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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. In the project forums - do you have access on OCR to them?
  2. So I decided that I'm going to do the project website - got most of the site down. If you're on the project, come check it out and leave some thoughts!
  3. The judging isn't a huge problem - we're only about 3-4 months behind based on a quick look at the Currently Judging thread, and the other mixes that are listed are probably those that require more votes (borderline YES/NO or whatnot). It also is at 4 YESes for most songs.
  4. 82 pages later, the album is almost done - daresay what will happen when it hits 100?
  5. Thanks everyone for the comments so far! I read them every now and then , and appreciate them greatly (even any negative commentary). Here's a little random tidbit - the name of the album Maverick Rising came out of me recalling the Judas Priest song , and just the thought of a maverick assault rampaging through made Maverick Rising such a natural name to me.
  6. I don't know why, but this reminds me of those old Nintendo Power Zelda comics.
  7. For something more ambient, I full heartedly recommend Delerium.
  8. From what I understand, each mixpost is like a miniblog for Dave - personally, if I put in the amount of effort he has into the site, it'd be a privilege I'd be loathe to give up quickly. It's also not so simple as letting someone else take over such duties, because someone writing such posts would have to provide an expose that keeps readers interested (although I know some just skip straight to downloading, some also do read each mixpost blurb, including myself) & contains some content about the mixposts musically. Dave's status as the founder of the site provides him with unique liberties in this respect. Just my two cents anyhow. Edit: Also an excellent point - it's a fine balancing act.
  9. This song is great - looks like it went through extensive work with the submission, judging by the judges decision thread. I can see where the judges are coming from here, although overall I did not have a problem with the piano drops - it did confuse me initially though, as I thought something was going wrong with my headphones. The song really picks up after the beginning segment though. Ultimately, I'm glad this made it through the panel! melody did some great work, and ran into project file trouble unfortunately. The song really is a great listen.
  10. X7 & X8 have some solid soundtracks - it's a shame that the games themselves aren't the greatest & have made MMX fans a bit jaded.
  11. No worries, thread is fine here. SonicThHedgog is indeed a to-be-posted mixer.
  12. You got Chuck Dietz on board? Nice! I am looking forward to whenever this becomes official - I love the Breath of Fire music, and think there's some good source material. Get some rockers like Dr. Manhattan, BONKERS, etc. in there and you got an excellent potential.
  13. Dark Mantis is from X8 - also, I provided most of those links in my post on page 2 .
  14. Hold on with the speculation here. It's not like we want to keep you all in the dark. We will make an announcement when the time is right to & we have news to relay. Until then, just hold tight!
  15. Commander Yammark from X6 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYeWo_9v38g
  16. Someone who actually put an X7/X8 track in their list! Good on ya!
  17. Some of these tracks are wow - I had to force myself to stop listening to listen to other stuff that needed listening. What an excellent collection of chillout/atmospheric type music on the album, along with other stuff. You all will absolutely love this when it comes out!
  18. For those who don't know what source to pick, there's plenty done from the Maverick Rising album Here's some suggestions for those clueless though: Mega Man X Boomer Kuwanger Spark Mandrill Chill Penguin Flame Mammoth Storm Eagle Armored Armadillo Launch Octopus Mega Man X2 Wire Sponge Bubble Crab (Note: The song also appears in MMX5 as Duff McWhalen) Morph Moth Flame Stag Magna Centipede Crystal Snail Mega Man X3 Volt Catfish Crush Crawfish Blizzard Buffalo Toxic Seahorse Blast Hornet Gravity Beetle Mega Man X5 (Guessing DS will correct the X5 maverick names to the Japanese ones) Grizzly Slash Squid Adler Axle the Red Dark Dizzy Mega Man X6 Commander Yammark Rainy Turtloid Blizzard Wolfang Blaze Heatnix Infinity Mijinion (aka The Final Countdown Reborn) Metal Shark Player Mega Man X7 Soldier Stonekong Vanishing Gungaroo Splash Warfly Ride Boarski Mega Man X8 (Note: X8 has some two part songs for the maverick stages) Optic Sunflower Gravity Antonion Dark Mantis Burn Rooster Avalanche Yeti Earthrock Trilobyte Bamboo Pandemonium Have fun choosing! Of course this is not a list of every maverick, but it's a good list IMO.
  19. Haven't written a song yet, but I've been around music. I played violin when I was 8, quit when I was 11 after my brother 2 1/2 years younger than me got better than me while I spent one summer away for several weeks. Sang while in middle & high school too, although it has been so long that all those fundamentals are out the door. So instead I'm the serial album director! But I never jumped right into it - I actually bided my time for years before Taucer propositioned me with co-directing Serious Monkey Business. I observed the patterns of successful album projects and the failings of others and tried to take as many lessons as possible from them. Of course, hitches still happened in spite of careful planning & observation, but it's a continual learning experience.
  20. If I go with the template, I probably can do it myself - I should know enough to. I am going to try to build a page from scratch myself though as a personal project. I would like to mention that there are several finished tracks & a bunch in progress. Of course I can't really say much in this thread about it while it's unofficial, but that's something to chew on .
  21. So I did some overhauling on the first post, although I haven't quite removed claims yet - all sources are fair game though!
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