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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Well Polysynths are basically synths with which you can play more than one note at the same time with - hence the term poly. On the other side, you have monosynths, which if you play one note, and then press another at the same time, the note will glide or just switch to the most recent pressed note instead of playing them both at the same time. These are best suited as lead sounds as a result monosynths tend to sound more thin than polysynths... there are exceptions to this rule but the more fat polysynth lead sound didn't quite seem to fit in the case I was saying imo. And the production is basically the way your mix sounds... the mixing (volume/panning/EQing/effects etc) and mastering which is the final polishing of a master track at the end.
  2. You know, if bad samples are a problem, you can download some great free vsts if you look in the right places... I'd suggest looking in this thread - http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4556 if you haven't already
  3. Hey there, welcome to OCR. A mod review is when a mod reviewer on the forums (either Emunator, halc, or Nutritious iirc) critiques your track to see if its worth subbing to the judges panel... this is to try and decrease the judges panels job of sorting through a lot of remixes that obviously don't hit the site guidelines. So... review. To start of with, I think your intro is fairly weak... that guitar sample doesn't sound quite realistic, however, you could get away with that as the idea of starting with a similar sound to the source will increase the nostalgia factor. Then the clapping starts, which sounds pretty newbish, no velocity changes there, sounds very static and midi-like. However, things to get better when the kick and bass come in. It doesn't sound brilliant, but you have a strong kick, however the tone might not be right, I think the kick could do with more bass, really get a big bass presence there. Your synths don't sound amazing, but I have heard alot worse. It seems to me that your weak point is sampling... the guitar sample is very midi-ish and doesn't quite suit the style anyway... I'd opt for a real guitarist there or a completely different approach for that, the guitar atm just doesn't cut it. You do have some pretty cool synth lines tho, I'd work on them, just get rid of that sampled guitar. Stuff does start to get a little muddy at busier sections (when the lead comes in at 1:39) i'd consider bringing up the highs of the lead slightly or maybe move up the pitch an octave . That lead sound also sounds pretty generic and bland... I'd opt for changing it up a little over time... maybe automate the filter envelop or something... it sounds much better as a polysynth than a lead - for example at 2:15. 2:15 onwards is by far the best part of the remix, the leads are pretty good (use leads like this at 1:39) and everything starts to click here. Sure its not amazing, but its pretty strong material that shows some promise. Production isn't great tho, it lacks some needed punch in the bass frequencies, and the polysynth and leads occupy similar frequency ranges. I think you should consider getting rid of the guitar, with the exception of the beginning and end source motif - that's a good nostalgia moment. As for the arrangment, its not bad but I think you'll have to do a little more to pass at ocr - more variation would be nice (the last minute is a good example of what you need to do variation wise to pass at ocr, do more of that) a change up of the chords perhaps, and i'd love to hear a breakdown somewhere with some source motifs scattered around somewhere ^-^. This shows alot of promise atm, but its going to need a bit of work to get on ocr. Nice Work!
  4. Not heard your stuff in a while dude, but this is showing one hell of an improvement to your other stuff i've heard imo. Guitar tone is pretty cool, I like it when guitars have some cool effects on them like chorus here (correct me if i'm mistaken). It makes them more interesting imo. The rhythm and lead guitar together slightly mud up the mix tho... i'd consider trying to beef up the mids of the rhythm guitars or doubling the guitars again to increase the stereo width, maybe add a stereo imager on them. Also, I wouldn't pan them completely hard left hard right - i'd try and have it so the guitars aren't completely at the center of the mix. In fact, everything seems to be centered atm and thats proven at least from the screen shot in reaper... pan some stuff man, make sure its not completely in mono At the moment the bass seems decidedly uninteresting... I'd try and add some little bass melodies in there somewhere (think iron maiden) so its not completely forgotten. The guitars pretty much take the spotlight and you can forget the bass is even there if all you play is the root note of the chord in heavy metal music I know that seems like a tall order due to the fact the bass is recorded but it would make the track better and you could work some variations of the theme in there The drums - don't sound so bad, but the tone of the kick isn't that great imo, its got a weird click to it and its too loud, it shouldn't be that noticeable. I can't say too much about the arrangment but i'm not sure about variation amounts here at this point, you might be sticking too close to the source... I need to listen to the source more before I make any judgements there (I might edit this post with arrangement feedback at some point) but I'd say you need a cool section without the drums at some point Pretty good stuff man, sorry about the mega long post, hope you find this useful
  5. Gotta pretty much echo my man halc here. I think what you got isn't that bad imho, but it could be so much better. Listening to the sources and your remix it seems like what you got is a little too close to the original. Try more Variation! As for the samples, the intro piano and strings are pretty weak. The guitar that comes in is much better, but the drums and bass are incredibly weak and pretty much destroy all the energy that you could get from this. You need to boost the level of the kick and snare to a more audible volume before I can comment on them properly but from what I can here, the snare sounds a little dry and the kick lacks punch. The strings and choirs aren't great but you might be able to get away with them more buried in the soundscape. You need to bring up the drums and bass and get a strong bass foundation for the style you are going for, the sound is far too airy for the style of rock/metal you are going for. I think its a shame you subbed this, because as it is, there isn't any chance of it passing the panel, but keep on working on this... its going to need a whole lot of work but I think its possible to get this one above the bar
  6. 90GB of samples? goodbye hard drive space Still, looks pretty cool. I might get an upgrade if my computer if I can
  7. I love Tim Follins work, can I do something for this? I don't know when it would be but i'm very interested, i've wanted to remix silver surfer music for a while.
  8. Woah. Props on this, great production and arrangment, sounds awesome, and is enjoyable as hell. Sub this if you haven't already.
  9. I dunno, I was sick of the theme and out of inspiration for flash man, anything I tried to add just made the track worse. I'm not saying its a good excuse, but its the reason there isn't much flashman there. As for Maverick, i'm not sure i'll be competing. This compo burnt me out somewhat but I guess we'll see
  10. In my defense on the lack of flash man in this remix, you try remixing flash mans theme 6 times in row and make it interesting each time
  11. [streets of Rage] Axel / Mr. X - Willrock/Zyko Altho I'd forgotten about this. Don't know about zyko, haven't spoken to him in a while.
  12. Street fighter and tekken? I'm not completely up on the recent street fighter games but this seems like a somewhat random combination to me
  13. Don't see any reason not to post my final mix here: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/hsxs Enjoy guys.
  14. Sonic is running for the finish line... but Pikachu used Agility! Who will reach the end first?
  15. You guys suck, your remix sucks, why has ocr posted this shit, ZOMG. jk Ok so its quite obvious that this isn't a mix that should be taken seriously. Its not really what I would call a great remix, but then again, I wouldn't call Rabbit Joint Cover or music of my groin great remixes per say. But they are damn good fun, and pretty funny, and i'd say this is something more along those lines than what you'd usually see here on ocr. I'm not sure if this is my style of humor like those two, but i'm not going to say its bad for it. Its not for everyone sure, but its a good laugh for those that enjoy it, which is all that you need imo
  16. This album is going to be released in the sound of speed. Wait let me try that again.
  17. i'm here, my track is still in the works tho.
  18. Its old yeah, but he's a classic example of a negative video game reviewer and deserves a thread at ocr. I approve. Just stay clear of the irate gamer
  19. Don't worry about that - i'm planning on adding some more diverse instrumentation. Rozo - Nice beard. Wouldn't it be a shame if it was accidentally and brutally shaven off
  20. http://tindeck.com/listen/ncrc Going for a chariots of fire type remix. Source:
  21. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA omg proto sir you are full of win. Also, as a limey noob, I should have been on that project... my bad.
  22. shameless plug: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02060/ If you want rock or metal, check out Sixto Sounds - http://ocremix.org/artist/4685/sixto-sounds Imo, he is one of the best remixers on the site for Rock/Metal.
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