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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. 1 month left til the deadline guys! Those that haven't already, get your wips in!
  2. I have already said it, but Happy Birthday dude, hope you have a cool day
  3. Wow this is awesome... Nice use of effects to get a lush atmosphere... good synths... yeah I can dig this I thought the drums were a bit dry and flat at first but they got alot better as the mix progressed Your stuff reminds me of blinds music which is as good a compliment I can give you Can't say much on the arrangement as you haven't posted the source but If you have variation to the source and over 50% of source usage you should pass on that. Yeah submit it, very impressive..
  4. I'm a big fan of rock music myself and I often end up doing guitar influenced synth solos. One thing to suggest is not to try and simulate the sound of the guitar exactly - I have tried it before and it sounds like a cheap fake... You seem to be going the right way tho. One thing I suggest to help you, is download a midi backing track of a song with guitar, and try to recreate the lead guitar parts via midi, with pitch bending, vibrato and guitar harmonics etc. I did this with Joe Satriani's Always with Me Always with you and found it helped me alot with guitar like sequencing - here it is if your interested: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2085d2b85b577ae0b94117dade8fc2954bb6a402794b7007597b5d7f10aaff85 The sample doesn't sound particularly guitar like, but it has guitar characteristics in the sequencing which gives it that same feel as a electric guitar does. Don't try to get a synth sounding exactly like a guitar, thats too hard imo, just get some other guitarist to do it for you. Seriously, pick a guitar track and try to get it as close to the original as possible sequencing wise. Fun and a great way to figure out how to do guitar sequencing, but if your not happy with 'guitar synth sounds' then ask a guitarist to do something for you.
  5. Anyone who calls me willy must die. *runs to get shotgun" ON TOPIC: yeah I'm not going to sub it just yet, needs tweaking. Will post an update when i'm done tho
  6. Ok cool, I'll notify john to update the first post Thats the whole tracklist claimed Going swimmingly so far...
  7. Well I've finished the remix. I'm personally happy with it as is, got a great sound I think. If there are any major outstanding problems then let me know, going to leave it a week before I sub http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zw5nyeyzgtm Also,.,, need a name... any ideas?
  8. Hmm... I'm getting a new post for this track every 12 hours it seems You want a wip? Here http://www.mediafire.com/?juymqtzjjmd Leveling and eq issues but arrangement is nearly done
  9. Didn't know when I bounced it, but it would have taken about another 5 minutes and figured that it was fine as is. Not the final version right? Damn if it does it in the finished version... lol
  10. Sorry about the weird intro chord... Something went wrong when bouncing... EDIT: Updated link http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zw5nyeyzgtm
  11. any band with mutherpluckin B in is going to rock. Just sayin. and yeah, I like the choices... Journey to silius ftw
  12. Woah thats a lot of reading... Might compete, being a member of remixsite already, no reason not to Got an idea in mind already
  13. I like the new design, but don't like the removal of the sidebar at this point since I used it solely for navigation since I signed up. Still, i'll give it a few days for myself to adjust
  14. Bump. So, deadline isn't for a while - still, any progress on the tracks dudes? Gario, I will comment on your track in a bit, so bare with me
  15. Just to clarify, yes, any track can be taken multiple times on the Bionic Commando project. However, unclaimed tracks take priority and would be preferred to be mixed in if you choose a source that is already taken. Also, we don't want to see about 5 mixes of the same track on the project so bare that in mind as well This is a great thread btw, I have found out that I am currently on about 7 projects atm
  16. Hey dude, this is sounding cool. I think some of the samples sound a little thin, and the intro sounds a little weak. I don't think this is quite there yet, but its nearly there I'd send it to a judge before you submit, find out what they think of it. In its current state, I'd expect a resubmit... altho i'm basing this on production, and I don't know shit about it so I don't know. Could pass I guess A link to the source maybe? I can be more use with the arrangment
  17. Back in the day when I was about 5 I watched power rangers - was awesome, used to love it. Lost it with turbo in my opinion, and now... it sucks from what I have seen. The Original MMPR however was sick. Will watch and give my thoughts in a bit Hmm... well I've stopped at 3. It made me snigger a few times but most of it wasn't that funny imo... seen much better parodies, but credit to these guys for trying I guess
  18. Why haven't I posted in this thread yet? Well I remember when this was on the wip board and thinking how awesome it was. Its still awesome This gets the Willrock seal of approval
  19. Oh oh oh a kill damned campaign? Can I join for no good reason? Btw, its GERRY, not Jerry, get it right
  20. I agree. Or post your reviews somewhere else and have a link so we can see all the reviews in one place A great idea btw... will be interesting to see what you think of certain mixers development, and the task of reviewing every track by DJPretzel... over 70 posted remixes or something
  21. Here are the remixes tagged with jazz, but there are more on the site i'm sure: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/tags.php?tag=jazz
  22. oh thats cool then I'd better get remixing btw, I can sub this if when I finish it right? seeing as its not an official project or anything... would put its going to be on the album in the write up tho
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