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Everything posted by Chernabogue

  1. When you're typing a sentence and come back earlier to add/correct something, your next letter automatically appears at the end of said sentence (especially if you have a smiley at the end). I hope I'm clear with my explanation ^^"
  2. I second this. Even if I prefer to login with my OCR account, I'm pretty sure that'd be great to reach more people!
  3. Golden Sun may have not reached the sales numbers they were expecting LOL
  4. The Direct was pretty disappointing to me. Bayonetta looks cool -- never played one of her games -- but did we really need another swordsman from Fire Emblem? Gee. As I said on Twitter, I'll grab Cloud and Ryu, and will be done with Sm4sh's DLCs.
  5. The intro is very repetitive IMO, and lasts too long. Next it gets more interesting! It reminds me a little of Game Dev Tyccon's soundtrack (a long shot lol!) It gets super nice after the 4-minute mark. The outro/ending was a nice call to the intro! I enjoyed it, even if the intro was super long ^^
  6. It has a nice adventurous vibe to it -- it even reminds me of some Castlevania titles. Love the chiptune used. The addition of the percussion and other synths works wonders here. I get a direct reference to your remix from Legacy, which I love too. Nice job, HL! It put a smile on my face!
  7. Super kick ass, like what Mak usually does. I'm a big fan of the dirty snare he uses here, it gives a nice industrial metal feel to the remix. The lead guitar work is very tight. The overall mixing is maybe a bit too fuzzy for my tastes, but this is a great metal remix. Plus it covers something quite obscure -- nice job, Mak! \m/
  8. Super funky! The samples are decent, but the arrangement is excellent. The choice of instruments is excellent, and you can hear some nice ear candy like the wah guitar on the left speaker. Love the ending too. It's a great and original remix, nice job.
  9. Another nice collab between the OCR king and the chiptune prince! Excellent arrangement, and nice work on how to blend chiptune and acoustic instruments. Interesting choice of acoustic percussion and instruments in general. Nice work to both of you!
  10. This one is one of my fav Kirby mixes on OCR. You can really feel the power in the performance -- reminds me a lot of Powerglove's stuff, which I love too. It's a little repetitive during some parts, but who cares? The guitar work is excellent and really tight. Production is neat, even if the brass samples sounded totally fake lol Keep 'em coming, man. \m/
  11. A really nice piano arrangement -- you can really feel the performance here. It's a lovely take on the source, and I like it. Nothing much to add, it's a really enjoyable track. Nice work!
  12. Yeah people, post your picks and enter this -- let's have some Castlevania fun!
  13. New review: okay, I don't think the source/original melodies and genre matched too well here. It is well produced though: good choice of effects, synths, and nice mixing. Maybe it's lacking a little bit in the bass during some parts. Nice effort though -- keep up the good work!
  14. Very nice, even if I think the groovier approach doesn't fit too much the source. The performance is excellent once again here, and it's well-recorded and produced. The inclusion of other bits (especially Dearly Beloved) works well. Tetrimino is definitively a name to check -- they produce great arrangements and this one is no exception.
  15. That GIF up there is on-spot. Not a big fan of trance/rave, but this was well executed. The chiptune bit had me more interested, it was a cool addition to this remix. The second half was actually better IMO. Nice production all around -- dance off!
  16. Holy crap, that's hot. I love cinematic arrangement, and this one is awesome -- a bit too much synth-heavy for me, but it's great. Reminds me of trailer music tracks. The percussion is excellent on this one. The lead guitar was a neat addition! Love it! Jorrith, we have to collab on some orchestra/cinematic shit
  17. I thought it would be a piano-only arrangement, but lots of instruments were added then. The woodwind's samples are decent. Then all the orchestra is coming up, and it's really nice! Beautiful arrangement, and clean production, which is difficult for an orchestral remix. Nice job!
  18. I guess Brandon was referring to the fact the main thread was not updated in 2 months.
  19. Here are my picks! Let's do it -- and let's not choose the classics! 1. Walking on the Edge (CV1 NES) 2. Dracula's Theme (LoS2) 3. Clock Tower (AoS) 4. Evil's Symphonic Poem (LoI) 5. Clockwork (CV3)
  20. Reached the 100th mark today (technically, I must be around 105-110 because I reviewed a few ones without updating my sheet)! Hope I can find enough time to make it to 200! It's insane how you can miss some good music and this is a great way to discover cool stuff.
  21. Nicely produced. I like the blend of orchestral/string staccatos and electro stuff. It indeed reminds me of a few tracks from Sonic Heroes, especially the Casino ones. A bit too glitchy at some points for my taste (second half), but it's still an interesting track.
  22. Agrred on the anime opening vibe -- even if I'm not an anime fan ^^" It's a cool rock remix, with a strong synth-y lead. There are a few interesting elements here and there, like some bells/shimes or synths. The performance is solid, and the production is good. The fade-out ending is a bit easy but the rest is cool. Nice work!
  23. It sounds like a classic rock remix, filled with synths and other stuff/ear candy. The performance is very solid, and the production is good too. As it was said above, it has a big 80's vibe. It's nice, and enjoyable -- good work!
  24. Yeah, some neat rock here -- even if the intro was calmer! The performance is excellent, especially with those crazy solos. The breakdown adds a lot of variation in the mix, and overall, it feels very fresh. Not as fast as the title suggest, but as cool as it can be!
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