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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. Well, Sony has had a history of hating 2D...so I wouldn't be surprised if that's the reason we haven't seen many huge 2D titles.
  2. English motherfucker! Do you speak it?
  3. Actually, one of the bonus set of characters uses the stylus. So, what other games are coming out? I really want Namco to bring over the Tales of Eternia port onto the PSP . That will convince me to get off the pirating bandwagon.
  4. 18 hours in front of Target. Oddly enough though, I got another Wii in the mail to arrive tomorrow (from Amazon.com), but this one is going to Taucer.
  5. Alright, so Rainman and I traded games. Here's one greedy trap he fell for: ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: rainmanr2d2 ;Black: ilovepsi84 ;Date: Wed Dec 20 00:46:57 GMT 2006 1. d2-d4 d7-d5 2. c1-f4 e7-e6 3. c2-c4 c7-c5 4. c4xd5 e6xd5 5. f4xb8 a8xb8 6. d1-a4+ c8-d7 7. a4xa7 c5xd4 8. a7xd4 d8-a5+ 9. b1-c3 d7-e6 10. g2-g3 f8-c5 11. d4xg7 d5-d4 12. g7xh8 d4xc3 13. h8xc3 c5-b4 14. o-o-o b4xc3 15. b2xc3 a5xc3+ 16. c1-b1 b8-c8 17. e2-e4 c3-c2+ 18. b1-a1 c2xa2++
  6. I'm not sure if its been posted, but Opera browser on Friday.
  7. I never been ice skating there, so I have no idea. I guess that does suck though. And yeah, what's with the non-posting?
  8. Wario Ware is out next month. That is awesome for some fun, but I agree, kinda dry but the first quarter of video games always suck, other than when RE4 came out. Still, I think those rumors are for Europe and I hope to see Metroid Prime 3 in 4 months. We get Wii Play too soon, which is a bargain!
  9. Just make sure to stockpile a bunch of cash for the Nintendo World store, they have a lot of hard to find Wii accessories if what Atma has said is right. Now the only question left to solve is whether you want it on the 27th or the 28th...?
  10. Boo for eBay. Actually, I just sold it to Taucer for $260 and I will personally hand it to him at the meetup. !!! You mean we'll have a Wii for Magfest? I know which hotel room I'll be hanging out the most in! (lawlz like I wasn't already gonna hang out with OCR) EDIT: Oops, I thought you meant the OCR meetup at Magfest, not NYC. I own a Wii too and will be bringing it to MAGfest . I'm pretty sure they mentioned that they will have Wiis for playing there though.
  11. Boo for eBay. Actually, I just sold it to Taucer for $260 and I will personally hand it to him at the meetup.
  12. Hell, this site is still great for providing a great source of ringtones. And wow, what a sweet contest. That's a nice prize right there.
  13. So, because I signed up for Amazon.com's random thingy to buy a Wii, somehow I beat the odds and was randomly selected to buy one (the odds were 1 out of 28 I think). Yay for ebay?
  14. All these social networking sites are meh. People spend too much of their time on them.
  15. PC game control is overrated.
  16. f is any old function? And what properties does H have? Connectedness? You shouldn't need anything else. You're just considering f's continuity at a point of H which is not a limit point of H. I guess since x is in the interior of H, one can take a ball around it that is contained in the interior of H. Using the fact that a function can only have a countable number of discontinuities, this means that the function must be piecewise continuous, and so must be continuous about x. This argument seems stronger than needed though.
  17. So, I am up to the final dungeon. My thoughts so far on the 8th dungeon:
  18. Well, I think it'd help if 'Wii codes' is in the title. I shall grace this thread with my code soon enough.
  19. Ah, I'm used to that because that's what actual tennis is all about. Nothing about the strategy was new to me so it was very easy to pick up.
  20. 81 games, jeez. I did it in like 7 or so. Seriously though, how many did it take you? 30-40? I'm serious. Well 7 matches really, some of them 5 game, some of them 3 game. I've played tennis for 18 years though.
  21. Actually, I like the sword sounds. I can't stand the low quality when it does the "got-an-item" sound though.
  22. f is any old function? And what properties does H have? Connectedness?
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