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Status Updates posted by Gario

  1. Happy birthday... Holy crap you signed onto the site before you were born. That's freakin' amazing.

  2. Actually I was talkin' about my Wily Machine mix (I wasn't planning on a Concrete Man mix... well, not really, anyway). I'm also not putting the legwork into continuing that track, since it's old and I've got other things.

    HOWEVER, if someone suggested it to him and he agreed then that would twist my arm into remaking the Wily Machine track :P

    Just sayin', is all. Maybe I'll make a Concrete Man remix, just for shits and gigs, now.

  3. Ha, there you are. Hey, go join this compo. It'd be a great exercise for your remixing abilities.

    That and I really, really want to see it expand to a 32 person competition, because let's face it that'd be awesome.

  4. So, it's the Wily MM2 theme this week. Do you want to cover it, or do you want to hold out until next week for another track? I'm personally kind of 'meh' on this track myself, but I'll do it if you don't want it.

  5. I sent a message to Prophet about the source this week. I'd be fine if either of us took the source.

  6. You get a random birthday post.

    Happy birthday.

    Don't forget about your track in the WIP forums - people gave good advice, and it was a great track, so we all would like to see progress.

    That is all. There is your first visitor's post. I hope you enjoy it. This post will self destruct.


  7. You've been posted - The album is released :)

    Figured you'd like to know.

  8. Thanks for the encouragement; I'm glad you enjoyed the Sparkman remix :)

  9. I have no idea why I'm randomly posting in here, but I saw your name and thought it would be a good idea. Welcome to OCR!

  10. I might be interested in staying with you. What's the price for staying with your posse?

  11. You don't get any messages on your visitor's board - you're going to have two birthday posts on the same page. It almost makes me feel guilty for posting it, actually - it almost emphasizes the emptiness of this wall.

    Happy Birthday :)

  12. Actually, if there are any really phat Reason synths that I could possibly use for a nice, meaty lead that would be awesome. I have a decent arrangement going, but the sounds I'm coming up with are a bit thin for my liking.

    I would send this via PM, but... well, yours is full :P

  13. Well, thanks for the compliments. I'm glad you took that track for what it was and nothing more - just a calm, relaxing groove. I'm glad it made somebody's day. :)

  14. What inspired you to link me to the creationist site? If it's my stance on evolution, I'm representing the official view of the Catholic Church - evolution neither confirms nor denies God's hand in shaping the planet, so it's taught as a scientific fact. If you'd like to dispute that stance I'd me more than happy to join in, but I'd appreciate leaving it in the OCRC thread - that's what it's there for, after all.

  15. S'all good, bro. How're you doin'?

  16. Hmm, that's an area that I can't tell you too much more detail on. For me, it's really a 'feel' sort of thing. Personally, I like to add the decorations to accents in a melody line - peaks and valleys are great places to make variations to, for example, as well as notes that land on the beat. Everyone is different, though.

    When it comes to decoration, there's almost no wrong way to do it. You say you don't see where it could fit, but in reality decorations are, by design, able to fit anywhere - because they're 100% cosmetic and not structural, there's no way to put it 'in the wrong spot'. If you're completely unable to find a place to insert the decorations then 'drop the needle' somewhere in the third section of your track and add a decoration in a random spot, see if it works. If so, great, if not then simply undo the action and try another spot. Or try some of the suggested places that I mentioned.

  17. Sorry I can't be any more specific than that, but there are things where it's purely an artistic choice. I can give suggestions, but as far as exactly where to add these things you'll just need to experiment and play it by ear.

    Just sprinkle a few in your last section - it won't take very many decorations to keep it distinct enough from the first section. Best of luck with it.

  18. Oh shit you can drink now. Well, it was nice seeing you as a productive moderator for at least a little while... ;)

    Happy birthday, man.

  19. Dude, its your birthday. Happy birthday mah man.

  20. Ooo, I like what you did with those changes. Yeah, that's what that last section needed, there.

    Not much else that I can add to this one - it's sounding quite good, to me. Good luck, and thanks for the b-day wishes! :)

  21. I know, I know - I didn't want to use the EXACT words... I guess I sort of compramised, lol (it just makes me feel a bit... cruel).

    Let me go fix it...

    There, that should 'bout do it.

    Don't worry, I still luv you :P

  22. My apologies! My inbox had a few messages cleared, so go ahead and PM me!

  23. *uncocks gun*

    Alrighty... it's been extended, then. I'll be waiting.

  24. Haha, I noticed your message on DjP's visitor's board. Not sure if he answered it for you or not, but the short of it is that this isn't a site where you upload music. You submit the music in question and a panel of judges do a quality control evaluation of the track (which is very stringent, by the way). If the song passes the examination, then it goes on a waiting list for music to be posted on the front page.

    It's a pretty long process, but it's for the sake of quality control - hopefully it's for the best. If you want evaluation before submitting, though (saves time, as getting to the panel takes months, in itself) you can post your remix to the WIP boards where people like myself will let you know what the judges will say about it.

    For more details about submission standards, check out this link.


    Best of luck.

  25. Aaaah Sockpuppet's online!


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