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The Derrit

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Everything posted by The Derrit

  1. that would indeed be cool. though i'd be more excited about them making a new portable mario sports title with the rpg elements from game boy color days
  2. because because that's what 'core' means now, seriously. like i play a ton of games and have pride in my knowledge on gaming history and the industry but i do other things too, that gaming 'intelligence' it what makes gaming rewarding for me. i am not a 'core' gamer because i do not play shooters exclusively and need more gore and violence to be satisfied with the 'maturity' level of a game.
  3. good work so far episode three was funny
  4. a) who would ridicule you for buying video games that would really influence your decision. are you actually japanese or just using the 3 snippets of it you know i personally do see reasons to be concerned definitely, but not at 'i don't want this system' level by any means. nintendo will make good nintendo games and that's what i'm looking for. friend codes and such suck but honestly nintendo single player experiences (which is just about every big budget nintendo game) don't need the internet. if i wanna play shooters and multiplayer stuff i'll do it on my computer.
  5. if you had just said this from the beginning i wouldn't have pegged you as stupid or a dick that's all you had to say. adding all the flowery language and stupid shit like "a break every 15 minutes? how childish nintendo must suck now" is what made you sound like an idiot your above statement is true. i have no problem with it.
  6. i was in a bad mood but yeah sometimes. i really hate it when people act and sound snooty on the internet, of all of the places online ocr has been the one with the least asshattery and 'omg bland *western* style, how boring' and 'hollehwood wants to ruwin our funz wit big naem actors' are both asshat comments. straight up. if he were to say 'i'm not a huge fan of the pixar styled animation,' 'i didn't really like the song that they picked' and 'i think it would diminish this movie if they cast famous people for well known video game characters,' hey. no problem. but he didn't say that instead he sounded like an animu hipster and that's super obnoxious. i live in japan obviously i have no issue with anime, and the song is completely take it or leave it for me. but god damn just express yourself like a normal person instead of inserting bullshit badditude into your comments. whatever happened to quality control around here like the longest running ocr meme was 'lurk more' is that no longer in play? on that note i'm done derailing this topic, i've watched the trailer for this movie like 50 times now at least i want it so bad
  7. i'm going to bullet point my stuff like you so i can sound smart too a) nobody cares about your opinion of the name it's a name and nobody will care about the name 'wii u' within negative 3 months ago well then it's a good thing the wii u is going to be more powerful than the wii... nice point you know what they say about assumption c) and e) they're doing full game downloads with the 3ds and unless you bought like 12 games from wiiware there was plenty of space sooo actually you're wrong. it's completely reasonable that you have to pay more for significantly higher space. instead of building in that huge hard drive and making people pay for it upfront, having them pay for it when you *actually* need it is completely reasonable and makes complete sense. f) that's cool i'm glad you think so. press a and stop bitching, nice moot point to base an opinion on g) yes we're TOTALLY in for a disappointment because Shigeru Miyamoto doesn't speak proper English. and past zelda games are a clear indication of diminishing standards..? i'm not attacking you because i i'm mad you have doubts about the wii u or even that i dislike your opinion it's that you're so stupid as to say things like "oh there's a screen telling me to take a break nintendo is dead" and a half-sentence snippet from a man who doesn't speak english telling you that "the legend of zelda is going to be nothing more than an iphone app" USE YOUR BRAIN
  8. sorry it's not all animu japanimated for you. also sorry that you don't like popular music that must suck. here's a picture just for you. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3patbs/ also how dumb can you be, if you're making a film like this nobody's gonna be like "hmmmm I KNO LETZ MAKE MASTUR CHEEFS VOICE LEONARDO DICAPRIO THATD BE KEWL" stop trying to sound like you're cool and above it all, that's coincidentally the best way to sound like an idiot
  9. the only smart thing you've said it's not 'right to an opinion' that makes your "opinion" dumb it's the way you state it as fact and then vehemently defend it afterwards by using the word 'opinion' a bunch of times like i'm violating your first amendment rights. also note: the idea of a 'kiddy name' for something is stupid as shit, wii u is fine, it's a name, a proper noun, it has no meaning. also note: there were rarely if ever significant load times on the wii in any game of decent value also note: nintendo has stated multiple times recently they are moving towards download-based structure. the hard drive will be big enough also note: child gamers don't watch e3 and in most cases neither do their parents. nintendo presenting to children at e3 is like presenting a documentary on corruption in the middle of a grade school arts and crafts festival; its the wrong audience. also note: hard drive size has nothing to do with whether or not games will be made in hd. also note: children are most decidedly *not* the only people playing nintendo consoles and that's super dumb of you to say also note: the last zelda game to not have critical acclaim was... oh wait that's right there wasn't one i would tell you to lurk more but you joined in 2002 so... yeah good luck with that
  10. now this i want to see is there a link somewhere
  11. you're pretty dumb chinatown wars had tons of critical acclaim and when it got ported to psp sold like hotcakes
  12. the yellow robot might be from One Must Fall? also the demon guy could be from diablo or warcraft 3 but i doubt it. elf lady looks familiar but no idea where from
  13. i see alistar and malphite all the time. and i think zilean does fine bottom you have to be careful but its about putting bombs either directly on people or on minions about to die so it will instasplode. his slow is enough to get you a kill in most ganks or if someone overextends. you just can't play janna 'i get 0 cs' with him you need some to get you started up, which despite conventional wisdom is TOTALLY FINE
  14. ap carries actually have to aim (minus ryze and annie), and xin and fiora you can disengage. the issue with his combo is that you can't escape it unless you flash. that's pretty much the only way. also another difference between him and ap carries is he has natural sustain that ap carries don't. i usually hate it when people are like 'new champ op' but if two players play evenly as top ad bruisers, there's really no reason to use any other champion, and that's when it's too much.
  15. other than having 'i' in there twice
  16. i think the biggest issue is the way in which he can put out seven attacks in about 5 seconds. if he's at melee range, he can attack->spin>grab>attack>arterycut>another attack>probably another spin because he's got the bleed speed bonus. even as galio, who spaces people as a life choice, can't do it because the slow harass means nothing to him. he can stand in your ranged minions and do a full combo anytime you get nearby. the worst part is he can do this without any damage whatsoever: i got pushed out of lane by a darius with a heart of gold and nothing else.
  17. if you think about it the 'instant refresh' thing is like cass's poison fang except it requires him to be in close range, aka 'i'm an ad and get my face melted' range. not to say some of it doesn't look troubling but despite how much damage he can put out unbothered, him getting crushed at that close range seems to me like it'd keep him under control.
  18. if death metal was hypothetically terrible then we would be but it's actually just factually terrible so i'm not.
  19. if that's the band he's talking about then we've got nothing to worry about because it won't happen
  20. yeah i saw that first one. sucks for them. i think its because peacewalker came out as a standalone game beforehand but sucks either way. the second one though is just demand. also here's some good things: so many more games have voice acting in them. the ds tales game from over 5 years ago has full voice acting from start to finish. most console rpgs don't even have that.
  21. i wouldn't count on it there are a lot of special editions that aren't in the states here also it should go without saying but DO NOT play this game if there is any game in the series you haven't played yet and would like to. you literally get synopses of each game inbetween worlds, because it's important to bringing the storyline together.
  22. yeah i'm not sure why but there are definitely a lot of copies of old games just about anywhere you look. at a nearby recycle-mart (pretty much a big pawn shop but less shady) they had 8-packs of sfc games. one of the packs had like chrono trigger, breath of fire, final fantasy 4, a dragon quest, and it was TOTAL like 900 yen. also i found a boxed copy of mother and mario kart 64, and legend of zelda ocarina of time
  23. well isn't that nice and passive aggressive though i will say when all of my real life gamer friends tell me how they're pretty disappointed with how it turned out i'm not incredibly convinced that's the case especially when about a 4th of them have had their accounts tampered with and/or hacked
  24. bump cuz i just saw this and its awesome
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