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Skummel Maske

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Everything posted by Skummel Maske

  1. This is about an USB-drive. I believe the problem stems from when my system froze while I was copying files from it earlier today, although it might've appeared earlier without me knowing as I haven't really used it in a while. Anyways, after the freeze I got the message that the drive would need to be formatted before I could use it (or before windows could access it). I tried releasing it and replugging it, but it didn't help. After a reboot, things seemed fine again. I could browse the folders, at least. However, when I started copying files again, it pretty much lost contact. Mid-transfer I got a message that the file could not be found, and I could no longer open any files on the drive. Afterwards it's gone back to "needs formatting" status again. To put an even stranger twist on things, I just tried the same copy process on my laptop. It worked. What can this possibly mean? ..and of course, I've got 133gb of data stored on it, while the hard drive on my computer has about 80gb available. So much for recovery.
  2. Would this patch make UT3 worth the purchase?
  3. Myself, I've been using Cubase since I first started with music production at school some years ago. I've tried both Reaper and Sonar afterwards, because they've been more economical options, but I haven't really managed to get into the workflow of either. Also, isn't Reaper restricted to only 32-bit or only 64-bit plugins?
  4. It's released now? I'm catching the concert tonight, I can't wait
  5. It really looks great. You're doing a wonderful job, keep it up! It's very handy to have a news portal for the whole VGM community.
  6. That would be handy, so go for it!
  7. ..Cubase 5 is supposed to be optimized (or, built for) 64-bit, right? Do they still use dongles? I've been thinking of setting up my Vista64 machine as a DAW for a while, at least Guitar Rig works now. Maybe we should try to compile a list of things that *don't* work with Vista64, as a sticky?
  8. http://velakhar.blogspot.com I still update more or less regularily. I try my best not to write your average "today I ate a sandwitch. It was good." type of blog.
  9. Hehe, I had that as well. I believe my neighbour started the "trend" in our circle, with each Mewtwo having one special elemental move. In the end, the only way one could win would be to get the enemy mewtwo frozen solid.
  10. I'm listening through this now. Really amazing work, both when it comes to arrangement and production. And finally a guitar-driven take on The Dark Messenger from FFIX!
  11. I'm pretty sure that feature has been around for a while, although people might have overlooked it until now. That said, I have no idea why it would be useful.
  12. I'm listening to this from my laptop speakers, so I can't say anything about sound quality really. I like the drum programming though. I think the arrangement was alright as well, except for the synth that returns at about 1:20. It's too prominent. I think it could be an idea to tone it down there, and pull out a guitar lead to carry that section.
  13. I've had that kind of problem with both Final Fantasy 8 and 10, both times it was because of scratched discs.
  14. I suppose games might have changed the way I think indirectly, but that's all. When growing up, games gave me something to talk about with others, which meant I made friends who affected my way of thinking.
  15. Wow. That's incredibly stylish!
  16. While we're at it: Commander Keen. All of them. And Terminal Velocity, which I suppose is pretty much what inspired the Descent games.
  17. Yes, Full Throttle! Also Sierra classics like Space Quest 6. I always encountered some bug or other with that game, but it was still great.
  18. That program is all I've ever used, but I'm not quite sure what you mean with a "grand staff". However, for VSTs there's the devices menu up top, just choose VST Instruments and you'll have the "rack" available.
  19. I've had alot of trouble setting my "new" computer up as a DAW, as it's running Vista64 and none of my external audio interfaces (even with Vista64 drivers) seem to work properly. Of what I've heard, Ubuntu doesn't use nearly as much resources as Windows, so could this be a good possibility for a DAW? Edit: Never mind, googling has told me that it's not yet a viable option. Back to the drawing board.
  20. I was looking for something similar a couple of days ago. Someone linked me to this.
  21. A great idea, I'm not sure how big Spotify is in the US yet, but it's huge in Europe. It must be a great way of reaching out. I read an article about it in the papers a little while ago, and it said that the reason they'd made it big was because they landed contracts with major labels early on. I'm sure they want more content, so both parts will benefit from it. Also, you might want to check this page, Larry.
  22. I, like some others here, loved the second installment but hated the third. Unfortunately I've been unable to find a new set of discs for SO2 for about 7 years. It just gets harder.
  23. I don't know the source, but this really rocks. Keep working on this!
  24. Not to derail the thread, but we had an interesting discussion about this subject during a lecture today. While some thought it would make things alot easier, it would also introduce a lot of new problems, and lack the structure required to debug properly. It would go from strict&structured to.. guesswork? Back to topic. I wonder what an employer would say to an application showing a degree in Starcraft.
  25. You don't need alot of gadgets though, look at Another Soundscape's post earlier. That being said, having alot of toys really is cool.
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