with if I am approached, namely a template I created for my own upcoming project websites based on the OCR template that is also easily transplantable for other album project sites. I should mention though that I am not an artist, so any work would have to be coordinated with artists for getting the right look for the website. I am also fairly new to building websites, so it may take me a little longer initially since I have taught myself everything through reading & experimentation (including using Photoshop to tweak images).
  2. Don't take my word as gospel, I probably missed stuff! Truth be told, I can be bad sometimes at identifying/giving specifics, so I will sometimes get multiple opinions.
  3. I was really fond of the magazine as a kid - gaming news/info was at a high premium back then, since the internet didn't become more popularized until later. It's a shame that it has come to an end - I know people complain about bias and such with it, but I enjoyed it for what it is.
  4. Mixing needs work, although I'm sure you know that. Those guitars need to be fattened up, they should have a lot more punch. For a wall of sound, I recommend recording two sets of guitars for each track, and panning one left and one right. The drums also bother me - a little too much bass in them I think. Definitely sounding good though !
  5. I apologize for the quick bump, but there's an urgent need for to be done. It's easily one of the best tracks from the soundtrack, and some rock/metal/crazy goodness is a given, given the way the album has been turning out. If you can rock, I want you!
  6. Sinistrals are already evil - plus the subtitle of Lufia 2 is already Rise of the Sinistrals. And no Planet of the Apes reference . Edit: And we have a title!
  7. Judging by the image, it's a public fb posting.
  8. Weird - send me a PM and I can send you a link. Also, Moseph sent a beast of an almost finished WIP last night. Very exciting stuff! Edit: Also, we're currently perplexed with picking the name for the album - I'm willing to entertain suggestions!
  9. Damn, nice find. I got a Natascha and Reserve Shooter on my first tour (although I got a Carouser's Capotain as a random drop).
  10. It would be allowed, but would not be a valid candidate for counting towards the 50+% of OCR postable mixes needed to pass evaluation. Every project, regardless of whether they are official already or not, has to go through a final evaluation process. Also, you can always ask for feedback from staff if you're unsure about a song needing adjustments - I've done it quite a lot myself! It's always good to have second opinions if you are second guessing. Being official earlier provides the privilege of being able to post updates on track statuses in the project thread in the Projects forum, as well as increased visibility. There is also perks like promotion at panels, or elsewhere. Artists gain increased confidence that it will finish in a timely manner with a good bar of quality since it has been vetted by OCR staff. It's all around a good thing. Edit: I do have some questions of my own though. Tagging (mp3s/FLACs) - sometimes finding the composer information for tracks can be complicated. Mega Man X games are a perfect example - there's a lot of confusion with some games due to imperfect crediting. What would be the best option when faced with such ambiguity? Is there some leeway on imperfect tagging as long as there has been largely an attempt at following the requirements? Lightbox viewer (website) - does the Lightbox jQuery plugin have to be used for viewing photos? For example OCR itself uses the Colorbox plugin, and I personally like the look from that more than Lightbox. Cycle is also a popular plugin for doing similar things. Artist bios (website) - the current OCR template does not contain this, but links to all the artist social media content. When will this requirement be taking into effect?
  11. Like the Pilotwings one - if a project director opts to use the template used in the Random Encounter site (and a good deal of other prior OCR project sites), then he/she/they would be responsible for making the tweaks to get such a site to fit with the assets they have. For those reading this, I wouldn't mind making tweaks for them if they cannot figure it out, and Brandon Strader also has offered his assistance to people with such as well. I have also begun building sites as well, having built a template from scratch for use for two of my own ongoing projects based on the OCR template that OA made - I would not mind tackling a challenge of building something new for other projects as well.
  12. The Oracle is now freed up, at least for now (unless the person contacts me again about still doing it). I'm still waiting to hear back from two other people - everyone else amazingly are still on board & dedicated! This makes for 7 unclaimed sources currently, which surprises me as much as anyone. Edit: Make that 8, Prophecy is now open as well.
  13. Nice! I've been wanting a larger PM box for years! What I tend to do is delete older PMs - there is an option to save your PMs off your computer as well I believe, although I'd fathom that it's hardly used. I also have the forums email me each time I receive a PM so I have any correspondence I may want to reference right in Gmail.
  14. So I've updated the post - we're still looking for people here, especially the orchestration at the least as a backup.
  15. That's why it takes someone motivated & dedicated to get such albums organized - it's not easy.
  16. I like how the only good parts of that Afrojack song are the ripped off parts.
  17. Diablo 3's problem is that it's being compared with Diablo 2, a game that had an expansion and a lot of polishing through patches. It had a lot of time to mature & gain a ton of content. Perhaps it'll take Diablo 3 time to reach that point - it may never reach that point also. It's hard to judge at this point though.
  18. Someone I met at a run was talking about the upcoming 1.04 patch this past Monday. It does sound interesting indeed.
  19. Me neither - I built the project site largely up (still some tweaks & a bit of formatting left to figure out), and even started using some Photoshop to assist in creating specific graphics I need to get the site looking how I want. My excitement is such that I didn't want to wait for someone else to volunteer for the web development . We will welcome any additional artists though, we could certainly use some extra pictures for the project trailer. The artists involved are putting their talents to work though, so you'll see more artwork on this project than the previous ones up to this date (minus maybe the leaked pictures from the Kirby Super Star project). Exciting things are going down, I can't wait until it all gets revealed .
  20. Been seeing some new track claimants lately, and some promising WIPs. I'd like to welcome lampje4life & Josh Barron on board! Also welcome zykO back in the fold! I'd like to also mention that if I don't hear from some people soon, I will be lifting those claims up for others to jump on - those who have gotten back to me are safe (for now ). Some of these involve some quite desirable sources (I personally think most of them are desirable, but some of these that could free up are standouts). So far, it appears Ergosonic & Guifrog are beasting it in terms of the # of claims - much appreciation to Guifrog for the exceptional enthusiasm towards work on the album, so much so that he contacted others to join up. Also if you're on board already, I encourage you to comment on WIPs already there, even if you don't have any of your own to offer yet! Activity can only help motivate people to work on their work, and it keeps you in the loop as to what's going on! We still need a project title for example. I've been motivated as well - I've completed the essential framework for the project site in 2 days, and it's my first serious website since 13-14 years. I'm excited to get things rolling. I want the album to be complete & to showcase some styles that has been getting lost recently with the high octane music pumped out lately on OCR (to which I'm a partial party to getting to happen). I think this album will be something special, although I do not believe it will reach the level of Threshold of a Dream, which I envy for its strong cohesiveness in its trek into creative visions through prophetik's excellent discipline in managing it. Nonetheless, there's good sparks of things happening behind the scenes. Perhaps once this goes official & I get a little more material, I will put together a teaser. It has been exciting to see that almost everyone has still been on board after the long silence. Now it's time to channel that into more progress!
  21. Is it still alive? It'd be a shame if this faltered...
  22. Most of the website framework is done for now. I need more information & to make some layout decisions before I really can get down to the nitty gritty fine tuning. For those on the project, you can check out the website WIP on the project forums.
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