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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. Don't know the source (or the game) but that's a crazy cool remix. Reminds me of Nutritious' "Cobra" remix from BadAss 1. It's cool to see people try different things, and this is a nice rock remix. You can still feel some orchestral influences ^^ Nice job!
  2. I don't know the original game or the source, but DAMN, that remix is awesome. I fell in love with it when it came out, and even used it to promote my association's new VG-oriented series (with credits of course). It's super funky/groovy, and the chiptune fits SO WELL. /me dances off.
  3. Wow, this is super groovy -- the slap bass is awesome. Interesting take on some of those themes. The samples are of great quality too. Great concept, great execution, and a lot of fun. It's not something you see everyday on the website!
  4. A very emotional remix, the acoustic guitar alone as a neat idea. The arrangement is lovely, but very sad/melancholic. Very well performed and produced. Nothing to add, it's beautiful.
  5. A lovely first remix (with a very unoriginal title LOL) The orchestration is excellent and the quality of the samples is great. The overall atmosphere is charming and relaxing, and the arrangement switches between sources with no problem. I really liked it.
  6. My gift should arrive today! Hope my person will enjoy it!
  7. A very nice pop arrangement, which is different from what Tim usually does. The percussion is cool, I liked the hi-hats with delay. The staccato strings were also a nice addition. I enjoyed it, it's that simple!
  8. Neat underater feeling. I love the original source, and you really nailed the arrangement. The choice of synths/instruments is well done and the percussion fits really well too. The overall soundscape is well filled with ear candy (synths, pads, FX). Loved it, nice job! Isn't Laguna a FF8 character BTW? lol
  9. While it's quite cover-ish/straightforward on the source, it's super nice. I wish there were other instruments (flute, percussion) to get more of the folk vibe, but it was still pretty nice. LOL @ the recording noise at the end.
  10. A very long rock/metal remix, cool! The intro reminds me of cheesy Rhapsody album intros, but it's fitting! Production is nice, I thought it was a little quiet though (even if it's metal). You have some cool variations between sections (like after 4:20 -- no pun intended -- or 5:40, or that creepy breakdown at 6:50) -- it's great. As always, the solo work is excellent. Super cool remix from Fishy \m/ \m/
  11. Very jazzy, it could fit a spy/detective movie. The brass is super smooth, and the later vibes fit perfectly too. The execution is excellent, and the production is top notch as well. I only saw it was from Joe/XPRTNovice until the middle of track, and it makes perfect sense -- dude's got some REAL talent for arranging. I liked a lot this one.
  12. Very fun remix, the production is excellent. It's interesting to hear you can blend some acoustic instruments (especially the drum kit) with more electro/synth-y elements. The later part is groovier, and I like it -- it has a jazz vibe to it. Very nice one.
  13. Classic halc chiptune. Sounds like more 16-bit sounds were used. The percussion work is interesting on this one, and the synths/pads add a lot of depth to the soundscape. The ending is quite cool, I thought it'd be a fade-out, but it was well done. Nice work!
  14. I know this. The initial interest was strong, but as I asked many people (also outside from OCR, don't get me wrong), the overall response was negative. I think I aimed too high, and that I wasn't ready after VV3. This has nothing to do with people wanting to remix the same track(s) -- there are also some personal reasons behind this cancellation. And with all the other projects going on, I don't think this will be a huge problem.
  15. A smooth remix from Mr. Pretzel himself! The samples are top and sound very realistic -- almost too much! ^^ The choice of instruments helps to create a cool atmosphere -- very jazzy. Excellent arrangement, and the production is super clean. What else is there to ask for? ... djp, Y U NO MOAR RMX?
  16. The intro has an incredible atmosphere. I really like the FX work on the harp -- it's super creepy/eerie and works wonders. The duduk (?) adds a mysterious vibe to the arrangement. And I love how it builds to the more epic second part. Nice arrangement, which is, as said by DimeTower, epic without needing to be bombastic!
  17. Wow, this is quite extreme -- but what did you expect from KotR? The melody may have fitted another genre or a more melodic type of metal though. As always, the rhythm work is INCREDIBLE. The lead work is nice too later on. Not my fav from KotR, but a solid entry nevertheless! \m/
  18. This is very nice! The arrangement and production are great. There's a somewhat medieval vibe to this, and it also feels very Christmas-y. The acoustic intruments are well performed, and the voice is perfect. I really like this one, you can be proud of what you did. ...More please!
  19. Oh, this is nice, especially at this time of the year. Love the instrumentation, even if the lead flute sounded a bit piercing. The guitars are a very nice addition. The mixing is maybe too dry/wet to me (acoustic instruments vs. synths) but it doesn't do much as the arrangement is fantastic. Nice job!
  20. Thanks for the answers, Dave, it indeed looks like a very big and long job. Hope it'll go through without a problem! Also, SoundCloud embed? YEAH! Oh, and I like the new design that comes with it. As Rozo said, it's a bit empty, but I'm sure it'll get better once we customize it a bit and get used to it.
  21. Based on this post, YouTube links are not automatically integrated anymore.
  22. The search function doesn't seem to work, at least in the Reviews section.
  23. I wasn't expecting metal by the intro, but I like this rendition. This track sounds very dark and heavy, the rhythm guitars are nicely mixed IMO. The lead+delay works wonders at the beginning. Some samples later on (choir? synth?) sound a little MIDI-ish, as do the drums at some points -- but who cares since the arrangement rocks? Nice effort!
  24. Cool arrangement, with some solid performances. I like how it blends those different themes together quite easily. I'd have seen a guitar instead of the violin, but it fits nicely. Not as groovy as the title says, but very nice rock arrangement.
  25. Wow, this is excellent. Reminds me a lot of Joe/XPRTNovice's stuff. The choice of instruments is on spot, and the performance is excellent. Very interesting way to arrange this track, but it fits it very well. It even has a little adventurous vibe to it. I enjoyed it a lot, and I hope to hear more stuff like this in the future.
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