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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. Aw, no Segal, Van Damme, or Chuck Norris? Oh well, they'll probably get to be new characters in The Expendables Melee.
  2. I came in to say this. All of my GI issues rest atop of my porcelain throne.
  3. That's great! I'll be sure to do that. I look forward to future episodes!
  4. May I extend another congratulations towards everyone involved with Extra Credits? Well, I am right now. This is probably not the best place to ask, but could we see an episode devoted towards the issue of Digital Distribution? I sense that we will all be forced into using it exclusively in the near future, and I'd like to see what you have to say about that.
  5. I rather liked the twist ending for the latest review. (Reviews?) For a second there, I thought he was leading up to Transformers: War for Cybertron. I guess not, haha!
  6. That was my favorite pat of the whole teaser! When it comes to this, I'm not too excited. Neither Street Fighter nor Tekken are very high on my "caring meter." I'm more of a Soul Calibur and Smash Bros. kind of guy. Still, SvT is a pretty cool concept, I must say.
  7. Wow, first Pixar and now this? Sephfire, you da man! I'm really happy for you. You definitely deserve it.
  8. Peach's song and Totaka's song both blew my mind. Quite interesting, I must say.
  9. Well, I don't really have to type anything, do I?
  10. The guy's great. I've been watching him from the beginning, and I don't think I'll ever put a stop to it. When he's at his best (real-ish anger), he's hilarious. When he's at his worst, he's got some stupid guest star/gimmick.
  11. In short, it's totally worth it. I've actually gotten a subscription twice. Once, because my Dad used to buy it for me. A second time, because he became a different person, and stopped buying it for me (as well pretending I don't exist). And yet, buying it again for myself was worth it THAT much. There are so many games nowadays that are worth just a rent, and not much else. It saves you lots of money, whether from renting instead of buying games, or because you take advantage of their sweet deals. Also, the games are always in great condition, in my experience. Just make sure that you have enough time for all of the games you'll be playing, lol!
  12. Exaaaaaactly! This is completely true. Now, apply the same concept to Sonic, Mario, Kirby, Contra, Donkey Kong, Halo, Final Fantasy, Half Life, Zelda, or what have you. If you don't want to play a Mario game, you don't HAVE to change Mario, pick a different game instead. That's why we have so many IPs to choose from in the first place!
  13. That's okay, too. But people act like something IS broke, and it needs to become radically transformed. That's what ticks me off.
  14. Normally, I wouldn't bat an eye at this latest, average bit from Yahtzee. What's caused my brow to be raised this week is yet another gamer (who's more important that you and me) who has somehow come up with the horribly contrite and despicable idea that more of the same automatically = a bad thing. Who in the sam hill is feeding this lie to us? What devious devil is working their unrequited whispers into our subconscious, causing us to become even harder to please than we already are? For goodness sake, gentleman! Am I the only one who's happy to see Sonic 4? Donkey Kong Country Returns? New Super Mario Bros. Wii? Contra 4? Halo 3: ODST? Mega Man 10? Crackdown 2? Kirby Superstar Ultra? Left 4 Dead 2? Super Mario Galaxy 2? Yes, innovation is very important. It serves an integral part in gaming. But we don't aaaaaaaaaalways need to renovate! You know that guy that said, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"? More people should listen to him.
  15. If we're talking entire soundtracks, the first game that totally caught my attention was either Donkey Kong Country 2, or Ocarina of Time. But I remember individual songs from earlier games. I think that most of us have the original Super Mario Bros. Theme song deeply ingrained our brains.
  16. This thread is quite epic. More people should know about this.
  17. I've seen it before, but it was worth re-watching. I wish they did more of those.
  18. In that case, my favorite arcade purchases include: - Castlevania SOTN (but you already know about that game) - Marble Blast Ultra - Bionic Commando Rearmed - Mega Man 9 and 10 (booyah!) - Geometry Wars (I've only played the first, but I'm sure the second one is killer) - Pacman: Champion Edition - Uno (or Uno Rush) - Bubble Bobble Neo - Banjo Kazooie (if you've never played it or love it to death) - Banjo Tooie (^ditto) - Shadow Complex - Space Invaders Extreme - Marvel vs Capcom 2 - Castle Crashers
  19. In that case, let me recommend my current library of Xbox 360 games that I own: - Rockband 2 - Sonic & Sega Allstars Racing - The Orange Box - Sonic Unleashed - [Prototype] - Left 4 Dead 2 - Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts - Halo 3 - Halo 3 ODST - Borderlands - Bioshock 1 and 2 - Mass Effect 1 and 2 Are you interested in arcade games as well?
  20. It would help if you posted a list of the games you have, Arek.
  21. Most people look at this years E3, and say that Nintendo won. Yahtzee looks at E3, and criticizes Nintendo for making hundreds of reboots (which isn't altogether true). Okay Yahtzee, we get it. You hate Nintendo, and you want every Nintendrone in the world to know it. It isn't funny, and it never really was. Take your negativity-fueled page views and try to spread the hate schtick a little more evenly. Please?
  22. Me and the TC share a few similarities (love of games, no musical talent, very critical, lol). We also happen to share the same sense of gratitude. Thank you OCremix, and everybody involved.
  23. You know what I honestly think? Judging by these 2 episodes, the show is just as good as it's always been. However, nobody is actually going to recognize this (including me). You know why? Nostalgia, that's why. No matter how old season 6 gets, it will never achieve the legendary status of seasons 1-4.
  24. I don't know. It's gonna be pretty dang difficult to wait. I don't know if I have the pure strength of will...
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