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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. So, just beat this one tonight. The final Wily battle was just as friggen hard as it always was. But at least I didn't let my frustration consume every fiber of my being. I got a secret password after the credits. For those who don't know it, it's [spoilerS]: C4:Red C5:Red D3: Red D6: Blue E4: Blue E5: Blue [/spoilerS] It gives you everything, 4 energy tanks, 4 weapon tanks, 1 special tank, and 1 life. In conclusion, I really enjoyed this downgrade. A lot.
  2. Where did you get Spiderman 2? Did he say that was one of 'em in one of his reviews? You know, one of the other SOMETHINGs could be Pain Killer.
  3. Or they ignore those and enjoy the occasional skill-based match, like me!
  4. Don't we all wish our butt would sprout wings and spirit us away... I had a good time with the Sands of Time, but stopped right before I got to the final boss (I can't remember what game temporarily distracted me). By the time I was able to go finish, I didn't want to. I've never played the other ones either.
  5. I tried the demo. It seemed like oldschool awesomeness. I liked the challenge rooms too. Is the game worth it, since I never tried the original?
  6. Don't forget the lack of things like: Charade (and, to a much lesser extent, Olcadan and the others) Weapon Master Mode Having 10 or more weapons per character Team Battle A proper shop (SC IV's "shop" system is terrible and sloppy) 2 steps forward, 1 step back, eh?
  7. Depending on your definition of art (and, in relation, artsy), Portal could indeed be considered artsy. I personally don't see it that way, but I loved it nevertheless.
  8. Nothing like new info to get the hype flowing in my blood stream! This game is gonna ROCK!
  9. Heh, I don't use the mic a lot, personally. I like to keep it by me tho, just in case I get schooled by someone with actual skill. I make sure to let them know they're playing the game the right way. One time after I thrashed this guy (I never spam), he kept telling me, "You're f***ing garbage!" He even felt compelled to send me a text. I couldn't believe it. Did the Halo community just all migrate to SC IV or something?
  10. Played it at my friend's house. I thought it was a fun diversion, but not worth my $15.
  11. My sister got it for her Wii, and I watched her play about 2 hours of it. I normally hate P&CA games, but nothing is more compelling than a guy who can type with boxing gloves!
  12. In case you didn't know, he's one of the playable characters, complete with a Zero Suit from Mega Man X, and an Arbiter Suit from Halo!
  13. Do you think he was banned because of this? Because that would suck! I wasn't mad at him or nothing. I can take a little harmless ribbing every now and again.
  14. My head will be turned skyward tonight.
  15. Depending on the last time you played, yeah, there's a toooon of new stuff! There's no set release date. The MKF team does release dates Valve style (i.e. doesn't give release dates.). They're done when they're done. But they give out Beta releases periodically, and so far, the latest one has a whole bunch of levels, and 4 characters.
  16. Perhaps, but King Dedede and Wario made up for any failures.
  17. Oh yes, perfectly understandable. *Stabs a spork into The Damned's eye* *grins*
  18. Jam...your sig just got very distracting...(in a good way).
  19. I posted a video for this game a long time ago. I got flamed pretty hard for no good reason. But now this game has neared platforming perfection. It's a sight to behold. If you're a human being, and you like playing videogames in general. you NEED to play this, if you haven't already. The fact that they use OCremixes for stages makes it all the better.
  20. Well, Mirai, The Force Unleashed is gonna have a Duel Mode in the Wii version, and there's an upcoming game based on the new CG Star Wars movie, which is nothing but dueling. So, I think George had you covered. I love the Apprentice. He's got the best moveset out of the 3 Force users. I hope to gain l33t skitles with him someday. I'm practicing, you know!
  21. Yessssss......goooooood.........let the hatred consume you..............that way.........you may gain UUUUULTIMAAATE POOOOOOOWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Isn't that the 4chan symbol or something? Never been there. But I like the "lulz" catchphrase. I imagine it going next to this face.
  23. Never played any of his games. But if I had my way, I'd keep things the way they are now......for the lulz.
  24. I've noticed that when you use 4G, your character sort of pulls back, and can dodge grabs and such. Is there ever a reason to use this instead of things like GI or 8-Way Run?
  25. You know...I'm not sure. I guess if the game got a 6, or 7, it (and everything in it, like music and graphics) should be considered average?
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