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1337 1

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Everything posted by 1337 1

  1. In other words, the same people who make any other kind of music. Did you think that just because they'd make a keygen (i.e. illegal), they'd go to all the trouble of making/paying for decent music?
  2. Doesn't change the fact that you were being insensitive. Now let's leave it at that before a flame war starts.
  3. While ever flash, handhelds and the like exist, as well as open source and other programs (things like "Game Maker" come to mind) exist, no. There are so many platforms that make extensive use of the genre, especially to appeal to the casual gamer. Maybe on the console it might be dead, but no way in hell is it dead outright.
  4. Why are you surprised? Think of all the little 5 year olds who are frothing at the mouth right now, and all the money the company has just made from the people buying the game for this reason. If people stopped buying the games simply for the fact that it has "Pokemon" written on it, then perhaps they might get off their asses and produce some semi decent content, whether it be for the Pokemon franchise or for *gasp* something new and original. i.e. NOT pokemon.
  5. Could someone explain to me how the mic works? The game hasn't come out here in oz yet, and I'm curious as to how it works.
  6. You'll get your chance. I've seen plenty of these threads before. Although the "midi of what I remember bit" is new
  7. I think there was a group trying to make one, but the project died. Search around the forums, but I'm pretty sure it died. Nonetheless, if there was enough interest, I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to get it up and running again. Although I hope there's more people trying to bring in content for OCR. Things like wallpapers etc are good for helping spread the word. People often promote sites like these in their personal works and post them on sites like deviantart etc. Hopefully more people will start doing things like this, because OCR deserves all the publicity it can get.
  8. I swear, I'm getting an intense feeling of deja vu here... Ah, that's right: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13922&page=3 Yeah, the radio station afore mentioned is what your after ^^
  9. You say that as though anyone actually uses it. As with most of their stuff, it sucks Unless you only use an msn/hotmail address (its more common than you think), Pidgin, for all I hate it, is a good bet. Although my preference leads me towards a aMSN/Skype combo. I don't need AIM or the like, and between the two, its plenty enough.
  10. Agreed. After all, this thread is for , as Bahamut put it, "anyone open-minded to exploring genres". Generally speaking, that implies that you are going to find a lot of stuff that is inevitably not to your liking, for whatever reason.
  11. I would have classed zircon as electronic, but let's face it, since "The World Circuit", I don't think he can be easily described by any one genre
  12. I knew that someone was going to make one of these threads. Ah well, its not a bad thing, so merry christmas to all!
  13. Yeah, but really that's an advantage if you had to defend yourself in reality: I can guarantee that when three guys with knives ambush you late at night as your about to cross the road, you won't have the choice of an "ideal battleground". Although probably less applicable to kendo (unless you carry around a sword or similar weapon with you everywhere ), getting used to fighting in different situations is essential. There has been many a tale of fighters getting injured when defending themselves, simply because of the terrain. Many martial arts teach you ways around some such things; things like karate and taekwondo teach you to "pivot" when you kick, so as to prevent injuries that would be sustained from kicking flat footed.
  14. NOTE: I am not attempting to chastise, insult etc america or americans, however this is the way I see it. I have nothing against america or its people. I will grant that yes, there are people out there who will kill people. We already know that. Since knives were created, people have been using knives to kill people. But they didn't ban knives, did they? After all, most people use them as they were designed: for cutting food etc. When things like comics, movies, and any new form of media, are released, there are morons like Thompson who will go out of their way to portray them as the epitome of satanic devices, and responsible for the worlds evils. That's human nature. Not much we can do there. People complain. However, this idiotic concept of blaming something for your own actions is insulting, degrading, childish and outright folly. *remember my little message before ^^;;* Okay, I willingly admit to how terrible it is that people die for whatever reason, especially when someone intended to kill them, but you cannot blame games solely. These "game-inspired" killings are no different than the ones from the past where killings were inspired by movies etc. HOWEVER, in spite of all this, one cannot deny one major factor in all these killings. I admit that there is no doubt evidence in favor of both sides (as is always the case). However, all these so called "professionals" don't seem to grasp what I consider the main factor. In Australia, we have less of these events happening. Yet they are a horrifyingly common occurance over in America. Why? The right to bear arms. We don't have it in Australia, and we hear less of these cases of younger people performing brutal killings. Now, if your in America, you are used to being able to walk around with a gun in your pocket. That's fine. However, that nobody, NOT ONE BLOODY PERSON (in my experience), has at least tried to take this into account, annoys me the most. If your going to factor in something as idiotic as video games (or even just a genre. Ban FPS? Uh, why ban Portal, nobody dies in that one.), then how about things like laws and the mindframe of the people who do these things? After all, you'd need a motive for killing someone, you don't just suddenly get out of bed and say "i think I might just grab a chainsaw and kill everyone today!" From what I've been able to gather, the people who do these things have some reason for it (no matter how foolish it may seem). Like I said before, nothing against Americans. I'm not saying there aren't people like that in Australia, or indeed any other country. It just annoys me that nobody ever talks about it. Meh, there's always going to be retards in this world. Ah well. EDIT: Also, I wrote this after the wingless. I am not disgusted with the average consumer, but rather the people who make gamers out as homicidal maniacs. I'm pretty sure we're not.
  15. Skull candy seem to be pretty good, without being insanely expensive. I'm not sure on american prices, but here in australia they're around $60-120, depending on the type. Should be around half that for you guys, and my friend assures me that they are very good. Its on my list That, and a laptop. I'd like to be able to do things on the run
  16. The box is old school. Metal barrels ftw!
  17. Notion seconded. Sure, its fun to say "hey look at my new black belt; it only took me 3 weeks", when you get your ass handed to you by a 3 year old...it does more harm than good in all respects. Also, the more personal, the better: smaller classes tend to be better than those with 50+ people And make sure that if you go with the ninjitsu place, that the teacher doesn't say "believe it" every three seconds
  18. I find it amusing that ever since Naruto came out, there are more places claiming to teach "ninjitsu" (What, no genjutsu or taijutsu? )(BELIEVE IT!!!)(Please don't hurt me ) I do Chung Do Kwan Tae Kwon Do (its the original style, as taught by General Choi.) The classes are fairly old school, but you learn some awesome stuff. Why bother with 1000 flying, spinning backflip kicks, when a simple strike to the carotid artery will knock them out instantly?
  19. there must be a catch somewhere. There's no such thing as free. There's ALWAYS a catch. For example, sure, the ALBUM might be free, but what about postage? I live in Australia, so I severely doubt its going to be free for me Nonetheless, not a bad deal.
  20. There's a good artist from my local area, he's only new in the whole industry, but considering, the effect is not half bad. He deserves a more credit than he gets, so check him out: Nightwake He doesn't yet have a website, but all his albums are available from the above link
  21. My iPod video (30GB) works fine. Most people whinge about poor battery life because: a) they never charge their ipods and they have a music playlist made up entirely of videos. Videos obviously drain battery life You'll be fine, so long as you don't try and watch the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy or anything
  22. nice; thanks for that
  23. I often see that people have their music listed in genres that aren't default in many programs (so instead of just being listed as a metal or dnb, the song is listed as both). Anyone know how this is done, and in what program. I usually use audacity with the LAME MP3 encoder, but it only has a limited number of genres. If someone knows a plugin, that'd be good, but I'm not picky
  24. I swear, the guy who started this is just asking for this. Who would honestly start up a thread so named and actually expect it to stay that way. Even so, I'm going to make sure he regrets it...I'm sure I've got some midis somewhere...and that converter...
  25. Or, if you like, just have a brief silence where the word is. Its incredibly crude, but I've seen many a professional use this method for the same purpose. It all comes down to how you want to do, and how noticeable the word/s are. As to software, anything, even Audacity should do it.
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