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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Damn...can't wait till this comes out.
  2. A lot of people don't seem to remember the days where the likes of Bad Tuna reigned.
  3. Lucky too, cause I felt I should've had our first game . And how are we losing, we're the motherfucking Metaknights!
  4. Damn, so early this year . Looks like someone is taking advantage of the day after Valentine's Day to have a certain someone in the area for sure .
  5. So, I lost two vs. Keegan, but in the second game, for some reason Yahoo gave him the win when I had 11 seconds left. Weird.
  6. Mac gaming sucks for its lack of right click support via only mouse.
  7. ToS multiplayer is kinda boring, except for the first player. I remember trying it with my suitemates but for everyone but the first player it was kinda bland.
  8. Come on team, we can do better! Bahamut wins 2-0 vs. Dama in some close matches, although in both games tricks by me won out. Here's the second game which illustrates one of them: ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: damathacus ;Black: ilovepsi84 ;Date: Wed Jan 31 05:40:18 GMT 2007 1. d2-d4 d7-d5 2. c2-c4 e7-e6 3. b1-c3 g8-f6 4. c1-g5 f8-e7 5. g1-f3 b8-c6 6. g5xf6 e7xf6 7. e2-e4 d5xc4 8. f1xc4 f6xd4 9. f3xd4 c6xd4 10. c3-e2 c7-c5 11. e2xd4 c5xd4 12. o-o o-o 13. e4-e5 b7-b5 14. c4xb5 d8-d5 15. a2-a4 d5xe5 16. d1-f3 a8-b8 17. f1-d1 c8-b7 18. f3-g4 a7-a6 19. b5-c4 f8-c8 20. b2-b3 c8-d8 21. d1-d3 b7-e4 22. d3-d2 d4-d3 23. a1-d1 e4-f5 24. g4-g3 e5-c3 25. c4xd3 b8xb3 26. d3xf5 d8xd2 27. d1xd2 c3-c1+ 28. d2-d1 c1xd1++
  9. Alright, so I beat Hotel Dusk today - the game surprised me, but I'm not quite sure whether it was worth $32 over at least two good books.
  10. So, I've poured several hours into Hotel Dusk...and I'm quite impressed, although some things about the game really pisses me off. Good for gamers who just want to stroll through their games though.
  11. Oh, so it can do so out of the box, whadda know?
  12. Haha, feel my hate! I remember getting pissed off because they blocked the ISPs I was using (i.e. AOL, my undergrad college connection).
  13. Interesting read. Now, they need to start an American branch.
  14. As a current Mac user, I have to say this - if you want a Mac and you don't want to do many intricate things, a Mac is a nice option. However, some programs are fairly buggy or take a long time to load with this transition to Intel CPUs. I'd still take a computer with Windows over a Mac any day, but for laptop purposes a Mac is fine.
  15. Alright, so I got the last copy of Hotel Dusk at Walmart today and played a little of it (gotta love having to seek out rare games ). So far, the game seems somewhat sluggish to me, but I'm hoping it will pick up.
  16. I'll get Vista when I build a new desktop. For now, it doesn't concern me though. I do think complaints about Vista are a little overblown, as little as I may like them.
  17. So, I got some more S ranks in EBA, and so far I'm up to Five Star Commander in the ranks. I'm wondering what's the highest, and not even GameFAQs lists all of them yet.
  18. Yeah, I got some S ranks last night, including on Jumpin' Jack Flash.
  19. And guess what? The IP owner is Sony, so I'd put a bet that it'll be in development for the PS3.
  20. Goldeneye innovated the FPS genre period - games before then stressed kill-everything-on-sight while Goldeneye brought some depth to the table.
  21. You may want to get Hotel Dusk simply because of its rarity, but EBA is easily the best or second best (to Mario Kart DS) DS game I've played yet.
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