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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Well tbh its up to you, but i'd stick with one month and just pester everyone like a dog pesters his owner for a walk rather than have 2 months wait and leave everyone to get on with it themselves
  2. yep, we did lots of versions, and I had some others before hand, the 13 you've seen are just from when rozo came in and started messing with it. Also, july 31 deadline = too far Only need two weeks I reckon, everyone will forget otherwise.
  3. I do not remember signing up for this. I'm going INSANE.
  4. thats my work for this project done then. i'm out of here, smell you guys later.
  5. Ok deadline is on August 20th I want to see substantial WIPS at this point, fairly close to completion. Let me know before the deadline if you might have a problem with this. I'll update the forums.
  6. Blame halc or proto. Can't remember who came up with that but it wasn't me
  7. Never had a working title, was just route 225 for ages. I did call one version of it oh yeah tho, because of that intro. We were going to call it growth, harden, string shot but I thought it would be inappropriate
  8. When I first came to ocremix, the first remix I downloaded was this one. When I first heard this mix I was very impressed with the production values and thought to myself that everyone who submitted on the site must be a big step beyond my skills at that point and I wasn't wrong So... what do I think of this now? Well, its zircon so production is crisp and very clean. Only complaints I have which are nitpicks are the slightly piercing sine wave lead. Also, I find the ending slightly disappointing as the pad has too much release on it and notes from the chord before the tonic when the ending note hits can be heard which brings down the ending, not to mention it cuts off (I did a cut off ending in my own mix of this theme however so I can't talk ) Nitpicks from the production aside, its very impressive, great job on that, tho I wouldn't expect anything less from zircon. The arrangement wasn't as good as the production I feel. The arrangement and production combined invoked a very dreamlike soundscape which suits the game well enough, but the excitement I get from the original was missing, and I felt that the arrangement could have been a tad more daring, it seemed pretty standard to me. Still a cool mix tho, recommended.
  9. Congratulations! Wish you all the best for a great wedding and a happy marriage
  10. Yeah spotify would be a great place to have ocremixes, altho you can import your itunes library into spotify now so its a bit pointless for those that have remixes on their itunes. As for the podcast idea, I like that but it would mean the artist would have to be OverClocked Remix or something similar with the artist in the file name... A small drawback but for those that download the remixes from itunes, they might get the idea that ocremix is one person or something, and as silly as that sounds, i've seen people make that mistake before
  11. Well if it helps, I can get you protodomes tracks and I got My Greatest Rival as well. I don't know if the artists have updated them since but I doubt it. Rozo tells me he's going to get his in, Tweeks is on OCR so you can get that from there. I know that people haven't forgotten about it, they just need a kick up the backside
  12. Don't know how much of this has been said already, haven't looked through the thread but here goes: Personally, I use a combination of reason and Pro tools for my set up which works very well. Reason is great for sequencing and pro tools is the industry standard for mixing and mastering, altho it isn't great for home use really, its better as part of a big professional studio with a mixing desk etc. Reason is great for what it is which is a self contained program, so it doesn't have vst support or support plug-ins etc - I like to think of it as a plug-in itself In other words if you use lots of plug ins and VSTS I wouldn't go with reason. However, you can actually get it with record which is used for recording (duh) so i'd consider going with that rather than pro tools, I hear from people that use it that it works well with reasons set up. FL studio is a popular choice and I hear it has a very user friendly sequencer, but I'm not a user of the software. Alot of people don't think its up to scratch as reason or logic etc (which I believe is false as it can be used to a very professional standard- see zircon's music). My suggestion is to download demos and see which one works best for you. We can advise and opinion-ate all day but everyone has a different view with these things, and only you can know which one you will like the most
  13. i'd send everyone who hasn't sent in tracks PMs to get them in asap.
  14. Heh about time they did this. I gotta admit that it was pretty awesome seeing the fast pace battles, but it was a little taxing watching them power up for a whole episode before the battle and next episode, there was a 5 minute action sequence where they kick the crap out of each other and then 20 minutes of small talk and telling each other how much more powerful they are than the other
  15. Where are you man? (echoes)

  16. Anything by joe satriani. Instrumental music with an emphasis on catchy melodies. His music could be in any video game circumstances I reckon, his style of rock is quite diverse. He's actually got some tracks of his in video games iirc, but not much. Also, Vince Dicola deserves a mention, Training montage would make great video game music.
  17. Tbh, I can see where you are coming from with that first review. I think the problem with reason 4 is that its a big change to reason 3, in terms of the sequencer mostly. I actually had several people I know warning me away from it when it first came out and they swear by it now I have to say with reason 4, give it a chance, you might not like the changes at first but it grows on you. That's come about a year or 2 too late, but judging from gario's post, there are people have haven't upgraded yet who might plan on it.
  18. That seems a bit harsh (in relation to the bitrate guideline). Everyone makes mistakes, i've done that very same thing before. Personally, I think they should put it conditional on bitrate change if that occurs, it would mean it would be put in the conditional queue and the remixer would then have to contact a judge to see what the problem is. Also, while i'm posting, could you guys update the judging queue? hasn't been updated in a month
  19. I love it

    Beast song.

  20. Dragonball Z Budokai - Challengers same Song Structure, same chords. Coincidence? I think not, seeing as there are two other songs in that game that do the same thing to two other songs on the album that stratovarious song came off Not to mention two journey songs and a few black sabbath songs to top it all off. The composer for the budokai games was Kenji Yamamoto, but I don't seem to know of any soundalike songs on the metroid soundtrack
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