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The Pezman

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Everything posted by The Pezman

  1. The guy who made these is an associate of mine, and the article claims that speakers of this caliber can accentuate the difference between lossless and mp3 files. Any comments on the scientific veracity of that claim? http://gizmodo.com/5378529/joey-roths-ceramic-computer-speakers-review-500-gives-your-pc-audiophile-cred#comments
  2. Then perhaps it would be a good idea if you showed me.
  3. QFT. I rarely come to the site with the intent to listen to a specific mix or check a specific game. I like being able to browse, like a library, and I think that option should remain. In my personal opinion, the new darker gray looks pretty depressing as well.
  4. Not crazy about the new gray... makes it look more depressing.
  5. Nice review, but the visuals look like they've spoiled about half the game for me.
  6. Saw this. Was disheartened. Thoughts?
  7. Relax, I wasn't lying, merely reporting what I saw at the time. As it turns out, maybe 4 or 5 minutes later, the seeds started to pick up.
  8. We discussed this in seminar last year. Many of us agreed that game and Internet addiction is more of a mask for some deeper issue. I certainly know I've spent more time in front of a screen when I'm bored and/or depressed. A personal theory of mine is that OCR and organizations like it can help mitigate potential addictions. It helps people who might otherwise keep playing games all day talk about games in a healthy and community-oriented fashion, and work on other skills (writing, composing, acting, etc) as well.
  9. Torrent has no seeds, and download button is broken. Fail. ;(
  10. Between this and Scribblenauts, a DSi will be forthcoming...
  11. Well, it can function as a springboard, yes. I don't see the issue with that. I don't know the success rate of individuals who have actually gotten comics made by Z2H, though.
  12. For those who don't know, Zeroes2Heroes has dubbed itself "The People's Publisher" and prides itself on taking popular ideas pitched by aspiring writers to a full-fledged comic book. They'll also pimp the property to various movie, game et al. studios. They're single-handedly responsible for the Reboot... reboot. I've had a story idea kicking around my skull for over four years, and last night I finally made an account and pitch. You can make an account and vote if you like (I'd appreciate it) but any feedback in general would be good as well. Here's the link: http://www.zeros2heroes.com/pitch/1292
  13. Believe it or not, I think a massive improvement to the story structure would go a long way. Story's not something you usually think of with Sonic, and before Sonic Adventure you didn't have to (although S3&K's linking the levels together was a very nice touch, something I've never seen since). But then that game came along and... holy crap, that story was awesome! Grand mythology, E-102 Gamma's internal struggle, that was some good stuff. I'd been reading the Sonic comics all along, so it was nice to see a story which aspired to that level of complexity. SA2's story was markedly worse, but it still wasn't horrible and its gameplay was better so I let it slide. But what kind of garbage did we get after that? Sonic Heroes was the same story four times, Shadow the Hedgehog gave us a momentary reprieve, and don't even get me started on STH 2006. Sonic Rush aspired to be the next S3&K, but its story was so flimsy and juvenile (and its levels so disconnected) I could hardly take it seriously (there were also gameplay issues I had, like with badniks being positioned in just the wrong place in order to screw you up). So it's got to either have the story quality of Sonic Adventure or the minimalism of S3&K. But do NOT NOT NOT "Sonic Rush" the story.
  14. It was just an idea. Whatever criterion anyone wants to use is cool with me. I just want to see it happen.
  15. What would the sleeping arrangement be?
  16. Damn, you shirk the boards for a couple of weeks and look what gets planned. Unfortunately, I've been traveling a lot lately and need to stay put in order to find and start a job. If this had happened last weekend I would have been in the clear, as I was right in the heart of Philly. However, the friend I was there to see might be interested in coming. She listens to the OneUps, so she'd fit in well.
  17. In that case, roll with me on this: Remix #2001 will, like the famed movie, usher OCR into a new fantastical era. Therefore, perhaps the contest could revolve around a mix with the highest degree of innovation: some new style or technique that simply hasn't been seen on OCR before.
  18. Beatdrop's #1900 mix got me thinking that this would be a good idea. I'm sure a lot of people would want their mix to go down in history with this auspicious designation. OCR hasn't run a contest in a while, the cost wouldn't be anything more than normal, and it seems to me to be more fair than an arbitrary selection. Talking about it now would give people time to make/submit mixes, judges time to judge, and DJP time to decide on a posting order. Thoughts?
  19. Will it be VG-themed (cook up some Saltwater Taffy for Roxas and crew!) or just plain delicious food?
  20. Update: Hey, all. I know I've been kind of a ghost around here these past few weeks, but I've been busy adjusting to adult life (job starts today!). But I haven't forgotten you all, nor the boatload of stuff I still want to sell. To start, I've put this on ebay. Normally I hate ebay, but this is enough of a high-profile item for it to be worth it. Production stopped on these guys ages ago, so there aren't too many of them left. The "Buy It Now" price is what I bid on it for originally in auction format. It's around for 10 days, so get moving on it. In addition, I plan on revamping my auction site (currently down) with new content and a spiffier looking appearance. Stay tuned for that.
  21. I'm guessing this will eradicate any possibility of the American McGee version being filmed.
  22. Bad. So bad. Really really bad.
  23. I like how you've continued to use that message in Computer-related threads. I don't know how I originally came across it...
  24. Anyone heard of Harvestworks, Eyebeam, and/or NYC resistor? I hope to be allying with them in the months to come.
  25. I haven't hopped on the iPhone train yet, but now seems a better time than ever (barring me waiting another year or so for the multicore version). Of course, that's conditional on me being able to jailbreak the thing, so when compatibilities and updates are sorted out I'll be waiting. Does the hardware (i.e. 3G vs 3GS) make any difference? I'm not sure why you wouldn't want to put that on the app store (unless certain processes like wireless OSC transmission aren't normally available). With a bit of UI work I think that puppy would be very appealing to musicians desiring high quality sounds from the slim form factor. At least three from this forum alone. Depending on my experience with the phone, I'm definitely considering trying to create a few apps for some cash flow on the side. As long as I've got you, what screen/voicecasting software did you use for your trackr demo?
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