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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. seconding anything by kLuTz on this site play Lover Reef as a gag
  2. I'm thinkin of buying a wii for one reason - Muramasa: The Frickin' Demon Blade. Of course i'd probably get more than that if i did end up buying one, but that game in particular... wow... eyegasmic!
  3. if you need a creative writer/grammar nazi to give it a lookover, send it this way!
  4. Anyone who has played through Odin Sphere can tell you how much of a whore the last boss, Leventhan the Last Dragon, is. Imagine fighting Sheng Long (the titular dragon from DBZ) by having to run halfway across his back to get to his vulnerable head, all while trying to evade his lightning strikes/exploding orbs of death. He can also eat you. or eviscerate you with his spiny-parts. or just make you go poof with his deathbeam breath (this dragon doesn't screw around with firebreath he gets fricken laser beams). Not to mention that, as a final "screw you" to the player, if you actually manage to kill it with any character other than the one prophesied to kill it, you watch your player DIE ANYWAY and the world explode.
  5. 3rd favorite track of the album, behind Phantom of the Zeromus (No! Get BACK! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo!) and Fighting for Tomorrow. Hy Bound doesn't pull any punches with the production, and to Loka LaFevre, your voice is angelic. Great stuff!
  6. your sig is win

  7. I can't believe i was the only guy who drew deadpool you peeps are crazy It was gonna be an absolutely badass gun-to-head cross-counter pose, but I couldn't seem to get it just right and gave up Hey Coop awesome drawing but did you really just ship Felicia and Jon? I'm not a darkstalkers nut by any means, but I'm pretty sure that one's far from canon also lol at megaman getting his arm ripped off by the spidey
  8. buy the battle chest for 20 bucks online if you want to play it. It's loads of fun and really addicting. Just make sure to run it in windowed mode if you're using a widescreen monitor.
  9. absolutely stunning. excellent production and the choir did a bangup job. However, I have a few critiques for the choir. The beginning was solid for the most part, though it seems that there are some conflicting annunciations of the latin, but that may just be my ears. Everything from 1:19 to 4:34 is absolutely awesome, the hits are great, and the parts, though basic, work astonishingly well. When going back to the "stemus familia..." part at 4:34, I heard some sliding in the tenor section that seemed... well... out of place in a latin chant. Then again, the song had a definite dosage of eastern sound themes, so it might have been intentional, and who am I to argue there? All in all, this is an entire Chocolate Factory's worth of ear-candy, and is easily my most favored track of this album! Hoping the Fabul Men's Choir convenes again for more awesomeness, which I hope to be a part of next time (ordering a new mic soon!)
  10. the 'splosions n' flyin' robits were cool, but i finished it mostly because i always finish animes that i watch at least 6 episodes of. I dunno why. It's the reason i won't watch berserk, cuz i know I'll hate the ending. I don't really mind killing off characters and moral ambiguity, but the number of fridge-stuffings was ridiculous in CG. Also, the writers couldn't seem to write Lellouch consistently at all. I get tired of flying mecha too, but what irks me most about "real robot" mecha animes is how the hell do you make it kick, punch, hell, even shoot properly with a couple joysticks?
  11. Code Geass was retarded for many reasons but the biggest one for was because it either vilified or killed off any (and i mean ANY) sympathetic characters. And if ANYONE calls Kallen a sympathetic character I'm going to shoot him in the fricking face. *SPOILER* Lellouch's poor poor mother who was murdered for no reason? Part of the evil plan to mind rape the world Nunally, Lellouch's poor poor crippled sister? Nuked millions of people because, well... I don't even know why she did it Lellouch? Please. There's a reason his fan nickname is Le Douche. Shirley? Shot by some psycho FOR NO REASON. Kallen? I mean seriously, she was basically a fangirl with a giant robot who had no idea about anything and had was less loyal than fricken Starscream when the chips were down. And Suzaku. Don't get me started on Suzaku. *END SPOILER* The only character I could really sympathize with was Euphemia, because her death was such a pathetic piece of idiot-writer feces. anyway, anyone know when Slayers Revolution/Evolution-R's gonna get an English dubbing and American DVD release?
  12. what the hell wow good to see ya atma how you been? ATMUH couldn't think of a third line of whitetext sorry HOW!? i threw in this whitetext here so you'd find the rest
  13. you'd think after this many gundam shows people would start to realize that protagonist doesn't mean good guys. It follows the gundams because it's called Gundam, but that doesn't mean the morality is black and white and the gundam pilots are doing the right thing all the time. Before the Memento Mori, I was leaning toward the A-LAWS despite their harsh methods.
  14. happy birthday BEE-JEE-SEE now go make more awesome no you can't have cake well maybe we can strike a deal one slice per new remix ice cream's gonna cost extra so let's not even go there
  15. i dunno where all the hate for 00 Season 2 is coming from, I've been enjoying the character development immensely. Then again, i'm only just under halfway through, so maybe I just haven't seen enough.
  16. Slayers. How could i forget Slayers! one of the best anime ever made. Everyone go watch it if you haven't, everything else be damned
  17. Cottus, your alive!!!! Yeah so I lied earlier. Threw together a little something in the last minute since i couldn't put anything good on paper all month.
  18. sorry not gonna be entering this one... can't seem to draw anything fight-sy right now. head's been in another place lately
  19. Recently finished watching Claymore, Chobits, and Kaze no Stigma Claymore was almost as awesome as Devil May Cry and Chobits was a welcome departure from depressing downer-ending anime. Kaze no Stigma was... cool, i guess. Oh, and Code Geass was lame after season 1 ended. Causality just doesn't stick it's neck out that far to try and ruin the life of one person. Going a bit further back, I finally finished all of the Evangelion stuff, got clinically depressed, and moved on only to find they're remaking it so i'll be obligated to watch that depressing dysfunctional cast angst all over themselves while blowing crap up again. at least i get to gawk at ZOMFG REI BANDAGE GIRL again! Watching S2 of Gundam 00 as well, and rather enjoying it, though i'm only 8 eps in at the moment. Started Black Lagoon, but i doubt I'll finish it. Tried to watch the Negima anime, but found it harder to get into than the manga. I'll probably just watch Gurren Lagann again.
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