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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Sounds familiar. I can definitely recognize the source from only having heard it in your remix. And it's most certainly interpreted.
  2. I'm liking the Norfair part of this. This, strangely, sounds better than your green brinstar wip imo. Or I've just gone through too many wips since to remember. It does sound medley-itic, so good luck with the green brinstar version... which isn't as on par as you think. Weirdly timed drums, noisy and high hihats... and the stuff listed in your green brinstar thread. Not that good. I like the latter parts in this more.
  3. Well, I recognize the source. Unfortunately, the sound quality isn't much better. It sounds more like a cutnpaste version of the original source and sfx from the game or the source music files. In that sense, it's hard to really get the progression. Might be what you were going for, but it doesn't quite work out. Better samples/processing might improve that, tho, as there were things I liked about how it progresses. Could be good.
  4. Little I can say without knowing all the sources. I think the progression makes sense, tho. But yeah, you'll need a far better recording. You might even want to find a good electric piano and record it as midi. Sounds like it's gonna be good, tho.
  5. The bass is kind'a noisy, you could cut the mids and lows a bit on it to keep it from flooding the track. There's a lot of primitive synth sounds and unnecessary sound effects thrown into this. Upgrading the synths and dropping the sfx would be a good idea imo, but I don't know how much of that is the style you were going for. I like that it's not as repetitive as I thought it'd be. There's some nice changes through the track, but there's room for further interpretation of the source, imo. But overall, this is pretty good. Not "completed" good, but "sounding like it's gonna be" good.
  6. No source link, no source comment. It's a bit too repetitive. Can't you rework the lead melody into something to another chord progression? I'm tired of it after 2 minutes already. 3:35 and I'm _SO_ tired of it. Really, work on changing stuff. Calm sections, intense sections, major, minor chord progressions, new instruments... stuff. Changes. But let's talk production. it doesn't sound _bad_ atm, but it does get a bit cluttered, as you've gt a lot of instruments in different ranges all doing their thing and not being that synched in writing. A multiband compressor would sort that out, as it keeps the frequency bands from pushing down each other. Bass could use some _less_ bass frequencies, it becomes a bit like a carpet now. Less bass, more volume. That annoying thing I think is a synth drum of some type (it's there from the start) needs to be dropped in volume. You could maybe use a little more volume on your kick, but it's not a priority. Your guitar could use some volume... or everything else a bit less. When listening to the guitar, I hear how overcompressed this track is. Multiband compressor should clear some of that up. there's some pan effect on it that's mostly just annoying, use reverb and see if you have a stereo delay of some kind. Don't add too much of either, tho. I think that should get you started. Good luck.
  7. Spakku's right on the money on this one. Re-mix it from start. The tracks really don't work well together. Drums and bass are too loud. I can hear the source... Some source elements at least. Those really need to be brought out better. Your strings are a bit behind, you might want to fix their timing, moving them back or cutting the samples so you have a sharper attack. I'll make this kind'a short, as you've probably aready got an update in the works. These are the problems I'm hearing with this version. I'm not sure about the progression, bt tehre weren't any awkward transitional sections or original parts that bogged it down, so your writing has certainly improved. Good stuff, dude.
  8. Dude, I doubt you should stick to these instruments. The harpsicord-ish thing (oh right, gonna be recorded... its a guitar) just doesn't sound good atm. The ticky hihats aren't really on my top anything list of great sound choices, tho it works better in the genre. I do think you could untickyfy them a bit. Overall, you need some reverb on it all. I'm not gonna comment on vocals, since you're gonna fix 'em up later. Posting lyrics would be nice, it's easier to analyse lyrics from text. If you're going for the pitch-fix sound, don't overdo it. It's a pretty nice track. I hear source, and it's an interesting interpretation. It is sparse, tho, so it could use a few more layers and some more obvious source bits. Good luck with it.
  9. Darker tones are a bit easier on the eyes, but the contrast between them and the rest of the site is a little too strong. Darkening the whole site is a lot of work, so I suggest not putting white on dark and instead going for something a bit more in tune with the rest. Unless you're gonna change that as well. I like the changes I've noticed, but I don't browse that often, so I dunno which ones are new.
  10. Logic Studio, there's a link in my previous post, comes with the GarageBand Jam Packs, pretty big collections of software instruments (multiple samples for different articulations) plus thousands of Apple Loops (loops that adapt to the tempo). The software instruments could of course be better, but for the price, they're awesome. Aside from those, there's a lot of great synths and production effects that comes with LS8. What you might like the most is the Ultrabeat drum synth. Mostly for electronic drums, it has some awesome effects for acoustic kits as well. You can shape the envelope and route cutoff, volume, all kinds of attributes through those envelopes. Plus it's easy to change the effects of velocity, if you want a soft hit to be more cut off, a little higher in pitch, etc... Haven't checked out the new GB so I dunno how much more control it has over sampeld virtual instruments, but the EXS is an awesome sampler with what looks to me like a huge routing area. Route LFOs and envelopes to almost any attribute of the sample. And it's fully compatible with the software instruments from GB. That's the sales pitch. Check it out at one of the links I provided in the last post.
  11. MichiyoYoshiku, that's a completely non-constructive and useless post. It's got nothing to do with the remix. It's like saying "techno sucks". a) it doesn't, and saying it doesn't contribute anything. Please be more encouraging or constructive next post. -- Shadix, I'll have a listen later.
  12. Not sure we've got the same idea of critical and analytical listening. Whatever. Just take the crits you feel are appropriate. Logic's awesome. I got Logic Express 7 a while back, then upgraded to LE8. Now I'm saving up for Logic Studio. It's not cheap. There's a 300$ difference between LE and LS, but if you count the jam packs and all the other things you get with LS, it's worth it. imo, anyway.
  13. With bass, I mean that kind'a low instrument that you've got spread over the channels. It works as a bass, so I called it so. yeah, it's not quite as low as a bass should be. Anyway, it's to loud. And it's got more bass than I remember the previous version having, so that's good. Yeah, I kind'a like it. It's not like I want to add it to iTunes, I prefer a more complete version, but I like where it's heading. I like how you're improving.
  14. No source link, let's go with memory instead. Hooray... soundclick. Takes a while before it's out of basslessland. not too long, frtunately, but there are high-range things (like at 0:17) that are just annoyingly high. When it goes into dnb, it becomes so much more enjoyable. Much less that i can nitpick about ('cept your description of it). Not much else I can say. Good (short) stuff.
  15. No source link, let's see how well I remember this... Your percussion sounds like a basketball, dude. Acoustic guitar feels a bit weak. More mids/lows. Spread stuff a bit from the center. Even when it's just a few steps on the pan knob, it helps to sort stuff out. 1:43 - my favorite section of this remix. Going into electronica felt a bit sudden, you might want to introduce some electric elements earlier so it doesn't feel like the song is over and now here's a whole 'nother track. Guitar, in the electronica section feels sequenced. more velocity and length variations. ...And it better not end there. The ending comes suddenly and without having had the electronic section rise anywhere, it feels completely redundant. But hey, this is pretty cool. Just work on making it more cohesive and give it a more interesting dynamic structure. Good luck.
  16. Listen close to the hiphop section. There's something that clicks, probably because it's got too sharp attack or release. I think it's the bass. Move both sliders ()attack and release a little right, like one step or so. Willrock's Star Maze remix already reminded me how cool stuff like this is. Your track isn't quite as refined as his, but I can hear a lot of potential in yours, plus it is much calmer. Overall, it's kind'a sparse. Louder midrange epiano might solve that, bringing it in sooner would be nice too. Your lead has a bit too much cutoff imo. Gets annoying at 1:26. I heard a filter sweep there, but bring it further, open it more. Would be nice to have a wah guitar playing a ska rhythm here, it'd further cover the mid range. Not sure the hiphop kit is the best for reggae, but it works. The hats just sound a bit too high, like they don't have any mids. That's just my personal opinion, of course. These crits should get you somewhere. Great stuff, man.
  17. No source link, blah blah.. Not a fan of the sound choices here. Until the lead comes in a good 15 seconds or so in, it's mostly lofi stuff. There are some of really cool sounds in there, but they're in the company of a number of not quite as enjoyable sounds. I get that you're going for a kind'a primitive synth sound, but I'm not enjoying it. Your bass pad covers the low range of the frequency spectrum, but the highs are kind'a empty, making the whole track sound empty. After 2:25 the new instrument is way too loud and buries everything else. There's a lot of mixing fixes you should do, bring up the important sounds, bring down the textures and backing. Sorry man, I don't like it. I can hear a lot of quality in this, but... nah. Not my kind of track.
  18. Yep, I remember this... and the things i associate it with. Pause after intro is a bit too long, and you might want to add some instrument, bass, pad, some high-range backing, something to the drums-only section. A heavily reverbed version of the lead melody might work, too, if it's soft enough. When the trakc goes back into it's usual progression, it's without warning. A drumfill or break before then would help. The mixing needs some work. The bass is too loud. I like how it's spread to both left and right, but it's too loud, imo. lol, this is one of the funniest remixes I've heard. You're still gonna have to work out a good progression from where it ends to where it's supposed to end, but you'll figure something out, and it'll be interesting, I suspect. Dude, nice work.
  19. Repeating with the additional instruments feels a bit redundant. It doesn't really help that they're in the wrong key. It clashes. It's still repetitive. Listen to some ocremixes and compare them to their source. They don't repeat themselves like this, they've got different backing, textures, soundscaping, variants of the melodies, rewritten parts, etc... imo you should focus on the writing. Make it a cool solo organ piece, honky-tonk piano piece... something with just one instrument. Work on the progression (where it goes from what) and dynamics (how intense the different sections are), see what you end up with. You might benefit from starting a new project, and writing this track from memory. If you get something wrong, it might be a change that improves the track, sets it apart from the original more. If either of those things work out, if you do try them, add instruments, see if it gets better or just messy. That's what I think. Good luck.
  20. Ouch, the hats! Weird noise at 0:33, but it seems like it's intentional. Well, it's certainly improved since last version. 2:40-2:59 is straight from source. It's abit annoying, but I doubt it's gonna be in the way of the track getting YESed. I have an idea for the ending. You had a reverse-ish sound something in the track. it might work well for the ending. Not much more I can help you with here. The dnb ppl can probably still spot things you can improve on. Good work.
  21. No source link, let's see how good my source memory is. Effect panning in the intro feels a bit unbalanced. The left-channel glitch noises could be spread all over the stereo soundscape. Okay, there's the source. Buried in drums, and whistling my ears aching. You might want to bring it out more, open the filter a little more, and/or drop the resonance - it'll make it less painful. Drums are too loud by comparison, but the overall volume level is perfect. The track, overall, is enjoyable, but you should work on the sound balance more. This is pretty promising, buddy. Good luck with it.
  22. Just coming from HoboKa's shrinra remix and your metal wip... This is really pleasant. No source link, blah blah.. Kick is a little strong on the highs, and the hats are a bit trashy. I suggest you cut the kick's high and the hats' mids. I was missing a fill at 1:57. You know the one that goes into triplets, typical in this genre (aside from the electronica). It gets a bit repetitive. Not much else I can say. This is awesome. btw, your last wip and this one both have a loud and annoying click at the end of the file. Not fun when listening on headphones.
  23. No source link, no source comment. The delays of the snare at :34 mess up the rhythm for me. Dunno why, if it's just too long. The melody ends at 1:05 seems like it was cut off, you need some backing, something to carry the track. I'm also ot quite liking the sounds you've used there. The aggressive drums don't really support weak brass/sax, I suggest you find a better sample/synth for the melody. Takes until 2:17 until the track really gets going, and that doesn't last long. Consider cutting part of the intro, as it seems you've got over a minute of intro, and it takes yet another minute until the track gets going, after which it's almost over. Of course, if that's the dynamics you want for it, job well done. I like the atmosphere you've got here, but it's cluttered and messy. The melody isn't strong enough to break through the atmosphere. Good luck, man.
  24. Snare and guitar don't seem synched to the track. You should probably drop the velocity on the second snare hit (the extra one) to keep it from disturbing the rhythm. And vary the drum writing more. I suggest you copy the drum writing from the source for part of the track. As for the guitar... I dunno. Maybe proper mixing is gonna fix its issues. Hats and crashes are just hi-range noise, you might to change your EQ of them a bit. Can barely hear the bass or kick. EQ/band compression issue. The track, overall, is way too loud in its mid-high range, you should drop those frequencies a bit. The track itself sure bears similarity to source, but you've adapted it as well as added your own writing. Good stuff, as usual.
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