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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. That's a tight setup. I see a big apple speaker on your speaker but I see no apple merch or I'm just blind lol.
  2. Lol agreed. I feel like I could do somethin with this song but I'm really bad with deadlines, well right now at least lol xD. I really do hope someone claims this soon though. What happens if no one claims this song?
  3. Holy crap this is sweet man. Question: Was this all done in Reason?
  4. Well that was meant for Slygen. I want more help with the production, that transition and the guitar and the rest of the song will follow. I wasn't tryin to be an ahole or anything just sayin that's what I would like help with xD. Anyways I'll make that bassline not so "slidy" lol while working on the other stuff. I STILL NEED SOME PEOPLE WITH GUITAR EXPERIENCE TO HELP ME because apparently this sounds like FL Slayer which makes me sad lol. Guess I can always take this to the irc.
  5. No offense, but I know a bit of theory so I don't need any lessons really. I don't really know the Phrygian scale, but if it's as easy as flattening the second note then that's not hard. And I'm aware that the guitar isn't good. I want help on how to make it better. Everything else I will work on once i get off of work. Thanks guys =).
  6. The bass that comes in at :07 is bein played by the bass in that intro sequence that's pretty much it. The lead is a little trickier: The lead melody that also comes in at :07 is being played by the guitar but it's been stretched and tweaked. I don't know how to explain this musically, but if you can imagine that lead melody being stretched out with a few notes added in between, then that's what the guitar is playing. Speaking of guitars it's definitely not fl slayer but I did use fl studio using guitar rig. After addressing that the guitar doesn't sound that good, I will fix that but I do hope I can get some more help with that from people who are experienced with that type of thing. Another note, the song isn't finished. I just need some inspiration from fellow musicians or listeners. My main thing is that transition, and once I get past that I'll be able to continue on the rest of the track. Thanks for your input DragnBreth.
  7. ... What do you guys think? I think I'm gonna get it my next paycheck. I don't have any piano samples so this'll be a nice plus for me. I'm still not really technical with sample talk but I would like to hear what people have to say about it like if it's worth gettin or not, or noting some of the features it has.
  8. Ok so just to let you guys know. I'm still workin on the Lucky Number Show Remix. I'm leanin more towards no vocals so I'll have that decision by tomorrow. If I don't add vocals then it'll be done much faster. But anyways on to my Zelda Remix. I'm sure you've all heard tefnek's 'the end' remix for FFVII, well this remix is inspired by that remix. And I'm using Zircons shreddage for the guitar part. First - Now bear with me, I've never officially mixed guitars into my music so I don't know anything about humanization or mixing guitars so I need some pointers with that. Second - The hip hop/electronic section the beginning isn't 100% finished, nor is the guitar section and that transition isn't final either I just threw that in there to let you guys know that I suck with transitions and I need some help with that lol. Third - I know production may not be there so if you guys have any production critiques I could use those as well. Fourth - I'm goin for a dark sound so if there are any other elements that you guys think would sound good or pre exisiting sounds that could be tweaked to help with the dark sound, let me know. Anyways please help a brotha out lol, hope you guys at least enjoy it xD. Remix
  9. Sweeeeet! I haven't left any comments since I first did when you made the thread for the first time I figured you guys were still workin on it. Can't wait till this is done though!
  10. All of you guys have been a ton of help, thank you thank you =). If I have anymore questions regarding automation, I'll definitely come back to this thread and post away xD.
  11. Lol yeah that worked like a charm. So what about when I want to make different automation clips for that same parameter, do I have to make it unique or is there a better way?
  12. I know I'm probably gonna be arsed for this but I didn't see any threads on automation on the front page and I did this in a rush so I could view the thread on my lunch break at work. Anyways my question is what are some automation techniques for direct FL plugins or third party ones? What are some of the best ways to do automation for the parameters that plugins may have? I went to do some automation on this x,y controller in Zebra2 but I have no idea how to do it. Do automation clips work, or the event window? And how would I link the parameters with the controllers on my axiom 61 to do more hands-on automation recording?
  13. This is sweet, I love the 80's feel of all of your music that's been established by you. I'm not familiar with the source tune of this actually I'll have to go and listen to this. Good stuff Will.
  14. Huh? Why wouldn't yours get posted? Anyways I definitely can't wait for the maveric battle since I want to be a participant xD.
  15. I've actually started messin with FL back in 04 or somethin like that. I didn't get serious till about 2 years ago. Within that 2 year time frame I switched from FL Studio to Reason and I've had a ton of help from Brian, which everyone knows him by Tweek, and I thank him for that If it wasn't for him my stuff would still sound pretty bad lol.
  16. Got some more replies, sweet lol. Unfortunately I need a guy for this part and I already have someone to fill the part I'm just waitin for the audio that I was wantin lol. Thanks for your support though, I appreciate the comments =) @Yoshifan - Lol thanks man. And about the dialogue thing, it's not gonna draw away from the song It's gonna be part of the bridge so it should only help the song, plus it'll make it more interesting as people probably wouldn't expect it. Anyways keep the comments comin guys I want everyones feedback and opinion.
  17. Where mah vocals lol.

  18. Interesting I'll have to try that out then xD.
  19. If anything try using Reason as a rewire as SnappleMan said, it works wonders since it's such a nice program anyways. I found myself actually goin back to FL after usin Reason for about a year and a half. I realized how important using plugins were and Reason doesn't allow that. Nothin really new to add to the table, just try Reason by itself first then try experimentin with it as a Rewire client and see how you like it then.
  20. On the ASIO panel it's set to 7 which turns out to be 312 samples(8ms). The thing is I have run these before I had the problems and it worked just fine. Programs weren't an issue (although I shouldn't be running programs in the first place as it distracts me from making music lol). I have not changed anything it just started doin this out of nowhere. Unless this can be solved, I think I'm just gonna reformat my computer once more to clean out any bugs I think I may have that's suck up my cpu .
  21. How is it different? I treat OCR music the same as everything else I listen to outside of this website, music is music. But let's not get carried away on this guy's remix thread( which is a sweet ass name btw lol) pm me if you want to debate this some more. Sorry xD, back on topic: nice remix lol.
  22. Ok I didn't see a topic about this on the front page and this seems like it's specific to me unless someone else has an emu microdock but anyways, here it goes: Ok starting with the general specs of my computer, I'm running a phenom II Quad core processor 3.0 ghz with 3.25 gigs of ram and my soundcard is the emu 1616m microdock and prior to that I was running an athlon dual core with 2 gigs of ram. When I was running the latter setup I had problems running zircons shreddage library, which prompted me to upgrade my computer. I switched to the better setup and wiped everything and attempted to run shreddage again which I had no problems with. I've recently reformatted my computer again and this time I'm gettin some issues that were worse than when I had my athlon setup. The problem I'm havin is that distorted, scratchy sound which I'm sure you guys have all heard at one point. Do you guys have any idea of why it would happened now when I'm running the same setup as before and I didn't have any problems at that time? If anyone could help me, I would greatly appreciate it.
  23. This is good. I don't see what issue with repetitiveness is. I hear music in the club just as repetitive. Nice club feel and the production's good I gots no complaints.
  24. Ugh, pump it up?!?! I can't stand that dame game but that doesn't mean I'm not happy for you guys because I am xD.
  25. Haha, no worries man. My grandmother passed away recently so I wasn't worried about any of that anyways. Lookin forward to hear what you have it's been collecting dust so I can't wait to work on it again lol xD.

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