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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. don't knock it till you try it is all im sayin
  2. i for one was quite put off by it NOT being there. it sorta defines you in a weird way
  3. seriously why is everyone hating on enrage? maybe you don't think +200% base damage isn't worth anything, but in games in which i play behemoth it means finishing off the other teams carry during my initiation, or wiping my whole team cuz i couldn't get the final hit in. you do realize that lategame an enrage hit + weapon damage can do upwards of 500-600 damage in a single hit? Theres a reason some people stack battle furies on him, and it has nothing to do with fissure or his ultimate.
  4. exciting and at the same time, saddening that it took this long to just get something of an announcement
  5. remake wouldn't have passed, stop talking about it.
  6. yeah so we just a played an inhouse and didn't have a 9th person. We started 4v5, me donut zealousy and tensei on the 4 team, thinking "hey its just for fun anyway". the other team rolls Hellbringer, Pebbles, Succubus, Wildsoul, and nymphora. IN A FRICKIN 5v4. think i'm done playing inhouses for a while PS: NO, i don't want to hear any jacktards whine about "drama".
  7. i played arachna mid last night, and i purposefully play her in a way that isn't fagtardedly broken so there can be a normal game as opposed to ruining a game by lane-hop hero killing at level 5 by the way, would it be ok if, if you do invite your friends zero, that they play on separate teams? our inhouses have enough balance issues as it is.
  8. wait hon has captains mode? -cm forever
  9. by the way, my new build for torturer is thus: boots -> HotBL -> enh marchers -> 2 scarabs -> 2 greater arcanas -> Nome's Wisdom -> Harkon's Blade -> Heart -> OMFGRAPE???? -> blink for lulz
  10. yeah so we just played the best hon game ever ask leo or zero edition about it
  11. haha shoulda guessed ezero would be a spec player
  12. This might, just might, top Black Wing Meta, though that may be a little presumptuous. Regardless, it's awesome metal and great for the headbangins, belie' dat.
  13. my best hero has now been ported. better pick him first.
  14. yeah her main problem before was her pathetic manapool and stupidly high manacosts. but MAN, her lategame farming abilities are insane!. Once you get runed axe, you don't even need to throw on dark blades to farm whole creep waves with just your blink! next time I use her, i'm going to get hacknslash after runed. That or nulfire. She needs more slow to effectively solo gank.
  15. holy crap i love dark lady like a lot
  16. holy crap that guy chiptuned TTGL's opener
  17. did you see the post-credtis teaser? -SPOILER- OMFG SIX EVAS-SPOILER-
  18. basically whatever the deadline is, i'll have something finished the day of if i'm gonna do it at all. It's just how I work. So i'm cool with an earlier deadline
  19. Saw Evangelion 1.0 today dear god i can't wait for 2.0
  20. cool idea for an ultimate, but the window is reaaaally small
  21. doing that takes effort i just don't have the drive to produce =/
  22. y'know entry 5 looks kinda disgusting if you stare at it for a bit
  23. a good pestilence is a game breaker a bad pestilence is FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
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