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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. I too would've preferred a review of the 360 version.
  2. Ask me again in a couple of weeks...
  3. Ooh, I didn't think about giving WiiMotionPlus capabilities to this...That certainly adds a new dimension to the gameplay, doesn't it?
  4. No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle I'd have to say I'm initially quite excited!
  5. I quite enjoyed this one. Several moments made me lol, and I always delight in his utter distaste for Lucas and his antics.
  6. Haha, that just confirms it for me. I probably won't even consider renting this now, let alone buying it.
  7. I was gonna type this. Now I don't have to. Thanks! If anything, I'd add more love fore Endless mode. I love this game type!
  8. IMO, MM2, Wily Stage 1 blows every other Wily stage music outta the water. Cossack isn't even fit to lick WS1's boots! I personally don't understand how anyone could compare the latter with the former... And it's not like I'm crazy about WS1 in general. I think there are loads better NES music choices.
  9. T-T-T-T-T-T-T-T-Thursday?! What other games am I supposed to stall with until then? I just completed all the advanced portal levels today! I suppose I can attempt Mega Man 2 on difficult mode, since I breezed thru normal in just over an hour...But that only covers tomorrow! I really hope that was just a typo, since Marketplace almost always updates on wednesday.
  10. DKC 2? Frick yeah! DKC 1? Not so much...
  11. But that's where you're wrong. He can still be unhappy, infuriated, and ridiculed. That still falls into the realm of opinion. And he can still be disappointed with the DSi, even if he never plans on purchasing it. Do you know why? Because Nintendo could be making a much better product, rather than wasting their time and money developing for this crappy "update." Meanwhile people like him (and me) will be using our current DS Lite for another 2 years, rather than enjoying what could have been a satisfying, newly updated system.
  12. Is Proto Man coming to the 360 this wednesday?
  13. Just watched this yesterday. Typical stuff. The guy walking off the building made me LOL the most.
  14. I'm sorry, but I can't resist another chance to plug this amazing game: http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=JudgeSpear2 This guy and his team are making an amazing collaboration of platformers. One playable character just so happens to be Samus, and I know there's going to be 1-3 levels based off of Metroid games. It's slightly related, right?
  15. Beat the game today. Wily stages took me 3-4 hours to conquer (not sure if that's good or not for a first try). I'd give this game a B+. It's a great return to the games of old, but could have been better. The music disappoints me most. I found Tornado Man's stage and Wily Stage 2 to be the most impressive. I'd probably put the difficulty as higher than Mega Man 2, yet lower than Mega Man 3. I'm definitely gonna get Protoman and the endless stage. I'll probably work on some more of those challenges at some point, but a good amount of them are hopelessly difficult for me. (I'm a human being, not a perfect gaming machine!) Nice remix Elektrowaz. But it's not so much a Mega Man tribute as it is a straight-up Wily Stage 1 techno remix. Not saying there's anything wrong with that...
  16. Injin, the more of your viewpoint you express, the more I agree with it. You've got a good head on your shoulders when it comes to issues like this.
  17. I finally decided on the 360 version. But I can always buy the Wii version if I feel like I'm missing out. I'm really enjoying the game so far, but it is pretty difficult. I'd agree with Injin's feelings at this point.
  18. New DS = Nintendo furthering their devilish, greedy schemes. I don't need to play with the PSP's copy cat brother. And they want to alienate current gen games like Guitar Hero WHY?!?!? The game announcements = Yawn inducing. Punch Out isn't a hardcore title. Don't kid yourselves. M & L 3 is a disappointment waiting to happen, if the second game is any indication. The DS changes = Slightly interesting. I need more info. GOSH FRIGGING DANG IT, NINTENDO!!! Turn back before your disgusting transformation is complete!!! I don't even know you anymore...
  19. *Can't stop laughing at the absurdity*
  20. So, I've waited all the way until today to decide. Since I can only sample the 360 version (the wii doesn't do trial games), can somebody who has tried/bought both tell me which version to purchase? My special reason, is based on how the game LOOKS, not on how it controls. I could care less about analog sticks/d-pads. I want to know which game looks the best, based on comparison to the first classic 6 games. Short Version: Which version looks best BASED ON CLASSIC FEEL?
  21. I just watched that brawl spoof. Spectacular work...truly fantastic!
  22. Niiiiiiiiiiiice.......
  23. Took the words right outta my mouth...in multiple ways...
  24. Haha, funny. I'm gonna post about something Zelda-related next! In Majora's Mask, when you need to retrieve the 3 zora eggs in Pinnacle Rock, I was developing real vertigo diving down into the bottom of the rock. But then...the real shocker came. IN THE FORM OF A GIANT EEL LUNGING FORTH IN AN EFFORT TO CONSUME MY FISHY FLESH!!!!!!!!!! Why Nintendo...why?
  25. I played this finally in a local Gamestop. I'm sad to say I wasn't blown away. It seems like a good gamefly rental, but that's about it.
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