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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Afraid John Revoredo is going to be away from ocremix till mid july so contact me about anything project related.
  2. np dude, i'll try and fill in best I can till you get back ;)

  3. nah, i'm just catching up with people...

    busy huh? :P

    Yeah i'm busy too, having to put some ocr stuff on hold seeing as uni has reared its ugly head :P

    I finish pretty soon tho so i'm happy :D

    As you can see I have nothing of interest to say other than... get your wip in for BC! :D

    no deadline as of yet so don't worry about it but i'm going to contact john at some point with a deadline in mind so i'll keep you posted there

  4. i'm doing good man, trying to balance uni and ocr in my life without neglecting either... also need to go on the bc forums more hahaha.

    Btw, when you have a wip for the project, just send me my way, Deadlines at the moment are a little thin on the ground, but i'm going to contact (or try to contact :P) john about it.

  5. My Mum isn't interested in game music, seems to think it all has a very similar sound to it, which does have some truth to it, however she is a musician, teaches the piano and is a music teacher at her school. My dad listens to music, but nothing more than that, he was turned off when I played him my mix from knuckles chaotix My sister seemed to think OCR was weird at first, but she did really like Zelda: Link's Awakening Secret Seashells OC ReMix when I played it her (she loves links awakening) Going to win her over with the missingo tracks when it comes out, she is a bigger pokemon nerd than I am, somehow. As far as this stuff goes, I tell them stuff that happens regarding stuff on the site involving me, but I don't show them anything much, they aren't that interested sadly.
  6. Sup Nutritious.

    Random and pointless observation - you and I have the same post count :P

  7. Hey dude, hows it going? :P

  8. Ah of course. Exactly the things I'm not talkative, friendly or secretive. If you get my meaning :P

    Also, thats the second time I've mentioned that to you.

    I'm so original it seems :P

  9. you have 12 pages of comments, 84 friends, and 6000 profile views.


  10. Hows it going gario :P

  11. DJ Mokram, hows it going dude?

  12. what kind of a name is halc anyway

  13. Emu means a bird right... so you're... a bird killer... what did birds ever do to you? :P

  14. yeah thats zircon Its off his album Antigravity.
  15. Pretty much have to agree here, I was thinking exactly this yesterday when I listened to it. Not to say this is bad at all (its pretty damn awesome, and I still enjoy this more than the best output of other ocremixers) but I still think you can do better than this That said, I gotta say I'm loving the stylistic fusions going on here, really gives a unique and pleasing sound.
  16. I'd have to recommend Journey - Escape. Pretty much a perfect blend of hard rock and soul felt ballads, and captures the essence of the 80's better than any other album of the era.
  17. Well, when it comes to this stuff, I don't know much so take what I say with a pinch of salt proto Getting into the music industry is alot by chance from what i've seen. David Wise for example worked at a music shop and showed people the instruments you could buy. A couple of people from rare came in looking at some keyboards and david showed them some demos which demonstrated what it could do and they asked him to work as a composer because they were impressed with his musicianship. Also, I believe Beatdrop got on the dance revolution soundtrack when he entered a competition to do with the game..., and they asked him if they could use it in the actual game I hear... i'm not sure of details here (anyone else who knows stuff about this feel free to correct me) but getting into the industry is a matter of being in the right place at the right time, from what i've seen you just have to get your talents out to the world in whatever way possible. I'm not sure if any of that info is useful man, I know your more looking for the workings of the industry than rather how to get into it, but I hope thats useful nonetheless
  18. Damn awesome... Why don't you have any posted mixes from after 2003? Your stuff is great, would be great to see you back on the front page.
  19. This is a Genesis vs SNES remix of Various Themes From the sonic and mario series... I did the genesis sonic parts, and protodome did the SNES mario parts. This is not meant for submission, this was just something we did for lolz. http://tindeck.com/listen/lyem Giving credit where credit is due... this was inspired by shnabubula's dueling consoles
  20. well whenever I use vibrato, I map it AMT of the LFO to the mod wheel so I have an easy amount of control on vibrato... one thing to mention about this tho is that when I was a noob that didn't know how reason worked, I actually automated the pitch bend function in a way that would emulate vibrato - its a pretty slow and annoying way to do it, but if you know what your doing, you can get more control on your vibrato than from using LFO, and therefore, a more realistic vibrato sound. If thats what you meant by manually putting in vibrato luke, I suppose that would be the way to do it.
  21. 4000

    you famous mofo

  22. yeah he's managed to worm his way on to spotify as well, but they for some reason have put the foo fighters as his most related artist
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