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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. The list gets longer: http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=DamonHiII The guy at least made sure to include ocremix in the title of his most recent upload, but there's not mention of ocremix in older vids' title or description, nor does he correct comments.
  2. All right, here's my thoughts, with no regards to what version the tracks are. Oldskool Jungles Kick needs more bass, and the rhythm strings thing could use some more highs and a sharper attack. Source is used well, imo. Overall balance puts it at lacking some highs, but that's mostly because there's no hats/shaker and most of the instruments are cut off. Middle section could use some change in texture, the backing shigh strings are kind'a annoying. Give them a slight slow phaser effect, move their cutoff, do something. Drums, overall, are too soft, imo, and your lead doesn't cut through well enough. It's fine to have the cutoff like that during the softer build-up sections, but open it more when you want the lead to strike through the soundscape. -- Reversed Engineering: The sound choices here are pretty soft. the quack-like bass backing is the only one that I actually don't like, the rest are fine with me, altho soft. I was expecting something more industrial than this. It gets kind'a repetitive, especially wit the quack, but the overall progression could use some changes in texture, if not writing. Change the backing, at least, or the key sig (which can change a tune drastically). Nice ending. Anyway, the source wasn't very industrial either, so I suppose this is fine, albeit a little too soft for my taste. -- Connected Rainbows: Whoa, the source is just plain lovely. Yours doesn't start off on that note, tho, yours takes a good 30 seconds before there's a sound that I think is fitting for it. I'd go softer with the drums and maybe rewrite the intro, giving it a feel more suited the original earlier on. The first instrument could do well with shorter notes (and tweaked adsr), little plucks, giving it something of a music box sound. The backing strings overlap a little too much to sound clean, you should probably shorten the notes a little. There's a high-range harpsichord-like synth here that's particularly annoying that I'd get rid of if I were you, replace it with something similar but less.. idunno, grating? The latter half of the remix is a bit too repetitive for my liking. You could break into something more interpreted around 1:51, or just move to another part of the source to keep things from getting old. -- Mushroom Interlude: This starts off great, imo. Quite different from source, but I can clearly hear the source anyway. Good interpretation is what that means. I like the bends around 1:25. Before then tho, the second iteration of the source could use some more interpretation. I suggest you start off the same, do something else, and finish it the same. This track could use a bit more variation, tho, perhaps a key sig step down instead of up would do it. -- 808 Stadium: Pretty cool until the 0:52 synth comes in. The pulsating background is a little annoying, you might want to tone that down for part of the track at least, as are the sfx btw. Going organ towards the end is... an interesting move. It's better than the 0:52 synth, but still feels a little weird. -- Day of Mirth: Ooh, the source has some very familiar elements to it. Your remix is quite different in feel. I'm not feeling the snare, tho, I'd replace it. Like the other tracks, this one gets a bit repetitive soon, you might want to change things up a little more. Not sure what to say about the bass. I think there are better basses for this. Something smoother. The cutoff close that it does is fine, but its sound is a little... goofy. I thinkt he track could be shorter, considering some of it is just indue repetition. Changing the repetition into something new and interesting would of course be better, but cutting is better than leaving, imo. -- Starter: Niiice. The intro is just plain perfect. Actually, the whole track is kind'a like an intro, and it's... close to perfect. gets a bit repetitive around the 1:30 mark. Not much to say about it. Oh, one thing, I didn't like how you ended the saw pad in the bg. You could have closed its cutoff completely instead of just ending the note, it would have been a smoother finish fot it. -- Molten Havoc: The woodwind-like synth could use some shorter release and some overtones/more open cutoff, it blends together a bit too much and doesn't stand out enough. Source is cool (ironically), and so's yours, but in a whole 'nother way. It's a little low on highs, tho, but that's an easy EQ fix. Snare could use some variation in sound, perhaps in writing as well. The track goes by without any clear progression, which in some tracks is a good thing. I don't mind it, but if that's not what you want, considering giving the track a more clear structure. -- The Loner: Too abrupt change at 0:32, Flute-ish synths around the middle could use some resonance cuts, they're a little hard on the ears. btw, it sounds a bit Zelda-ish, its go to be the chords there. At the end, the piano blends together with itself, you should probably clean up the release/EQ/resonance issues it's got. Might be that a reverbed piano, slightly softened and with a mid-range reverb (with the highs cut), would be better than what you've got now. I dunno, just guessing/suggesting. -- That's it. Good luck with the project. It sounds like it's gonna be pretty enjoyable.
  3. I have the amazing ability to forget most how earlier versions sounded. I thought some transitions were better in this version than what I can remember, but it gets a bit cluttery at times. I do agree with Willrock, I can't hear it either. The bass isn't that important to the track, tho, imo. Or hey wait... are you talking about the bass drum (which I can hear, barely), or an actual bass instrument?
  4. 2.1 version: Don't take offense at this, but I'm gonna be brutally honest about it. Lead is just lame and painful. Sorry man, you need to process it more. Since it's there pretty much all the time, you _need_ to change it. I'm not sure this is gonna make it to the Js' panel otherwise. 0:04-0:56, painful, but tolerable. 0:56-1:44, we've heard iut, it's juust one more "guitar" this iteration. 1:44-2:48, an iteration with a little more variation and deviation, but mostly the same thing. Again. 2:48-4:00 is also a bit more interpretive than the first iterations, but we've friggin' heard it. That's your problem, methinks, you rely on the repetition to cover the length of the remix. Cutting out the first two iterations would help, but it needs more variation in sound, dynamics, all that. B version: It's different, which is a good thing. Some levels fixing required in this version, with the accompanying lead synth. I think it's better than v2.1 but still got a problem with the repetitive sound and writing. Ultimately, both version have pretty much the same problems, altho I like the synth you used in version B and think it could spice up the remix when used well. You, however, use it as just backing. Give it a section to lead, drop the drums for a section, go double-speed with the drums, change key signature, chord progression, do something different. I hope you don't think I think this is terrible. It's interesting, and has a number of cool ideas that would make an awesome remix when done right - which I hope you'll attempt. Good luck, man. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post, we're trying to improve the WIP board and we need your feedback.
  5. No source link, no source comment. You're talking about the Ninja Gaiden II Parasprinter theme, right? Since you've got a homepage.mac account, I'm gonna assume you did this in GarageBand. You can use Apple's own audio unit multiband compressor to boost the sound levels without running into any compression-related frequency cuts. You need it to be louder, and I recommend a multiband compressor for that. Gives you more control ovre the individual bands and keeps them from interfering with each other. The strings don't sound very realistic, due to their attack and release and dull articulation. Can't remember what control you've got over the adsr envelope in gb, but if you can give the strings a lower sustain level (70-90%), and short attack, decay, and release. Giving you the numbers in milliseconds is hardly gonna help you much, but make each juts a little too short, and let reverb cover the cut. And yes, you need reverb, can't be sure if what you've got here is reverb or just slow release. Better yet, use more than one track, more than one set of settings, so you can having slow attack and/or release on one without screwing up another. Then jnust move notes to the appropriate tracks. The gongs/cymbals you've used are dark and quiet, they need more volume, possibly some EQ boost in th high range. YOu may want to use more than one sample, something to cover the high range as well as what you've already got. Sounds raw (as in far from finished), but it sounds like it could be pretty good, tho. Good luck with it. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post, we're trying to improve the WIP board and we need your feedback.
  6. No source link, no source comment. This is repetitive, too much for my taste, and most certainly for OCR's. The intro goes on for way too long with just that single instrument. 24 seconds? No. 48 seconds until there's another instrument (drums don't count here). No. Strings don't sound very real, some of the notes have too long attack, you might be better off with intentionally synth sounding strings. Around 2 minutes in, it gets pretty. I like the blend of the simple sine and the piano. production isn't bad, but there's some fixes you could do, mostly levels. You should probably have a bass instrument as welll, cuz it feels a little lacking in the low department. The kick is pretty good in that regard, but you might want to have some harmonic bass as well, I didn't hear any. I think this is surprisingly good, considering the dull intro. Good luck with it. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post, we're trying to improve the WIP board and we need your feedback.
  7. Snare could use a little bit of reverb, as could the piano. Snare is also a bit weak on the lows, you could add some. You know, some of your problems could come from the master EQ, it doesn't sound like you've got enough lows, or that you've got too much highs. More indepth when you've got the guitar in. The current guitar tracjk might be throwing the frequency balance off. Good luck. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post, we're trying to improve the WIP board and we need your feedback.
  8. Piano could sue some more reverb, and when it's solo or almost solo, it needs more bass. It might be a little too loud in some parts, you might want to have a good look at what parts you _need_ to be loud and which ones you can drop a few dB. Your drums need work, they just don't have the energy they should have. The shaker could be panned a bit, the congas nor whatever could be panned opposite. Drums in the 2:23- section just don't sound good. Going for a simpler bass drum pattern would probably make it more tolerable, as much as four on the floor isn't very creative, it tends to be out of the way for other rhythms. 2:41, 2:49, are a couple of note clashes that I could hear in that section. Dunno if that's what Willrock was talking about. Piano is a little mechanical, you might want to make the attack and cutoff respond to the velocity if you haven't already. If you have, make the attack more sensitive to it. It's got a very sharp sound, you might want to cut back on the highs on the master EQ a little. Other than that, and the occasional clutter, it's pretty good. Keep at it, man. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post, we're trying to improve the WIP board and we need your feedback.
  9. Still not quite liking the shizofrenic feel of the 1:14 section. Drums and lead sample just don't fit together. Sounds like you've got a bass pushing the compression. Compression issues pretty much regardless, and the track still doesn't seem to nudge peak level. Ending, especially, the bass is screwing the track frequency balance like crazy. And then there's the sillysynth. And yeah, it's not source with a sound upgrade, there's interpretation, but saying other remixes are closer to source isn't valid. You know this already: blah blah blah old standards, rising bar, only violations removed, yada yada... But it's not a fair comparison if you're aiming at getting posted. Whatever man, I heard improvements. Good stuff. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post, we're trying to improve the WIP board and we need your feedback.
  10. Compression issues (esp at 1:10), but that's the only crit I've got. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post, we're trying to improve the WIP board and we need your feedback.
  11. Hey, welcome back. As for the track, it's less repetitive than I remember. I think you should rewrite the drums from scratch. It could be that the arrangement is otherwise fine, and the drums are just making it sound more repetitive. One thing you could do is to have a look at the repeated melodies, see if you can change their feeling. It sounds kind'a controlled and melancholic, in lack of a better description, so you might want to move the repeated bits to another chord, perhaps a major chord instead of the minor it's in now. That's just a suggestion. You should redo the drums, tho, they're responsible for a lot of the repetition. I'm not gonna get into the production issues as you're currently working on the arrangement, but I do recommend listening to some random ocr tunes to see if there's anything in a style or with a sound that you think this would work well in. Listening to remixes of the water music from DKC and SM64 to see if it gets you any good ideas is a start, but pretty much anything you think would work is worth trying. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post, we're trying to improve the WIP board and we need your feedback.
  12. No source link, no source comment. Messy. You might want to work on the clutter that's destroying the intro for me. The intro writing sounds n00by, which is surprising as the rest of the mix is pretty good. You could cut back on the volume a little, give it a little more room for dynamics, as the orchestral parts sound way louder than the guitar part. There are a few time where there's noise, I'm not sure if it's from the sample or if it's clipping, but it doesnt sound pretty. Check 2:00 and 2:40. Apart from that, it sounds great, imo. Not sure how much is intepreted since I'm not familiar with the source. Work out the issues and this'll be awesome. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post, we're trying to improve the WIP board and we need your feedback.
  13. Need more lows, sounds a little weak atm. Since you're gonna change the drums, there's not much point in trying to critique the production, but I know you know what you're doing, so there's not that much of a need to. I like the sound. The lead synth is a little weak until around :50, and the sound is a little primitve. You might wnat to make it a little more complex. And dude, I love those chip arpeggios. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post, we're trying to improve the WIP board and we need your feedback.
  14. Stop using myspace for this! We have a thread with some suggestions for hosting. Myspace compresses the file. What's worse is that the music player doesn't load for me, making listening a bit difficult.
  15. Actually he's not. He's saying that his faith and songs about faith-related things have made him cry. He's not posting the songs because they're not really that relevant here, and would most certainly be made out to be "that thing that some religious people do" due to their lyrics and topic. You're just being an ass trying to subtly ridicule him and his faith. Yes he could have said it another way, but so could you, in a way that wouldn't demean him and his faith. And yes, Our God is an awesome God is an awesome song. Not sure it's made me cry, but I do know there are loads of songs, christian, vgm, movie score, and others, that have.
  16. "They're all g00d" is the standard ocr response to that, but nothing's stopping you from putting up lists of your favorites on youtube or wherever.
  17. lol All right, not properly _processed_ then. Sounds too thin, needs to be brought out more. Lead guitar should always be a little louder than everything else. You should take this to #ocrwip, there's a bunch of guitar ppl there that can help you get it right. This isn't really a genre I'm a good judge of, but I think my suggestions are pretty sound. The guys on the channel should be able to help you more, tho.
  18. No source link, no source comment. Piano might need some processing, it sounds a bit too full to be a intro instrument. You could cut some mids, imo. I'm feeling what Shadix said about the chip section. I'm not as impressed by the rock section, tho, the drums aren't EQd realistically, everything high is too high. A multiband compressor might help you get better control over the frequency balance at this volume. Higher guitar notes don't strike me as realistic either. It does have a lot of potential, but it's kind'a short to comment on rogression and nitpick at this point. Good luck with it. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post.
  19. The intro is heavy on the bass. Cutting it a few dB wouldn't really lose much (except in direct comparison), and it'd improve the overall processing when there's not as much bass pushing the compression. At around 0:21 it gets synthy. Long strings don't have enough attack, probably a problem with the samples. Use other samples. 0:42 high bells a bit too loud and EQd too high. Take those down a bit. The bell tremolo is especially painful, see what you can do about that. 1:14 harp arpeggio needs EQ, it's just... there, no highs, no lows. Brass cuts into headphones, probably some interference effect from the harp. See what you can do about that, looking for the exact frequency they've got in common and dropping that slightly should do it. 1:45 crashes are too weak. 2:00 bell sounds weak, you could try dropping it an octave. Brass tends to lack highs. Not just a problem around here. Sounds like it's over-EQd. 2:30 nice calm section. Strings' long attack is a problem here tho. 2:56 transition is a bit too sudden. 3:40 drumroll synthy, also at 4:00, 4:15 4:35 interference or whatever is cutting into my ears here too. Check the frequency and cut it a bit from the instruments causing it. The last three notes are redundant imo. I get what you were doing with them, but they didn't work. imo, anyway. Might work if they were shorter, but no promises. Overall, this is pretty impressive. The writing is great for most part, tho it could sue some humanization at some places. Especially repeated sections and drumrolls and bell/crash tremolos. The processing needs some work, most of the stuff listed above are pointers about that. This could be great, god luck with it. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post.
  20. Lots of reverb on hihats. Hm... What happened at :33!? Goes from a climactic fill into a sillysynth section. A stronger lead taking that part could be awesome. Vibes at 1:14? Everything else points at more action, stronger stuff, and then there's some nice and relaxing vibes there? lol Dud, a little more intentional instrumentation woudl be nice. If you want it calm, make the other tracks appropriately calm. If not, put a massive overdrive or something on the vibes or change them completely. (I recommend going calm there, but it's your remix.) Unfortunately, it follows the progression of the source a lot from there on. Most notably the chord progression and the choir writing. Changingt he latter might fix that to some extent. Drop them, give them more notes, other rhythm... something else. 2:14 another sillysynth, but this one could be processed to be more serious. Ending has the potential for some slight chord progression changes to get it a bit further from source. I like the instrument you used at the very end. Throughout the track, it sounds like the bass is pushing the compression ceiling. Multiband compressor would solve that, but just dropping the gain a step or two might also help. With this processing, the source is much more evident... and the use of the source progression also. It does sound like a step up from what's been associated with you, but it's not submittably good. Yet. Dude, answer the questions in this post!
  21. Pad at :12 is a bit too strong, imo, at least for its first few appearances. Might be that it's jsut got too fat mids and lows. Weird pan thing at 1:19. I think it's the pad screwing with the stereo soundscape, but can't say for sure. It does sound like an improvement, but I don't remember it being this... weirdly panned. Lots of pan effects that are mostly just anoying. See if you can cut back on those a bit. Also, it has a very tiring sound. I think it's due to the tracks not being separated well enough. Use EQ to carve holes for leads and other key instruments in the fatter/backing tracks. There's an effect towards the end that I really thought was great, 3:43 or so.My favorite part of the remix. Makes me wonder why the track isn't more like that. Good stuff. Keep working on it, it's getting better. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post.
  22. No source link, no source comment. Intro sounds dry. The melody on strings is a little hard to follow. Crashes are kind'a weak compared to the massive sound of the other instruments in the first 1:30 of it. Guitar sounds hard and very up-close,and I don't think either work well with the rest of the instruments. Making the sax really up close too might help, but then you'd have to many unnecessary clicks and stuff. I suggest moving the guitar further back and EQing it to have more highs and less lows. Transition in the middle of the track... Didn't quite feel natural. I really like the new rhythm, but the guitar just stands out as bad there. Crashes seem to suffer from some weird compression/sampling issue, sounds like the sample stumbles on itself. Overall, you've got three very different styles here. The transition between the second and third was the most jarring, but I wasn't fond of going from big giant orchestra to a guitar or two. Having some low brass or strings there might ease the transition, but make it soft enough so it doesn't take away the effect the strings provide when they come in. The other transition just makes the track stop. having the guitar there stiking short chords or something along the beat might work. Anyway, I have a feeling this is a pretty extensive adaptation so there's probably more than enough interpretation. Can't say for sure tho, but I like this. Remixer, listeners, please take the time to answer the questions in this post.
  23. It _did_, a few months ago. Then randomnik tried to download it and posted he couldn't. Then I tried and let him know it worked for me. Then Spakku comes along and posts about the remix. Good luck with the Js.
  24. Well, there are free soundfonts and audio unit synths. Had a look at any of those. When you get logic, you're probably gonna be lost in all its features and the somewhat different interface, so I would recommend getting it for a new project. Then again, I would recommend Logic Studio. Express doesn't come with as many samples, mostly synths. Anyway, there's buzzzer, zoyd, freealpha, orca, and some other pretty good au synths that you could have a look at. then there's crystal, but last I used it it wasn't entirely stable so back stuff up before using it. Just trying to save you some money, buddy. btw, if you want the lead to be fatter but not really change its sound much, use the overdrive effect, no cutoff, 10dB drive or so. Not sure it'll help you with this lead, but just fyi.
  25. My first guess wouldbe that the file expired, but since I can download it without any problem, I suppose the problem is that the host or browser gets stuck somewhere and doesn't present the final download link. If not, the problem is most likely located between the screen and the chair. Whether that's an expectation that clicking on the link will instantly start the download process, or if it's just a lack of page navigation skill or patience with the mediafire page. Short version: It works for me.
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