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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. I hear it too, probably just clipping. Put a limiter on the master and pull down the volume a little. To busy/lazy to compare to source, but the arrangement sounds ok. Some really sweet parts in there, but the sounds doesn't sound right. The drums are the worst offenders, or at least the easiest to point out. Would be cool to have more dynamic variation in the different parts, it sounds very mechanical. Put a few hours (it will take hours once you get started) into velocity editing. Think of how someone would play it, make some notes softer, some louder. Velocity editing, new drums, and some other polish and it'll shine. Nice work.
  2. Haha, this is great. Hard to judge sound quality on youtube, tho. You got some skills. If you have an mp3 of this and there aren't any terrible production problems with it I see no reason ocr would reject it. Source seems to be used pretty much through the piece, more or less dominantly, well interpreted... This smells like YES. And I like it.
  3. One week left of August, the arbitrary semi-enforced deadline I've set for some of you... and tried to inform you of. If you received my emails or PMs or something of it, you should get in touch with me ASAP. If you haven't gotten any such message but are worried anyway, get in touch. Gimme a wip... or a finished track. Usa's apparently really busy, haven't seem him online in a while. Another vacation, perhaps?
  4. Not that hard. I'm working on one, TBP Q2 2011 or something.
  5. I was expecting something more cringe-worthy. I'm almost disappointed.
  6. No samples, but if you look up FreeAlpha, it comes with some really cool presets, many of which would fit right in in something ambient. Also, you can make stuff feel more ambient by just softening them, using reverb, EQ, the synth/sampler's own filter and volume envelopes... Delay also works great, but not the same way as the others. You could even use compression to soften some sounds. Experiment. Good luck.
  7. Neither could Larry at first, he asked me to change them. And then he asked me to change them back. Interesting... If you hadn't posted before and we hadn't talked about this remix before, that would be an excellent way of sneakily saying it sucks. Again, thanks everybody for the feedback. Always interesting to read what ppl think of my work, and I don't mind that most of it serves as self-esteem boosters... and that's just on this track's thread. There should be at least one more remix from me posted this year, maybe more. I got two more TBP (tho you might have heard Lacrima already on EOBLAHBLAH... on the FF4 album) and two more in the queue, and... more to come.
  8. No, not all of it. There's still that "The Vargrance" person I've never heard of. There's a "The Vagrance" that I know of, but... also, updated wip.
  9. Yep, there is. Select the loop, and change the Transposition. It looks blank but it's there. Grab under the Loop checkbox, or you might open the transposition menu where yo ucan only select octaves (which doesn't work properly anyway). Click and drag right under the Loop checkbox toc hange it seminote by seminote. Or wait, maybe I should keep this info to myself since I use LE, not Studio.
  10. EHrm... THis doesn't look right. HOw can a WIP be FInished? DOesn't that make it a non-WIP? JUst asking. TOtally not trying to point out any errors. Oh and who is this "TheVargrance"? ANy relation to "The Vagrance"? Everybody get your tracks going, this is a project I'm thinking could be done fast. ...unlike certain other projects, for which you should also get your tracks done. If you're on that project.
  11. The words jumped around: Palpable/diotrans EP Reaction: Flickerfall - Debut Delayed Looks... Sounds good. $5 should be doable, and undoubtedly money well spent. hm... should I request a full-out disco remix of Metro Underground? btw, careful about the pictures you use for site and coming releases, the one you're using the most right now doesn't look that good to me. Flat lighting, and too much of it. (sorry, photography class reflex)
  12. Is that Palp, standing there, "performing"? Nice wedding, btw, if I didn't say it before.
  13. I normally don't even read these game threads, let alone care... but this... Time to get an xbox, it seems. As if I would have the time to play.
  14. Left you an early wip in the project forum. -edit- So far, what I've heard of this is awesome. You should all look forward to hearing it. I just spoiled the fun for me by listening to the other tracks posted in the forum. Then again, what I've heard of it is awesome. You should all look forward to hearing it.
  15. Your shakuhachi doesn't loop well (example around 1:00), you might want to route some additional tremolo (through an envelope or maybe a slow lfo) to it to make it sound better. Piano sounds a little too muffled, especially the higher notes, you might want to automate the EQ a bit or change the filter settings. Careful about that since it sometimes sounds fine, sometimes not. Not liking the repetition on the shakuhachi either, seems like you could easily cut a minute from this and not really lose anything. Either shorten those parts or figure out how to make them feel new. How it later transitions doesn't bother me as much as what it transitions to. I just feels like it's not different enough, just a different rhythm on the same stuff. Transposing that part a seminote or whole not up might make it a little more... climactic. Now it just feels like it's running faster on the same track. The transition before bothers me more, 3:07, the rhythm changes but there's nothing to hold on to so it just feels like arbitrary note changes. The piano could be used to make the new rhythm known - subtly! Oh and about the piano, not sure it's humanized much, you could give it some velocity fixes to give it a little more of a human vibe. On the whole, this is pretty good. You're doing well, neblix. I hear the source, I hear the interpretation. It sounds like it's mixed a little dark and a bit empty. Fixing either of those should be enough. There's a lot of cool touches in this, I think I would put this is Y© territory, but I'm no judge and can't tell what they'll think.
  16. This will be interesting, Neblix, your start has got some nice atmosphere (and the proper time sig), whereas dude... I mean man... I mean scott, you've made use of the B part of the source and got some nice ideas for drums fills and dynamics. So far, this is looking like a promising collab, so make sure to keep it together. Don't forget to use the B and C parts. Watch the time signatures and keep backups of everything. Good luck guys.
  17. GarageBand should do fine. There are remixes made with GB that are posted here. Depending of course on the style, GB could have all the tools and sounds you need. I've been meaning to challenge myself to making an ocr-fit remix using only GB and none of the Jam packs or any plugins besides Apple's own. Sound works much like graphics, actually. You want the tracks to fit together, so you can't use overexposed photos in the same image as soft 3d renders without doing a lot of processing to make them fit. Same with sound, some sounds don't fit together directly, you have to make them fit. Likewise, you want some parts of an image to stand out more, some less, so by blurring parts of the image (with reverb and EQ) and making some layers less opaque (volume, EQ) and evening out contrasts (compression) you can push things out of the spotlight, whereas other things need a bit more light (volume), contrast (EQ), sharpness (EQ: specific and usually some high frequencies) to stand out more. If you're self taught in image editing you should have no problem learning sound, you just gotta learn how a good song sounds good and how the bad ones sound bad, and then just figure out what to use to make your own music better. Just listen to ocremix from the past few years and learn from those.
  18. Not as bad as I expected (no offense ). Needs better mixing, how well do you know EQ and what to do with it? Your clap/snare sound and your lead should probably be replaced, same with the fake electric guitar, you can do pretty much the same on a jazz or rock organ, or on any of thousands of other sounds or instruments. I'll be frank, I don't think this has a shot at getting on ocremix... but it is a good piece to practice with, learn while remixing. Figure out EQ, compressor, reverb, and learn to spot sounds that don't work and figure out what would work instead. Hope that helps. Good luck remixing.
  19. Intro is gonna come back and bite you in the ass if you don't do something about it. Your lead is probably the problem, tho the sparse soundscape probably doesn't really help. Synth jazz ftw. I gotta say, I really like your approach with this one, it just needs more complexity imo. More complexity in the writing plz, and you might need more source in the middle of the track anyway, you kind'a just have the backing there. Making it sounds more performed would help, especially on the lead. Oh and watch the bass, it loses its bass frequencies when you take it too high. Towards the end, it sounds like it'd sound better an octave down (and eventually does jump down an octave or so). Nice break near the end. it's also sounding a little raw and unrefined, but at the same time quite controlled. Dunno what to say, but there's something in the production that bothers me. This mostly sounds like a genre adaptation with a lot of soloing, needs more of the lead. If I was a judge, I'd NO this for production and source use. nice work tho, keep at it.
  20. FYI I have an awesome source tune, thanks 99. Just need to find the time to do something with it. December 1st 2010 wip deadline, right?
  21. Well, bass drum is easy. Sine wave, and set the pitch to be controlled by envelope so it quickly goes from high to mid and then slowly from mid to low. if you look at the waveform of a bass drum, that's essentially what you'll see (tho there's usually timbre and stuff). Toms are about the same, just with a slower envelope. If you can't control pitch with the envelope, you can substitute it with filter, at max or almost max resonance. Dunno what wave it'd work with then, maybe noise. Hihats can also be synthesized easily, tho I'm not sure how. I know I've seen and heard hihat patches that come as presets for some of Logic's built-in synths. Shouldn't be hard to do with other synths either, all you need is basically something noisy in the high range and a bit of touch (a 150-200ms envelope decay and a sustain at less than 100%), maybe a click as well (if you have two envelopes at your disposal, a 5ms decay would work on the one controlling the filter, which should be a little under 100% so the envelope actually does something). Shaker, technically not a drum (dunno if cymbals technically count as drums) can easily be synthesized, all you need 9s white noise and some filtering. I've done it. Envelope controls filter, and bit of resonance on the filter gives the it a little more definition. You might want to do a low cut on it to get rid of the lower frequencies that you don't need. Again, 150-200ms decay works for giving it a bit of punch, sustain settings and note length vary with how you want to use it. Can't help you with snare, tho. Haven't figured it out yet.
  22. I've sent a reminder to some people whom I haven't heard from in way too long. If I don't hear from them by the end of the month, I'm gonna open their tracks for others to take. Maybe we'll have multiple remixes of the same tracks when they come back. That's fine with me. Maybe this will force them to get their act together and find the time to finish what they've started. That would be cool. We could easily have this project done by christmas if everyone would get working on their tracks. On a related note, Usa's back from vacation, so we can get back to you on your near-finished tracks now. Sent him a few wips. Waiting for him to get back about them.
  23. +1 Valse Aeris suggestion. Was gonna suggest the following set of tracks, but then realized they might not fit the style you're going for. But since I already went over the playlist, here's a my short list of more disco-ish tracks in case you or anyone else wants them: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night The Devil Inside (Italo Disco Mix) OC ReMix Goemon's Great Adventure Kabuki Frogs OC ReMix Gran Turismo 3 A-spec Cruise Control OC ReMix Ragnarök Online Samurai Discotheque OC ReMix Desert Nights (Desert Flower) - Summoning of Spirits Walk on Water - Project Chaos The Adventures of Bayou Billy El Lagarto OC ReMix Sonic the Hedgehog Marble Dash OC ReMix Fading Entity (Listen to the Cries of the Planet) Sonic CD Saturday Night Speedway OC ReMix
  24. Filtering out some of the highs might work, along with other effects perhaps, but I would recommend looking around the net for soundfont sites, see what brass fonts they've got. You could also look for free sample players, like the free Kore player. Assuming you don't already use multi-sample instruments where you could just lower the note velocity and have a softer brass sound. Tho you'd still have to do some processing to get the sound to fit, volume, EQ, dynamics, humanization, maybe pan, delay, reverb, and stuff.
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