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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. Hoooooly crap! I just teleported across all of Final Destination! What a game breaker! That makes it too easy to avoid some Final Smashes. But it's pretty easy to fall off a ledge doing that. That kind of stuff has been ticking me off ALL DAY! Why does Nintendo think it's okay to abandon their loyal demographic of hardcore gamers?
  2. I want Nintendo to give me a game worth my time, effort, and hard-earned cash. Not a tech demo that should have been bundled with the Wii in the first place, like Wii Sports was. Everybody who complains about this needs to shut their trap. You bought the console for $200 cheaper than everything else on the market, and the games are at least $10 cheaper too! You really do get what you pay for.
  3. You're flippen' kidding me! THAT'S ALL NINTENDO HAD TO SHOW?! Where's Kirby, F-Zero, new Zelda or even other games I don't care about like Star Fox and Pikmin?! Bad form Nintendo. Bad form.
  4. Well, yeah. There's cheap stuff like Clerks. And then there's stuff like Schindler's List. *cocks eyebrow*
  5. Mario Kart Wii missed out as well.
  6. It was inevitable. Just like my purchase.
  7. So, do you see black and white movies as a cop-out as well?
  8. Wasn't the Wii-mote already capable of 1:1 control? What about Metroid Prime 3? I remember Samus's arm moving with my arm...
  9. Sure, Lost Levels was pretty cool (and frustrating). I still enjoyed SMB 2 more tho. But neither of those hold a candle to Super Mario World, my personal favorite Mario game. That game had ridiculous secrets (Top Secret Zone FTW), Yoshi, actually "Super Mario" (a cape, lol), and fantastic music. Pretty much one of the best game ever!
  10. Yes. On your Wii. Once you unlock them all in SSE, you can watch them from your own copy of Brawl!
  11. Now THIS is what I'm talking about! I kinda prefer to keep the setlist a surprise, so I only looked at about half of the songs on that list. But it still sounds pretty fun! And who cares if I don't like any of the new songs? I can still play all of the olds songs and all of my DLC! Now if only I had enough cash to splooge on the gorgeous new instruments...Oh well, my old ones will do. (And by old ones, I mean my Rock Band drums and my GH3 guitar ) Harmonix...please have my babies! Activision...it's not working out...I know we had something with Guitar Hero 3...but you've gotta understand where I'm coming from. I'll always treasure what we had, but I can't explore Guitar Hero: World Tour with you. It's just asking for too much from me! What, do you think I'm made of money or something? That's it! We're thru!
  12. That pretty much sums it up for me. The only thing is, I kind of wish Mega Man 9 was the last one, but only because the next one would be Mega Man 10, and the roman numeral for 10 is X. Thus, it would directly lead into the X series. But that's just me being a perfectionist!
  13. DarkeSword, unlike you, I, and nearly any casual/hardcore fan of any story, value closure. Yes. Closure. Something that tells us that the story is over. In this case, I want closure to the Classic series that leads to a new beginning (X's beginning). In fact, I think I can speak for 90% of Mega Man fans when I say that we all do. Not only is there a good chance that Wily didn't die by Zero's Sabre, but some theories place him in the events of Mega Man X6 (as that weird reploid with white hair, look it up). So I don't know where everybody's getting this "Wily was killed" crap. I'm not asking for a Classic Mega Man with a RPGish type of story. How about just a 1-5 minute cutscene? Please Capcom! Anything! It's not much! Me love you long time? Inafune also said that Classic Mega Man and Mega Man X are two separate robots.
  14. I would hardly call it "public knowledge." Only the more hardcore of Mega Man fans would even know about the hints, since you need to see the arcade Mega Man cutscenes to even know about this stuff. And then, nothing's ever been confirmed by an official source. The only bridge we've formed between the Classic and X series is built with myth, theory, and speculation. I think it would be great for Capcom to provide an official scene showing the great hero cut down in his prime, with the promise of an even greater hero on the horizon (namely, Mega Man X)!
  15. Man, ^that would be so awesome to actually see in a game! Am I evil for wanting a Classic Mega Man game to end with Mega Man's death at the hands of Zero? I really do think that would be an epic ending to the Classic series, and lead it into it's more serious tone that the X series is presented in.
  16. Did you play X6? I thought Sigma acted like a drunk with a hangover in that game, and he really had no purpose for coming back other than 'blah blah revenge blah world conquering blah." Do you see it differently?
  17. Wow! Sephfire didn't update yet? Guess he's busy: Lego Indiana Jones! Don't forget to watch after the credits!
  18. I'm sorry, but I don't have the interview in my Nintendo Power with me at the moment. I won't get to see it again until thursday. But that's where I found out. I really hope that a tie-in with the X series isn't the only thing you'd find interesting about this game. Aren't you more influenced by a deep love/reverence for the Classic series? Isn't curiosity for a previously unheard of brand new 8 bit title a bigger draw for you?
  19. ZeroBass.Exe, it's been confirmed that the storyline will be of the classic variety, and won't feature any connections to the X series (a major disappointment). The Pezman, I think, at this point, the pre-scrolling screen is seen as part of the classic formula, so I can't see why they'd remove it now.
  20. I really enjoyed this one. I liked the humor (teeny greeny weenie), and I thought the story was ingenious. Just as good as BBS, in my mind.
  21. Anything by Coldplay would work wonders for you!
  22. Don't worry, I did. I saw Falco chain-grab Ike all the way across FD and dair him to his death. I'm can't deny how great that is. But I still think Melee Falco > Brawl Falco. And not just because they're different games. I'm pretty sure Falco had more potential for greatness in that game then in this one. Of course, if everyone keeps giving him this much recommendation, I just might change my tune. But I'd like to see more hardcore evidence before I make my decision.
  23. Now this is what I'm talking about! Woooooo!
  24. What did I just say about making baseless assumptions? I worked at Gamestop for a mere 2 months before they no longer needed seasonal help. Since when did the establishment that provides me an occupation define my entire personality? That's quite absurd! I know she doesn't know what's going on for certain. I also know that I myself don't have access to that information either. She could be 100% correct. So could I. Neither of us could be right. I'm just saying we don't know either way, so don't act like a know-it-all who does! Holy fricken' crap! Did everyone just gloss over the part where I said I wasn't directly attacking anyone, but playing the Devil's Advocate? Are we that sensitive to a little criticism? Sindra, I read every fricken' word you typed, show me some fricken' courtesy. I despise it when I'm polite and objective with someone, and they throw it in my face like a monkey flinging fecal matter! Being a hardcore Castlevania fan doesn't give you top-secret information that no one else has access to. It doesn't make your opinion better than anyone else's, and you shouldn't give your thoughts about the series a factual quality. When you work in one of Iga's teams, you can go ahead and do that. Until then, work on the pessimism and big-headed attitude, will ya? *Phew. Whatever, no hard feelings, right?
  25. Okay, I couldn't read anymore after that. He's BETTER?! Can anybody else on this forum (or others) support this? I need to see some confirmation on that one!
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