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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. competition gets bonus points if nobody does mario or sonic
  2. Zero is permabanned from playing Madman
  3. just got into the beta today. relyanCe of course. add me gais! I'mma rape you donut.
  4. tried making a scottish bagpipe elegy style remix for aeriths theme and failed quite epicly. haven't picked up music production since...
  5. your sig is made of all kinds of win

  6. tried to draw something, couldn't get inspired cuz i'd never even heard of the games before this month =/
  7. i don't have a kink for goth straps, purple lipstick, rampant jerkiness, and dresses that are apparently attached at the nipples but hey i guess that makes me gay
  8. what i really loved about X: - turn based combat that didn't get boring - Auron - the Sphere grid (cmon it really wasn't that complicated) - the plot stayed true to its setting. Spira is a crapsack, and you don't get a happy ending (I don't count X-2's mangling of all that made X's plot in any way interesting) - Auron - an underwater makeout scene what i really hated about X: - the music, aside from few standout tunes, is overall forgettable - Lulu - the retardedly heavy-handed plot elements - the random battle system - Lulu - HA HA HA HA HA (it bears repeating how retarded this scene is)
  9. the yunalesca scene was probably the game's defining moment in my opinion. That and Yunalesca is pretty much the only really difficult fight in the whole game, with maybe Gagazet Seymour as slight competition for difficulty.
  10. What are you? a very wise person ffx was quite enjoyable in my opinion, despite the HA HA HA HA HA scene.
  11. i have gigs of celtic stuff on my iTunes good stuff
  12. watched the first episode, which is summed up by saying I watched a naked faceless loli walk around while all these people were meltsploding in shows of red paint err blood i stopped watching after that should I not have?
  13. Started watching Darker Than Black a few days ago its awesome go watch it now
  14. happy birthday! Hope you and Jade have a wonderful day!
  15. anyone else hear about the new Evangelion remake? It's been making a theatre run throughout the US and Canada for a few months, but has yet to reach me here in FL. Yeah, the original was a mindscrew of epic proportions, but the preview trailer just looks amazing technically, so i'll probably see it if/when it hits the sunshine state.
  16. Dhsu if you made an entire remix project of piano mixes i would love you forever i don't even care what game you did it for
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