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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Dyne, don't forget to tag the files. Few things are more annoying than poorly/irregularly/not tagged music on an album. Name, Artist, Album should be enough, tho I'd appreciate if you also got rid of the crap in my file's comments field (if there's anything there).
  2. Where is everybody? This is a cool project with music that's fairly easy to remix (just overlook the sound design and effects).
  3. He's probably ambidextrous. Left-handed ppl, mouse on left side. Right-handed ppl, mouse on right side. Ambidextrous... two mice? Which brings us to... is the plural of computer mouse the same as the plural of the ordinary, unwelcome, cable-gnawing mouse?
  4. No, he "actually decided to give Siamey, one of my best partners, some glory.." lol
  5. Soundfonts. Not awesome, but free. Just google "guitar soundfont" or something and get a few of each (some of them will not be useful). You will have to add some effects to give them a bit more life, usually through filtering, eq and reverb. Velocity-sensitive parameters in the soundfont player of your choice are also useful.
  6. Not how I prefer it being done, but ok, let's see how it goes. Not gonna say no to a track from the start. Just... I'd prefer not having too much blatant, foreground synth work on the project. From your posted tracks it seems that's not gonna be a problem. Just keep that in mind.
  7. I know WillRock uses Mediafire for most of his uploads, including wavs. Still, a wav is about ten times the size it needs to be for most listening, and thus takes ten times as long to upload and download. Use mp3.
  8. Technically not a spammer, but a little rude to promote yourself in someone else's review thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=624139&postcount=16 Just pointing it out, in case it should be dealt with. Guess we should expect ppl to try to hitch a ride on our search engine importance level.
  9. We have a nice set of tracks completed and a bunch more on the threshold of completion. Not saying we have enough tracks. Everybody, get your tracks in! And yep, the listed tracks are still free to take. Take as many as you like. I want to hear an early wip tho, so I know what you're doing with the track and let you know what we think.
  10. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=31456 That's 31455, 31456, 31457, three in a row. Seriously, this is getting silly.
  11. I rarely think about how I do it, probably because half the time I have no idea. Usually, I just change whatever comes to mind, and then eventually call it almost done, listen, and start the damage control (ie. drop highs and lows, maximize, all that where applicable). Concerning eq and volume, I usually just cut the lows of the tracks that don't need them, and drop the highs a bit from the tracks that don't need them. Recently started dropping some lows on track that do need the lows, just not as much. I also cut specific shrill frequencies where applicable. Aside from these, ie general eq and notches, I mix with levels. I eq the tracks the way I think they need, and then change the volume for each track to sit right into the mix. Usually, my leads, bass, snare, and/or hihat is/are too loud. Hence the damage control.
  12. A couple more shots in the dark, and the first is one of those obvious things that I wouldn't think of could be wrong, but... Have you set an instrument on those tracks? As in, is there an instrument assigned to the track/track routed to an instrument? Dunno how LMMS handles VSTi and other instruments. Another possibility would be midi channels, but that shouldn't be a problem if you're writing the notes yourself and the problem is getting any sound out of the tracks, not just that it doesn't play some tracks on an imported midi. I have no idea how you would check and fix this in LMMS, and I doubt this is it, but worth mentioning if nothing else solves it.
  13. Well, if you're willing to spend, Omnisphere has some nice choir sounds of different kind. And a lot of other sounds. If you only need choirs it might be a bit too much, plus it's a powerhog... Some cheaper options are certainly out there (cheaper than omnihog anyway), just dunno how good they are. You might find something passable for free by googling for choir samples or soundfonts, tho I wouldn't count on it. Worth trying, tho, some of these might work.
  14. Read the first post again, you'll know why the MP2 and 3 ones aren't listed... _yet_.
  15. Some are remixes of older Metroid music (Norfair, Brinstar (classic and both SM), Ridley, iirc), but most of it is new. And apparently, it'd still count as Prime music.
  16. I'd say I'm done with my track now, pm it in a bit. How about the the rest of you, is there enough for an album?
  17. The decision thread is fun, esp. for me. I missed the boat, you say? This is a great performance and a great arrangement. Both playful and with a serious tone to it. Sounds like there's a lot of irregular bar lengths in there, which only adds to how impressive it is. Even when parts feels like they're a note or two too long or too short the mix just casually flows on as if it's perfectly normal. Towards the end, it takes on a more melancholic and beautiful vibe, mirroring its intro. Good way to end the mix. Reading the wip thread, it feels like I had a hand in this, which considering the performance and my lack of piano skill feels awesome. Congrats on getting it posted dude.
  18. Great combination of rock and orchestra. Synths used well and without detracting from the grand mood the mix has. By the time I reach the end, I'm thinking it went by so fast. It's not really short, but it feels that way. Didn't overstay its welcome, at least. I keep confusing this with Go the Distance, tho. Must be the name.
  19. The name of the game just keeps reminding me of another SD game... Spy music at its finest. Groovy bass, orchestra used perfectly for the genre, great synths and effects, great rhythms, and the wah guitar in there... The bass feels a bit weak on its own in the intro, but that's not a big deal considering how quickly it goes from weak to groovy.
  20. This is one awesome mix. I love how it starts off so mellow and progresses into high-energy music without resorting to supersaws or guitars or unts unts. Too bad it's so short, imo this is a track that could be twice as long.
  21. While I prefer tracks that stick to one or two things and doesn't mesh every genre together into the same track, this is a sweet combination that's hard to not like. Beautiful piano, great drums, nice soft synth backings, cool harder synths and guitar leads... Is that a flanger on an acoustic guitar in the bg? The music has a sense of credits roll or ending theme to it, probably a combination of the major key and 6/4, tho the sound choices certainly add to it as well.
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