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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Happy birthday! You'll soon be a teenager.
  2. I remember you remixing this a while back. Can't listen now, but I'm glad you're not giving up on it. Stop perpetuating the myth that remixers have to add original sections to their remixes, dude.
  3. Cool: :D I got some Aurora Borealis-style plans for it, just need to get all those pesky project tracks out of the way first. ;)

  4. I've updated mine while in the queue as well, with judges' permission. The long queue does present a bit of a problem in that if it takes so long, you might as well sub something inferior (that was perfect at the time), wait a while, and update when you've distanced yourself from it enough to hear the issues, or if you've just learned a lot in 6 months. Guys, get back to voting. OCR projects, djp posts whatever he wants whenever he wants, or just for an initial flood, or...?
  5. Why are you answering questions and not voting? Seriously tho, something I've been thinking about: if I made a remix album, would I have to sub the tracks individually or could I just hand over the entire album? imo a sensible way of dealing with that is to evaluate the album and pass the postable tracks to djp who posts one or more as he sees fit, with no promise to post more than one pastable track. Dunno if you guys have a policy for this at all, just suggesting/asking/wondering/thinking out loud/rambling.
  6. I also approve of #1. I just think it's funny how we have an highly visible site issues&feedback forum and still get posts like this in community. If it had ended up in help&newbies I wouldn't mind, that's understandable, but you gave it enough thought to put it in community for a reason and not where it belongs so the ppl it concerns could better find it (without djp moving it) you're just being a n00b. And not in the newb sense. (not your first misplaced thread, either) Not be be a jerk, but lern 2 internet.
  7. Why does ppl here Sucks ? That's right, ppl just blows. We come on this subforum, we see WHINE WHINE WHINE POOR RESEARCH We click thread or thread and we reed a thread (like this one) it reveals 0 research. This really makes me hate the way we go for reading to threads here and for that, I almost never ever look for ppls threads I hate going through that list of all the threads from one to another and have to point out the right subforum. Why does ppl work that way??? edit: ok well some ppl are ok.. but why doesn't looking around for the right forum work for YOU ? *ahem* Search engine is a known issue, it's pretty much half-done afaik. Nothing new in this thread.
  8. Not that much, fortunately, see GMRB thread.
  9. lol This round will be a lot harder tho. My music computer seems to be borked, so it's back to Logic's own sounds and whatever else I've got on the old machine. (Also, BlackPanther might be a little more competition. Might be.)
  10. Just checking if anyone here knows better than teh internets... I think my desktop iMac just died. Its hard drive doesn't seem to mount, Disk Utility fails to verify it (invalid node structure, it says when verifying permissions, completely fails on verifying the disk), starting it up had it frozen between launchd and loginwindow, and now freezes some time during launchd, apparently a disk0s2 I/O error (or so it says when starting in verbose mode). Farewell, sweet chatlogs and other stuff not backed up? Talitha koum? (for those who care: my music files is backed up, I'll be back up and running when I get it fixed/replaced/whatever. this is a monumental inconvenience, not a disaster.)
  11. Can't answer your question, but you could just ask for brand new music (recruit here). There's lots of composers here that wouldn't mind getting a couple more games on their rap sheets. Just make sure to get a clear idea of what you want (soundwise, stylewise, moodwise, etc) and communicate it clearly to the prospective composers.
  12. Not me. Anyway, cool concept, might be worth the moneys. Good that you're making clear it's an album, not just a cool sig pic.
  13. All right, I've heard from some of the ppl I've contacted, and will patiently await your incoming tracks. There's a couple of names I haven't yet contacted because I suck. We're approaching the time when i should make my list of ppl to contact longer to include the ppl who didn't make the list last time because they then had a recent enough wip in. In other words, get your wips in asap. if it's done soon, I won't have to start a progress-report-oriented project contributor harassment campaign. tldr GET UR WIPS IN
  14. It's a little unfair to have some ppl work hard to meet the deadline only to have the deadline moved so the others can catch up. Not your fault, Darke, you run it however you want to, but us remixers... where is the honor in being late?
  15. Well this is the right place. Using torrents are faster, and that way you'll get everything to pick and choose from. It also helps the site by saving bandwidth. Unless hard drive space is an issue or you're behind a firewall, I suggest you get them thorugh torrents. If not, and for remixes not yet in the torrents, alt-click the download link (the name of the mirror) if you're in Safari, not sure about Firefox. You can also right/control-click on it and then select to download, but that's too much trouble when downloading lots. Alt-click the link, or alt-return the url of the mp3. Anyway, biased much, Maxx?
  16. Not to take over the thread, but a couple of things I've learned that you might not have to learn the hard way: - Know what you want from your collab partner(s). Everything is easier if you both use the same DAW and plugins. Otherwise, I would suggest sticking to asking for specific instrument renditions or arranging different sections of the mix. A soon to be revealed collab with Willrock went ok despite some minor disagreements about the sound of the lead. Biggest disagreement was about the name, so I guess that's pretty successful. A collab with HoboKa didn't turn out quite that well. It didn't turn out at all, actually. We didn't think it through first. - Remixing the same track more than once helps you learn it and forces you to approach it differently. I approve of the idea. I could have contributed another track to Hurry! I could remix any of the sources I've remixed before again, quickly and effectively, and come up with something new. The Wingless' three takes on Red Brinstar are all great. The stuff that came out of GRMRB, and the stuff that'll come out of GMRB will be great... Lots based on the same sources. - It's easier to make friends your own age. And by age I don't mean age, I mean level of skill/fail/awesomeness. Dunno about others, but I find it a lot easier to relate to ppl on my skill level. It's not easy to explain compression to a total newb, and I have no idea how Usa can tell different reverbs apart just like that. While it's rarely a bad idea to pick the brain of someone better than you, and almost always cool to help out ppl who don't know as much as you do about this stuff, you still have an easier time dealing with ppl on your own level. And by your level, I mean approximately your amount of theory+daw+instrument skill. Even if they don't have a problem with parallel fifths they can still make cool music, GARIO. Also, have fun, guys. Learn lots, but make sure to have fun. Actually this is a point... - Have fun. It's important.
  17. Dude, you're not yet at a level where the EQ plugin's quality has much bearing on the quality of your mix. Learn to use the ones in FL (or whatever you use) or the free ones you can find out there, learn what you're supposed to do with EQ, not what they do but what exactly you should do with it, and if you're still hearing problems caused by cheap EQ tools (such as phasing, distortion, spectral artifacts), _then_ pay for one. Yeah, not actually answering your question.
  18. I guess I'm at the appropriate place between newb and pro to say this is a good idea. Don't expect too much good music from it, I know not all my collaborations have turned out good, but you'll definitely learn lots.
  19. I found it before. Did my research. It has some of the same issues tho. I would suggest learning to write drums and basslines, and learn what chords go with what bass notes. I know doing that helped me a lot back when. Don't worry about the sound, even if the sound is terrible, you'll learn rhythm and harmony, which have been you biggest problems so far.
  20. No objections, but make sure to read the site's terms of use on stuff like this. Also, don't expect all remixers to stop by and read this thread within the course of a couple of days. Not everybody remain active on the site, some never were.
  21. From this article on custom samples, hopefully useful: Depending on the format, you might have to place it somewhere so its loaded into whatever sampler you're using. Read up on the specifics of Alchemy and MULAB and whatever else you've got. As for making your stuff sound better, new samples alone might not cut it. You'll probably need to work on both the humanization/performance of the instruments themselves, and on how their processed and mixed together. Solo it. Whatever instrument you're working on, solo it. Make sure it sounds ok on its own. Humanize, make it into a performance on its own, or with some sparse/soft backing. Then work on another instrument, same deal. Unmute track after track and change EQ, volume, and reverb so they all fit together. It's probably a good idea to start the process with a lead and a backing instrument. I often find myself turning off the drums to hear the other sounds better. Hope that answers your question somehow.
  22. Let me remind y'all about the voting instructions (emphasis mine): Repeat: vote for ALL 3 OF THEM, or none of your votes count. I count four voters who haven't voted on all tracks. PS. everybody vote for me plz
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