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Eino Keskitalo

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Status Updates posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Ok, thanks for the heads up!

  2. Hi Hollow! We got paired in RwtS so.. hi! I took a listen to the tracks you posted on the thread (and of course I was already familiar with the FFCC track). Creative stuff and you also got a pretty good sound together. The sounds seem basic and the mix is a little sparse, but what is there really works together and I think that is a very very good thing. So.. what software do you use? Do you have a source track in mind you want to tackle (the theme was just posted on the thread)?


  3. Thanks for the comments on Clockwork Groove (on Youtube too!) and kudos for doing so many reviews in general!


  4. Thanks for the comment on Clockwork Groove! I'm glad you liked the old school style. There'll be more of that! :)


  5. Thanks for the review, I appreciate it! Kudos again for so many reviews!

  6. Thanks, Alex! I hope I can keep it going!

  7. Thanks for the recommendation! I'll probably go for one of those USB interfaces in the 100$ range, but that sounds like a decent alternative if I can't afford that.

  8. I'm not sure what I'll do, and recording can be awkward, not sure if I have the possibility. So I'd rather not commit to that. Cool thought though!


  9. Ah! We did a school trip to Budapest for a week some ten years ago. I remember a waiter who spoke excellent Finnish. I also accidentally said "jó" a lot since "joo" means yes in Finnish. Anyway! I don't know if there are practical similarities. I'll try to get to that translation..


  10. Sure! That sounds fun. Would be glad to do something like that. I hopefully will have my gear trouble sorted out by then (or get someone to help out).


  11. Thanks! The words are in Finnish. I had to use a crappy headset for the vocals, I have a proper microphone but I couldn't locate it, plus I think I don't have anything that would function as a preamp. Oh woe!


  12. Props for starting an excellent Tomb Raider request thread, hope some mixes eventually result! It's just cool to see all the appreciation in that thread. (:


  13. I see you're doing lots of reviews, I wanted to give you kudos for that!


  14. Hey, I noticed you've done a big bunch of reviews for tracks. Props for that! I'm sure the artists appreciate it!


  15. Cool to see Go into the Light posted! Congrats Rexy!


  16. "unfortunatelly i dont even know how to compose tunes. ideas..maybe, but no program and no "soundfiles" to compose :cry:"

    There are free programs and sounds to start with! I believe many commercial programs also have free demos so you can try them out.

    If you want to start, you could read this and this to get and idea about writing music (in OCR context).


  17. Congrats on the first post! Great to see other Renoise users here :)


  18. Well, I haven't been using the friends functionality here much!


  19. Congrats on getting posted! Cool track too!


  20. Hey, good luck with the Shadowgate Kickstarter! toilet goat just picked a theme from the NES version for PRC231!


  21. Thanks for the comment, much appreciated! I'll try you suggestion on the leads. I don't have much mixing experience, so it's very welcome!


  22. I've put up a WIP thread for my PRC 220 track here, it'd be great if you could give it a listen and say if it still felt too short! :)


  23. You gave good feedback on my PRC220 track about the structure - I've modified it a little, and put up a WIP thread here - it'd be great if you could give a listen and comment if it still could be more structured!


  24. Very cool to see your mix on the front page! Gonna listen to it with my daughter in a sec :)


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