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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Got you added everywhere else so I figured what the hell :P

  2. This project sucks balls No rly, this project sucks balls jk you guys do this OST justice ok?
  3. Come on AIMMMM

  4. come on msn dude, got something for you

  5. I have given in a wip to emu, now everyone bug proto instead.
  6. hey dude could you send me your heroes vs villians track?

    thanks :)

  7. In soviet russia, Beard shave YOU sorry XD
  8. No he isn't, his beard makes him exempt from any and all limitations of his species. EDIT: mirby agrees yes he does
  9. Birthdays! I love birthdays! Drinks all around! so, happy birfday to one of the coolest members of the community
  10. Yeah, I got shown this by level 99... Its an amazing software, level 99 downloaded it slowed down door into chaotix for me (I don't have the right pc to run the software myself) because he is stupid amounts of awesome, and it sounds incredible.
  11. Protodome, the proto of glitchy crazyness gives us glitchy crazyness. Cool use of crazy automation and effects to personalize your style. I think you might tend to put a little too much treble on this, but I can live with it. Cool arrangement, production is solid... you need to introduce the world to jazzy proto now. Horrible remix name is horrible. Worst remix name ever, whoever came up with THAT one is a limey noob and should be shot at dawn.
  12. lol I was actually doing something similar to this but this completely outdoes anything I was doing by a mile.
  13. Ah yes, Oracle of Seasons... just one of the Gazillion projects i'm currently on :)

    Well I hope I end up doing it justice for you :D

  14. That question was directed at halc, not at you, hence the post on his wall :P but it looks like no one is going to tell me anyway :P

  15. Happy birthday to one of the coolest and most talented people on the site
  16. You can't post here, you judge wips, not post them So, nice source, cliche source title, finalfantasyblahblahblah Panning intro still there so I assume you want to fuck with my brain. After that tho... nice. Classic halc which means good production, and cool arrangement ideas. Carry on.
  17. I approve. Zebra - Wait until the summers gone. Underrated!
  18. Heh two games with completely different fighting engines as part of one game... seems like they are going to need to find a middle ground for how the two games work together to make cohesive gameplay mechanics. Looked at the gameplay and it looks like it could work but I feel like something such as soul calibur vs tekken or street fighter vs battle arena toshinden would have worked better. Then again, everyone probably would prefer street fighter vs tekken anyway due to popularity of the two games... I just hope this isn't a cash in, but hey, its capcom and they usually do a good job.
  19. AHHHH!!!! you are no longer J64H?

    The world has gone INSANE.


  20. Can someone tell me what emunator means. I don't get it :P

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