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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. I love those colliding punch videos! You forgot one: http://youtube.com/watch?v=5VAzYI7DF_o
  2. Yeah, I know. That was more of a quizzical, curious type of question. I wasn't confused. Sometimes, the internet robs a sentence of its meaning.
  3. Woah! That's it? How can there be so little lines in a modern movie?
  4. Don't make me pwn j00!
  5. He also found GTA 4 disappointing, but said he was gonna go back and play it after his review, which doesn't happen often.
  6. http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/986...rsbrawlcd9.png Helloooo, what's this? Sounds pretty interesting.
  7. No...Not fixed. According to the website I went to (http://www.screwattack.com/node/5366), Capcom said that they were going to try and surpass the quality of Mega Man 2 (two). BTW, there's a couple more screenshots there than Kotaku had.
  8. Yeah, so a lot of stuff has been confirmed thanks to the newest Nintendo Power. I'm not sure where I can get the official information from, but I just saw a post on a different message board about it. Capcom said they're trying to do better than Mega Man 2. I'm pretty sure I almost came.
  9. So, I just beat All-Star mode with Meta Knight without dying once. I know it's only a big deal to me, but I'm still pretty happy that I didn't get bombed, Dragoon'ed, Final Smashed, or die from some other random crap. I can't remember the last time I made it thru AS without dying, and I don't even use Meta Knight as my main! But maybe I should...I'm starting to grow fond of his B moves.
  10. *Hands Kevin a sense of humor* There, that's better. Maybe you can deal with life a little easier!
  11. A quote from Yahtzee himself?! Haha, anyway, I'm just shocked that it took 23 minutes to get to gameplay. That's simply an absurd amount of cutscenes. I LOL everytime he references the fanboys of Gamefaqs.
  12. *Sakurai looks at topic title* Sakurai: *laughs*
  13. I lost a lot of respect for the GH developers when they went down the "steal the winning formula and tweak it" road. Are they so greedy for consumers money that they must invade Rock Band's territory as well? Where am I going to get my guitar-centric song fix now? Tell me that. Now, every song that's included in GH:WT is going to be as balanced towards the 4 instruments as possible, just like Rock Band. And unless you're a hard-core song writer or have moderate experience in that area, the song creator is useless. Would it have been so much more difficult to design a system that converts the songs from your cd/mp3 player/whatever into playable game tracks?! Give me a break. In short, screw you Activision. Nothing, short of a spectacular setlist will convince me to buy your shameless copy of Rock Band.
  14. Oh yeah, telling the so-called "discoverer" of a technique to prove his claim is just soooo outrageous! Should we chew up his food for him while we're at it?
  15. What you're about to read is going to sound negative, but is meant to be taken as a neutral prediction only: TC, I'm guessing that you're going to get 80-90% negative reception regardless of quality (or lack thereof) for your movie. Why? Because when people have a certain view on a specific property, it's extremely difficult to get a decent response. They're narrow-minded. How do I know this is true? Because I'm one of 'em . You wouldn't be familiar with the April-Fools Zelda movie trailer incident, would you? Still, there's nothing that supports my prediction yet except for past events on different franchises. We'll wait and see, I guess. But don't be disappointed with your reception if/when it's largely negative. I suggest you keep low expectations for your own sake. BTW, I've only briefly played TMBlack, so I don't really have a viable opinion for your specific movie.
  16. I've played thru quite a few SNES classics multiple times, including Super Mario World, The DK Country series (especially 2), Kirby Superstar (especially Milky Way Wishes and The Arena) and Super Mario Allstars (especially SMB 3). Other non-SNES games I've played multiple times include Sonic 2-3&Knuckles, and Mega Man 2. I really need to get new copies of Sonic Mega Collection and Mega Man Anniversary Collection. Do multiplayer games count? I've played sooo many matches of Super Mario Kart/64/Double Dash/Wii, Halo 2-3, and Super Smash Bros./Melee/Brawl with friends and family.
  17. It seemed that in the beginning, he felt like he was settling. It sounded like he wished there was something better to review, or that he's wasting his time. Still, it was pretty funny. I liked his buff guy who said, "What's dodging?" It's like he was some kind of meat head or something.
  18. Ha, then I consider myself the King of Scotland. Mega Man 8 and Mega Man and Bass took the series in fairly different directions, yet maintained that "Mega Man feel". If you haven't seen the changes they brought, you're still quite unfit to criticize the Mega Man series. Even games in line with the original series. Everything you described in your first post almost perfectly matched the ZX games. That alone demonstrates your lack of knowledge, and inability to make a properly formed opinion. And don't play the victim and whine about flaming. No one flamed you. Such behavior is childish.
  19. play maor zx
  20. Oh yes. Oh heck yes! Pleeeeaaaaassssseeee let this come true!!! Although, wasn't Mega Man and Bass considered the 9th in the series? They'd better use this new game to tie up the loose ends between it and the X series. Imagine if this one ends with the death of Mega Man by Zero's sabre?! Epic.
  21. I like it too. I wish Iowa had some kind of tournament going.
  22. I would agree with the TC. Halo music has a lot to offer remixers.
  23. True. Those things are some of the only negative points in the movie. Well, did you care about Sallah, Marcus Brody, Willie, Elsa Schneider, Walter Donovan, or other such minor characters? I know I didn't. But they served just as much a purpose in their respective movies' plots as Mac did in IJ4.
  24. I've seen all the movies now, with 4 just being added tonight. Where is all this negativity and lack of support for IJ4 coming from? This was right up there with The Last Crusade in my book. DJ, the villainess (Cate is her name?) was fried because the alien(s?) KNEW she was evil. How? We don't know that. But the aliens have been presented as superbly intelligent and given psychic abilities. That's all we need to know.
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