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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Whaaat a breath of fresh air! Dude this was somethin I was needing to hear; and old school sound with that new sound flare. Don't stop makin stuff like this, very impressive first submission, hope to hear more stuff from you soon =D.
  2. Dude great stuff man. I can't believe you came up with THIS so fast because I'm lovin it.
  3. I think I know what Ghetto Lee Lewis is saying and I'm glad that I've stumbled upon this. I'm pretty sure my music is gonna sound even more amazing now that I've read this. Yoozer and Zircon both made important points as well. I just learned a shit ton from this thread.
  4. I'm kinda confused. Does that mean you should use multiple compressors? Or do you mean find better samples out there with more transients?
  5. To play, would be the piano or a synth, since I can play that on piano(keyboard) as well. To listen to - Trombone definitely, also the piano, and the electric guitar xD.
  6. What in thee fuck lol.
  7. Love this source, love this remix, and I love halc =D.
  8. Oohh man. I remember playin that Richard Scarry game. I kinda want to take a whack at this now xD. Must focus like I've never focused before xD.
  9. Did anyone claim m bison's theme yet? I kinda want to take a crack at it xD.
  10. Wish I could help. Must...get...internet back on ;_;.
  11. I like how this has some power behind it with a nice structured groove. It doesn't deviate from the main theme and I think it works really well for this song. Never heard the original, but I'm sure you did it justice, I'll have to listen to verify lol. Great work dude!
  12. I was actually very surprised that I didn't hear vocals in this remix xD. This is hella cool. More kick ass chill music to add to my collection =).
  13. Don't know enough about metal to try to critique or anything, but overall I really do love this. Great first sub dude =D! *thumbs up*
  14. Please share some of your skills with the rest of us xD.
  15. Datsik - Jenova Project Warning, this is dubstep pretty dope nonetheless but kinda repetitive not like I care, but for those who has issues with those types of things I figured I would give the heads up =).
  16. Haha wow, that was a good one =).
  17. That last sentence wasn't directed towards me was it? Also another thing I would note. Please tell me you still have a knack for the other genres of music as well. The thing I think I like most about you is you're so damn versatile on top of bein so damn good. Like when I listen to your demo reel track at first I thought it was done by several different people, but it's just one guy and I just love that.
  18. I think I'm at my breaking point with music making meaning that I could either plummet from this point or keep rising and I'm hoping for the latter. There are so many things that I don't know about music that I've just been kinda doin my own thing and hope that it works and nothin has been truly consistent with me. Maybe it's my confidence when I hear some peoples work around here(not gonna name but you amazing people should know who you are lol) or maybe it's just my lack of knowledge in the field. /end ranting stuff There are a few things I have questions about hopefully this'll help me in the long run because I'm not gonna publish any more music until I feel I have a process of start to finish music creation that works for me everytime. When one talks about music referencing, what the hell do they mean by that exactly? I understand that you're suppose to listen to other peoples music as a reference, but how do I take what I listened to and apply it to my music? Are there any plugins that help with this sorta thing, what should I be listening for? Another thing that I'm not so confident about is my eq'ing and compression. EQ I won't really talk about I think I just have to worry about that on my own. When is it appropriate to use compression and limiters and how should you compress a sound? Where in the mixing or mastering chain should a compressor or limiter go? Speaking of mixing chains is there a rule of thumb for placing effects before or after other effects? What type of effect processors work well with drums, synths, live instruments? Another huge thing for me is reverb. I make very shitty reverb and I use the presets very shitty like so I either use no reverb at all or ultra lightly which really doesn't impact the music at all. What type of things should I be listening for and how much should be applied? Before you guys flame me or anything, please note that I don't have the internet at home right now so any researching I do is at school. And all of the guides and tips and shit don't go into enough detail and I've been to a ton of places. I know a lot of it you have to try for yourself, but I've done plenty of that I feel and I really haven't been gettin anywhere and it's discouraging and I don't want to stop because I have all this great music in my head but it's never exactly what I was hoping for when I put it onto my DAW. Also, I have an maudio axiom 61. How can I make better use of it? I use it in conjunction with FL but I can also use it with Reason. Should I just start goin at it and record whatever I play? What about the controls? I know with Reason the devices are automatically synced to the keyboard, but what about FL Studio? Would I have to use the midi learn function everytime? All the damn guides I've seen were for the axiom pro which I don't have . So can you guys help a brotha out who's at his wits end? I'm like seriously lost at this point or maybe it's all just psychological =/.
  19. I love/hate how you're so good, I might've said this before but oh well lol. Anyways great piece definitely a straight rip from Pendulums In Silico style. Sounds like you could port this straight to whatever sonic game you got the source from it's definitely got the energy. Anyways can't wait to hear the whole thing because you WILL finish this =P.
  20. I need to upgrade my desk. I think I'm gettin tired of using the monitor stands xD, I want to put my monitors on a desk but the one I'm currently using is much too small ;_;. Are these Studio RTA desks designed so you can put the keyboard on the desk while still retaining the correct sitting posture and hand positioning?
  21. Happy bday Deia!
  22. Oh shit! Will be keepin an eye out on this =D.
  23. This is pretty interesting, although it was cluttered in a lot of areas I thought but that seems to be the nature of a mashup xD. What I would've done is pick a song with some vocals and just only used the vocals, then I would've picked one song that's got a decent amount of elements then another song that doesn't have as many so it would fit better and less chance of clashing with the other songs, but that's me Either way I liked it, thumbs up to you sir.
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