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Skummel Maske

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Everything posted by Skummel Maske

  1. Is that the newest version? I tried the demo (of the newest version, can't remember if it's 7 or not) about a month ago, and it worked fine on my Vista64 setup.
  2. The site has been broken for months now.
  3. So.. has the world crumbled yet? Anyone figured out what it'll do?
  4. Congratulations, I can't imagine how this must feel! Was the track credited? I mean, if someone actually notices it and wants to look it up, do they know what to search for?
  5. Congratulations, may you have a wonderful life together
  6. I loved this. Reminds me of my mid-teenage years. Lots of raw energy. The vocals are a great example of how stuff doesn't need to be technically correct to rock
  7. Agreed. I've done that a couple of times, and I play OCR-stuff at work quite often.
  8. Lara Croft in my FF14?
  9. I got a Toshiba myself, Satelite 300D something something. It was about 600 bucks, and does the job with "regular" games (it runs Oblivion, at least). However, it doesn't support my USB audio interface properly (Native Instruments Rig Kontrol), apparently that's a known problem with most Toshiba laptops. If she's just going to use it for "regular" tasks, I don't think you can go wrong with any choice, really.
  10. If you use cabinets & mics in your chain, that's one place you can do panning.
  11. Oh. Happy birthday, Snapplemen.
  12. I'll have to say A, with exceptions. E.G. I only keep some of the tracks I download, and if I find something good I look up more by the same artist.
  13. In blog, Skummel Maske loves Total Annihilation.
  14. Well, I've never finished FFIV myself. It was a great game and all, but I got stuck in what I suppose was the final dungeon, where Omega Weapon was. I couldn't beat him, and I couldn't find any other way to proceed. Now I've lost the savefile. Contrary to earlier posters, I really enjoyed FFVIII and have played through it twice.
  15. Really? I loved the fact that Systematic Chaos was so dark. I also loved the distorted vocals in some of the tracks. I'm not sure if anything *not dark* would've fit in with the theme in that album.
  16. I wonder what songs they'll be covering on the special edition. Really looking forward to this album, and I wonder what it'll sound like. My favourite album is Images And Words, although it's not as tightly produced as the newer albums. I still love the sound they've got there.
  17. I've played guitar for about 6 years now, while doing some slight arranging in Guitar Pro on the side all the while. Then in 2006 I took a music production course covering much of the basics in Cubase, along with some recording. In late 2007 I discovered OCR, and it's about that time I really got into music production. Since I figured I was far below the bar at that time, I started doing tracks for Dwelling of Duels instead. So in the end I can say that I've improved the most in this last year.
  18. Starla, I didn't really know that USB drives were unreliable until now. I've only used mine for storage of files I don't use often enough to bother keeping on my internal drives. Anyways, the error-checking didn't do anything, it went through the entire process way too quickly, as if there wasn't anything to check. It's strange how it works everywhere else though. Does the computer cache any settings for external drives?
  19. I don't think Spotify supports embedding, but it's a brilliant idea nonetheless. Its usage seems to have exploded, with major labels supporting it and all.
  20. I finally got around to buying the game this weekend. I feel bad for buying it at a discount though, considering it's a brilliant piece of work from a small developer. But then, I am a student and have to take advantage of price cuts where I can.
  21. Yeah, considered going, until a friend talked me into attending a show in Germany instead. back to topic. I can't believe the shit Microsoft constantly pulls off. I thought having to pay a subscription to Live was bad enough.
  22. Yeah, the external drive is the standard FAT32. And yes, both the compters run NTFS. This is a very confusing issue. Maybe I'll have to use the laptop as a "bridge" for transferring files now.
  23. Heh, the picture confused me for a moment. I haven't noticed any other Norwegian people on the forum yet. So the movement is more sluggish than it used to be?
  24. Well, lappy runs 32-bit Vista while the desktop one runs 64-bit.
  25. Personally, I actually loved the gameplay way back when. I used to play UT2004 over LAN for hours. In contrast to the seemingly instant-kills in Counter-Strike, in UT no matter how much of a newb you are it still feels like you're achieving *something*. Vehicular combat is still somewhat new to me though. I've always preferred regular deathmatches. I tested the demo of UT3 once, to benchmark my new computer, and I didn't like the new graphics TBH. In the older games, the graphics were clear. Now they seem to throw in every possible filter, ending up with a blurry bloom-monster where you can't make out what you're shooting at, or whether it's dead yet.
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