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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. Oh, simple enough haha, use midi Outs as your channels, set them to a port, then load up a Fruity LSD effect anywhere in the mixer and set it to the same port.
  2. Firstly, make sure you have the drivers for your keyboard installed and good to go, then make sure you turn on the keyboard and have it plugged in and everything *before* you start up FL or it likely won't show up. if you're lucky it should then show up in that input box. If not, then it's probably a driver problem, search for the latest and greatest driver for whatever it is you're using.
  3. I'm always surprised at the amount of people who have Axioms, I have a 61. I think I could figure out the features, but I really have no need for any of them.
  4. I love games like this, but I think the final version would have been better suited to being a flash game, it seems like it would be too short to charge $15 for it.
  5. Hahahaha, that's hilarious, not what I expected, but really quite funny. It was worth a laugh!
  6. I've actually been planning to do a video on gating sometime, maybe I should get around to that. I'm a little confused at what you're asking, do you want to gate the reverb effect on and off? If that's what you want then just instead of linking the volume knob to the peak controller link the FX mix knob instead (or the green LED).
  7. ^ Just what I was going to say, very well done!
  8. Ya, I've been expecting the deals to get better as the sale comes to an end. To convince people who've already bought a ton to buy just a bit more. I think I'll pick up Half-Life and maybe Shattered Horizon today.
  9. Hrmm, I think that's probably a bug, someone'll have to report that. I tried it too and it seems to delete all of the midi rather than merging it. The only way I got it to work properly is by merging the direct result of choosing "split by channel". Either way, for now just make a new pattern and cut and paste the midi from the split patterns into it, then delete the split ones and use the new one.
  10. Ah, suppose I should decide a little quicker next time. If there are any more dropouts I'll take Knight Man.
  11. Oh haha, looks like I misinterpreted that whole thing, I'm still trying to decide between Knight Man and Tornado Man, it's tricky, especially since they're so different.
  12. Argh! Tornado Man snatched out from under me! Well, back to the drawing board, but I'll be taking you down for this sir! Haha, just put me down for Knight Man then.
  13. Good luck in all future pursuits, may your life be overclocked. Thanks for sticking around as long as you did! All your contributions are very much appreciated.
  14. Hrmm, I know you'd like an even 16, but I'd like to join up too, if we can get enough more people to get this to work then great, if not I can just sit out. Let me know if I can join in. I shall scour the musical realms of the masters in search of my Robot while I await your decision.
  15. It appears you accidentally hit the "Split by channel" option in the playlist, Ctrl + Click downwards to select all of the patterns you want to fix in the playlist, then right click and choose "Merge Patterns" That should fix it up.
  16. Congrats to yet another OCR Marriage! Wow, I need to get started on this whole marriage thing sometime... 1. Get a girlfriend 2. Get Married 3. ??? 4. Profit!
  17. Hrmm, that's a tricky one. Midi is only designed to send on 16 channels per Port so far as I know, I'd first suggest just trying to copy some of the midi over into Reason rather than running it all through FL, but if you'd rather not; there may be a possible work around. First I'd check the midi settings under the output tab in FL and check if there's more than one Reason Midi input available, also check Reason to see if there are settings regarding to receiving midi via ReWire. If not, you may have to try loading up a second instance of FL Studio ReWire, then setting the midi out port on that instance to something other than port 10. I've never done any ReWire before so I have no clue if these will work at all, I'm betting not, but give it a try anyways. Good Luck!
  18. I'm not certain where to find one, but just to let you know this should probably be posted in the general workshop area, it has nothing to do specifically with FL Studio and you'll get more traffic there.
  19. Glad I could help! Have a great Holiday Season!
  20. Awesome stuff, and those who complain about free things should never get anything free again. Merry Christmas to all! Thanks for the heads up, I'd miss so many deals if it wasn't for OCR!
  21. Here's a few things to try, Firstly, I'd recommend restarting your computer now that you've installed drivers if you haven't tried that already. Then make sure you turn on your keyboard before starting FL Studio. Now start up FL. In the midi settings check if your keyboard shows up as an input option, it should. If it doesn't, things might be more complicated, but it should show up there. Are you using a USB connection or just midi out? If it does show up, select it in the list and light up the "Enable" box, also light up the "Auto Accept Controller" box. You may need to close out of FL and start it up again at this point. Your controller should work now hopefully. Something to keep in mind, at least with my keyboard is that I need to have the keyboard connected and turned on before starting FL Studio or it won't recognize it. Good luck and Merry Christmas!
  22. I think from now on I'll just not buy anything full price ever again, just wait for Christmas time. I'm still loving last years christmas deals!
  23. I'm not sure if you correctly understand what a sound's frequency is, are you referring to the sounds volume levels? Changing frequency levels would in most cases be the job of an Equalizer plugin, but from the sounds of it you might be wanting a compressor.
  24. Haha, anytime, glad I could help.
  25. Another good way is to use FX and automate them, especially in trancy and techno stuff. If it fits the mood just through a filter on there and do some automation to mix things up, depends on the instrument though.
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