I thought all the entries were pretty solid & very enjoyable, although on the short side. *pats self on back for deciding to half-ass copypaste repeating the song twice with arbitrary variations thrown in* I didn't check the sources how you incorporated them together, but all the pieces seemed seamless enough.
A Taste of Ivalice very nice and moody, low-key, sort of grand but not too epic for my tastes - I'm a non-fan of epic Hollywood orchestral stuff, so this sort of cinematic stuff really has to hit the sweet spot for me to like it, and here that happens. It never gets off to BOOM BOOM BOOM stuff like it sort of hints that it's building towards to, but that's honestly just a plus for me. I very much like the electronic/trip-hop vibe I'm feeling that's there. This is really begging for more length & development basically, this is going somewhere but doesn't reach it yet.
Dustin Time I very much like the chippafunky style here. It's short and sweet, and the rhythmic variation is super nice. Obviously tragically short. The sounds are good, but the production is quite flat, but I'm guessing you just didn't have the time to give it that mixing polish.
Spirit of Beginning so what's that you're saying about never going to do this style again? Because this is sounding like a fairly solid foundation, it's flowing quite naturally, the jazzy trio approach is certainly functioning. Pretty much in my opinion only needs humanization of all three instruments (and a bit more variation on the drums), more length and a bit more ebb and flow, breathing room on the arrangement. But a really cool start and I was feeling this, definitely!