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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. This seems fine by me. I've certainly had alot of fun from this compo and learnt alot from it. I'm not going to pretend i'm not disappointed with this outcome, but the fact I got so far makes me happy to have participated, and we got some great music from some great artists, which was the point of this compo. Now, lets get this album released
  2. Well Level 99 is right, the only reason I haven't updated my mix is because I wasn't sure if I was allowed too. Since it hasn't been stated when the tracks will be posted i'll start revisions on my track, I didn't think I'd done the final round justice. i'm not going to throw the blame on anyone here for this but I think darkesword as the competition moderator could let us know any important developments should something similar to this happen in later compo's. For now, i'll just perfect my mix and await zircon to get around to his own mix when he has the time.
  3. Well i'd wait for darkesword to post the tracks tbh... don't want to post publicly, this compo is still going until the point darke decides to end it.
  4. well its been over a month... I gave in my entry at the deadline, but nothing is happening. I reckon if zircon hasn't done an entry, he isn't going to at this point... all this waiting is starting to get tedious imo, and i'm past the point of caring about the outcome
  5. ARGH a new avatar???? Has the world gone insane? I'm not going to recognize you in the forums now. Avatar is still cool tho :P

  6. Does anybody here know how to use Max MSP? I've been using it for my university course and i'm having some trouble with it. Anyone who knows how to use it could you contact me via PM and i'll explain to you in more detail my problem. Thanks in advance.
  7. Jade sent me this when bLiNd first finished it and since then its been a staple for my itunes. Great build up, fantastic source, remixed in a creative way, amazing production... this one ticks all the boxes. bLiNd has pretty much been bringing out masterpiece after masterpiece for the whole time he has been on ocr and he just ups the anti again and again. I just can't wait to hear what you come up with next man. Keep up the fantastic work.
  8. This one takes my pic for my fav of the 4 posted sonic mixes today. This is a great example of taking a source that had the potential to be awesome but didn't quite fulfil it, and realizing that potential. Some might disagree, but thats my opinion here. I agree that the production isn't the best it could be here, but its not anything that detracts from how awesome this mix is. The arrangment is what really gives this one the punch into overdrive, its got a much better groove than the original which makes this a very satisfying listen. Mr 99, I salute you
  9. I like 80's music. By default I should love this to bits and I do Really tasteful take on this source, solid production, funky groove, and sounds appropeiately like Micheal Jackson in some places. In other words, awesome
  10. Production on this one is very very impressive. Perhaps a little too compressed for my tastes but nothing wrong with that for what you're going for. I really like the direction to took this in - imo you can't really outdo the source but this one has come pretty close by putting it in a completely different style and its succeeded well Nice work.
  11. Well this basically classic halc. In other words, if you like lots of chiptune awesome with a very clear and ambient soundscapes, then you'll most like this one. I'm not sure I like the fact you kept the bass on the tonic key during the verse sections but this is a personal gripe. I gotta agree with proto that the out of air section with the tempo speed increase is a very clever and unique move, props Another solid chip mix from halc
  12. Well FUCK. Like i'd put badges and gyms together My bad, I have corrected the mistake
  13. From the ones I know - Champion's Horizon - Willrock (G&S Route 27) The Mighty Mighty Pokemon - Level99 (Main Theme) Out of Antidote - Cerrax (R&B Viridian Forest?) Slowpoke Shuffle - Willrock07 (G&S Azalea Town) Bullet for My Piloswine - Halc, Protodome, Willrock (D&P Route 225, G&S Staff Roll) Casino Lounge - gslicer and Another Soundscape (G&S Lucky Number Channel) Spume - Rozovian - (R&B Surfing Theme?) Blue Haze -Rozovian and Willrock (R&B Route 1) Viridian Vibe - Prophet of Mephesto (R&B Viridian City) Battle For The Badge - fishy - (R&B Gym Battle) Game On - Fishy - (Game start) TEEM.ROKIT - tweek - (R&B Team Rocket Theme?) Rain Prayer - Protodome (R&B Route 1) Hope To See You Again Soon... - ProtoDome and Level99 (Pokemon Center Theme) Jigglypuff Choir - Dragon Avenger - Take a wild guess On The Origin of The Species - ProtoDome (R&B Evolution Theme) Still Waiting For: Clash of the Titans - pu_freak - ? Cycling with the Wind - pu_freak - Bike theme?
  14. Anso, you have a way of making music sound weird. And thats cool weird. Sweet idea for the change up to the minor scale for the theme, a great creative idea that paid off well. Also, very good work on the modulating leads, they are really something else. Solid work from one the ocremix conquerors, good stuff
  15. Happy Birthday man :)

  16. This is some great jazz music right here. All the instruments just blend together seemlessly, the production is great, and everything here clicks. A very groove oriented mix with some funk added in for good measure, with lots of electric piano and organ solos that really leaves you feeling satisfied when it ends. Strongly recommended.
  17. Had this one in my playlist since it was released and it really does stand out from the crowd in a good way. Technically impressive and more importantly - creative playing on both instruments - makes this something a little more interesting than the average remix and gives a sense of unpredictability without alienating the listener. My only complaint with this is the slightly piercing piano which makes this a little hard to listen to at loud volumes, but in all seriousness, this is the most minor of nitpicks. Not sure what to say other than download it right now. Even if you think you hate improvisational jazz, give this one a go, you just might be surprised by how much you like it
  18. I've always thought that jenovas theme has been slightly overrated (I've always found it boring for some reason) and from a personal taste stand point, this remix didn't quite fix this problem for me However, this remix is pretty much in the realms of untouchable from the word go - the production is flawless, and really gives this remix an unparalleled power that really brings it to fantastic heights. That said, I still find the arrangement of the source slightly boring (but like I said I think its a source dislike so no discredit to blind) Not his best work imo, but it is probably his most identifiable mix, and for my money the essential jenova remix, which is saying something as their are so many.
  19. Probably my favorite OA mix to date, this is one of his more heavy remixes. Production is solid, altho the drums are times sound strangely distant. Great balance between guitar and synth parts, which really balances things out. Guitar playing is very solid, but at the same time seems like it lacks expression :/ Very enjoyable however, strongly recommended
  20. Project Chaos is for me one of the best albums to come from this site, and the one I can identify most with, and i'd say this track for me is my fav of the bunch. The intro is a great idea as you can picture sonic running through the death egg zone just before the final battle commences... then the guitars hit at about double the volume and they really hit hard. Things hit full force pretty quick and you're treated to some heavy guitar work, shredding guitar leads, and blistering synth solos that really make this one essential. Production is about as good as it can get, and the performances are spot on, but the synth solos really take the spotlight, which are just allover the place, and excessive without becoming boring. My only slight problem with this mix is the lead guitar work as it sounds rather emotionless when there is no shredding going on... you need more expression in your playing However, this mix as I said is essential. Your OC Remix playlist simply isn't complete without it. Download it now
  21. Ah, Sixto's debut. This mix is a bit of a landmark point in ocr's long history for this reason. This is pretty rocking, as per Sixto's usual as we came to find out, and the source is a classic if not slightly unoriginal (castlevania music lends itself to rock making it a very obvious style choice to a remix) However, I wouldn't say this remix is sixto's best work by a long shot. The remix is a slightly slower tempo than the source for a start, which makes the track pod along at a fair pace, but it doesn't get me excited particularly. The nature of the arrangement will however cause a lot of people to enjoy this one as a cover with good production and impressive solos is all many will want, and in this respect, this remix succeeds brilliantly. For some reason, the drums are particually loud in this remix, too much so as they can distract from the technically impressive guitar solo later on where this remix really starts to shine. However, for a debut remix, this is great stuff. A solid debut mix from Sixto, but nothing jaw dropping imo. Reccommended if you like castlevania music or rock music
  22. Agreed, just wrap this up and leave out the ones for people that you haven't heard from if there isn't a way of getting the artists without them giving them to you.
  23. Well OverClocked Remix tend to not like it if you use music made outside games. If you read the submission standards: If i'd used the power rangers theme prominently it probably would not have hit the front page. Remember this is a remix made for the game, not the TV series itself.
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